DVBCFEE ;ALB/GTS-557/THM-FEE BASIS COVER SHEET ; 7/1/91 7:48 PM ;;2.7;AMIE;;Apr 10, 1995 ; D HOME^%ZIS S FF=IOF ; COPY W @IOF,!,"Print Cover Sheet for Fee Exam",!!!,"Number of copies: " R DVBCCOPY:DTIME G:'$T!(DVBCCOPY=U) EXIT I +DVBCCOPY<1!(+DVBCCOPY>10) W *7,!!,"You cannot print less than one or more than ten copies per session.",!! H 3 G COPY W !!,"Fee exam cover sheets should be sent to a printer." S %ZIS="AEQ",%ZIS("A")="Printing device: " D ^%ZIS K %ZIS G:POP EXIT I $D(IO("Q")) S ZTRTN="GO^DVBCFEE",ZTIO=ION,ZTDESC="Print C&P Fee Cover Sheet",ZTSAVE("DVBC*")="" D ^%ZTLOAD W:$D(ZTSK) !!,"Request queued.",!! G EXIT GO U IO F DVBCX=1:1:DVBCCOPY D GO1 ; EXIT D:$D(ZTQUEUED) KILL^%ZTLOAD K DVBCCOPY,DVBCX G KILL^DVBCUTIL ; GO1 W:(IOST?1"C-".E) @IOF K ^UTILITY($J,"W") D ^DVBCLTR W !!!,?(IOM-$L($$SITE^DVBCUTL4)\2),$$SITE^DVBCUTL4,!!!! F ZZI=0:1 S LY=$T(TXT+ZZI) Q:LY["END" S X=$P(LY,";;",2),DIWF="R",DIWR=80,DIWL=1 D ^DIWP D ^DIWW K LY,TXT W @IOF Q ; TXT ;;Notice to the fee basis physician: ;; ;; ;;The nature of a Compensation and Pension examination is different from the ;;regular exam that you perform. Unlike a regular examination where the ;;objective is to provide a diagnosis and a course of treatment, the C & P ;;examination is used to provide a diagnosis and assess the residual condition. ;;The payment of benefits, as determined by the VA Regional Office rating ;;board, is determined (in part) by your assessment of the Veteran's degree ;;of disability. ;;END