DVBCVSC2 ;ALB ISC/THM-FIELD CHART FOR VISUAL EXAM ; 6/27/91 2:10 PM ;;2.7;AMIE;;Apr 10, 1995 ;**This program is temporarily not used -- thm 6/27/91 ; F I=1:1 S LY=$T(@LX+I) Q:LY["END" W $P(LY,";;",2),! Q ; TXT ; ;;Visual Fields in Degrees ;; ;;Meridian Right Eye Left Eye ;;________ _________ ________ ;; ;; ;;Up _________ _________ ; ;; Up+ (_______) (_______) ;; ;;Up nasal _________ _________ ;; ;; Up nasal+ (_______) (_______) ;; ;;Nasal _________ _________ ;; ;; Nasal+ (_______) (_______) ;; ;;Down nasal _________ _________ ;; ;; Down nasal+ (_______) (_______) ;; ;;Down _________ _________ ;; ;; Down+ (_______) (_______) ;; ;;Down temporal _________ _________ ;; ;; Down temporal+ (_______) (_______) ;; ;;Temporal _________ _________ ;; ;; Temporal+ (_______) (_______) ;; ;;Up temporal _________ _________ ;; ;; Up temporal+ (_______) (_______) ;; ;; ;;"Up+" indicates a meridian about halfway between "Up" and "Up nasal", ;;"Nasal+" a meridian intermediate between "Nasal" and "Down nasal". These ;;intermediate meridians are not used for evaluation purposes but are required ;;for smoothing the curves of the charted field(s). ;;END