DVBCSDEV ;ALB/GTS-AMIE C&P APPT EVENT DRIVER ; 10/19/94 3:45 PM ;;2.7;AMIE;**1**;Apr 10, 1995 ; ;** NOTICE: This routine is part of an implementation of a Nationally ;** Controlled Procedure. Local modifications to this routine ;** are prohibited per VHA Directive 10-93-142 ; ;** Version Changes ; 2.7 - New routine (Enhc 13) ; ;** Variable Descriptions ;** DVBAORG = 1 Appointment event (Originating process variable) ;** SDAMEVT = 1 Make appointment event ;** 2 Cancel appointment event ;** 3 No Show appointment event ;** I DVBAAUTO exists, AMIE Make Event is not executed because ;** cancel/no show part of auto-rebook updated 396.95 ;** DVBAXST=1 - ^TMP("SDEVT",$J) exists ;** DVBATYPE=1 - C&P type appointment ; EN ;**AMIE Scheduling event driver main entry point K KDFN I '$D(DFN) N DFN S DFN=$P(SDATA,U,2),KDFN="" S DVBAORG=$$SDORGST^DVBCUTL5 I +DVBAORG=1 DO .S DVBAXST=$$SDEVTXST^DVBCUTL5 .I +DVBAXST=1 DO ..S DVBATYPE=$$SDEVTSPC^DVBCUTL5(16) ..I +DVBATYPE=1 DO ...I +SDAMEVT=1,('$D(DVBAAUTO)) D EN^DVBCMKLK ;** Original Make event ...I +SDAMEVT=1,($D(DVBAAUTO)) K DVBAAUTO ;** Auto-rebook Make event ...I +SDAMEVT=2!(+SDAMEVT=3) D EN^DVBCCNNS ;** Cancel/No show event ..K DVBATYPE .K DVBAXST K DVBAORG I $D(KDFN) K KDFN,DFN D KVARS^DVBCMKLK Q