DVBCEXML ;ALB/GTS-557/THM-PRINT EXAM CHECKLIST FOR RO ; 5/16/91 1:52 PM ;;2.7;AMIE; **12**;Apr 10, 1995 ; K ^TMP($J) D HOME^%ZIS W @IOF,!!,"Print Exam Checklist for the Regional Office",!!! DEV S %ZIS="AEQ",%ZIS("A")="Output device: ",%ZIS("B")="0;P-OTHER" D ^%ZIS K %ZIS G:POP EXIT I IOM<132 D ^%ZISC U 0 W *7,!!,"A margin of 132 is required for this printout",!! H 2 G DEV I $D(IO("Q")) S ZTRTN="GO^DVBCEXML",ZTIO=ION,ZTDESC="Print Exam check list",ZTSAVE="" D ^%ZTLOAD W !!,"Request queued",!! H 2 G EXIT ; GO ; U IO S PG=1 S HD="VA Regional Office - "_$$SITE^DVBCUTL4 W !?(IOM-$L(HD)\2),HD S HD="Compensation and Pension Examination Request Worksheet" W !?(IOM-$L(HD)\2),HD D HDR D DRIVE W !!?13,"** Remarks:",! ; EXIT D:$D(ZTQUEUED) KILL^%ZTLOAD K AA,NAME,ZTSK,H,DVBCX,A,OLDEXM,HD G KILL^DVBCUTIL Q ; HDR W !!?15,"Veteran's Name: _________________________________________________",?90,"VAMC: __________________________" W !!?21,"C-Number: ____________________",?91,"SSN: __________________________" W !!?13,"Telephone-Day: _______________________ Night:_______________________ Power of Attorney: _________________" W !!?18,"Date Ordered: ____________________________",?92,"By: __________________________" W !!?14,"Priority of Exam: _________________________ ( ) Insufficient Exam Dated: _______________________" W !?14," (See Remarks)" W !!?14,"( ) General Medical Examination ( ) Review of Pertinent Medical Records in" W !?14," Claims Folder is Required Prior to Examination",!! Q DRIVE ; S DIF="^TMP($J,""DVBAR"",",XCNP=0 K ^TMP($J,"DVBAR") F ROU="DVBCEXM1" S X=ROU X ^%ZOSF("LOAD") K DIF,XCNP,ROU N LP,TEXT S LP=0,STOP=0 F S LP=$O(^TMP($J,"DVBAR",LP)) Q:(LP="")!(STOP) D .S TEXT=^TMP($J,"DVBAR",LP,0) .I (TEXT'[";;")!(TEXT[";AMIE;") Q .I TEXT["TOF" D HD2 .I TEXT["END" S STOP=1 Q .W:TEXT'["TOF" ?5,$P(TEXT,";;",2),! I $Y>55 D HD2 K ^TMP($J,"DVBAR"),TEXT,STOP,LP,PG,DVBAX,X Q ; HD2 S PG=PG+1 W @IOF,!?15,"Page: ",PG,!!?15,"Compensation and Pension Examination Request Worksheet, Cont.",!!! Q SETIOF ; ** Set device control var's D HOME^%ZIS Q