DVBCHMC1 ;ALB ISC/THM-TEXT FOR HEMATOLOGIC DISORDERS ; 12/9/90 11:16 AM ;;2.7;AMIE;;Apr 10, 1995 ; PTXT F AW=0:1 S AX=$T(@TXT+AW) S AY=$P(AX,";;",2) W:AY="END" !! Q:AY="END" W AY,! Q ; TXT1 ;; 1. Note whether disease is currently active or in remission - ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; 2. Note frequency of and average duration of acute attacks or sickling ;; crises - ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; 3. Note level of physical activity the veteran is capable of between acute ;; attacks/sickling crises and describe the state of general health between ;; episodes - ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; 4. Note whether sickling crises have produced any permanent organ or joint ;; impairment (e.g., splenic infarct or aseptic neurosis of femoral head) ;; and whether splenectomy or joint replacement has been necessary - ;;END