DVBCWNS4 ;VMP/JER - SPINE WKS ; 12/04/03 2:00pm ;;2.7;AMIE;**60**;Apr 10, 1995 ;Per VHA Directive 10-92-142, this routine should not be modified ; ; IOM represents cpl (char per line) dependinf on printing selection ; The header will be centered for any print out ; EN D:'$D(IOF) SETIOF W:(IOST?1"C-".E) @IOF S DVBAX="Compensation and Pension Examination",TT=IOM-$L(DVBAX)\2 W !?TT,DVBAX S DVBAX="SPINE",PG=1 S TT=IOM-$L(DVBAX)\2 W !!?TT,DVBAX,!?(IOM-16\2),"# 1440 Worksheet" W !!,"Name: ",NAME,?45,"SSN: ",SSN,! W !,"Date of Exam: ____________________",?45,"C-number: ",CNUM W !!,"Place of Exam: ___________________",!! S DIF="^TMP($J,""DVBAW"",",XCNP=0 K ^TMP($J,"DVBAW") ;F ROU="DVBCWNS5","DVBCWNS6","DVBCWNS7","DVBCWNS8" S X=ROU X ^%ZOSF("LOAD") S X="DVBCWNS5" X ^%ZOSF("LOAD") K DIF,XCNP N LP,TEXT S LP=0,STOP=0 F S LP=$O(^TMP($J,"DVBAW",LP)) Q:(LP="")!(STOP) D .S TEXT=^TMP($J,"DVBAW",LP,0) .I (TEXT'[";;")!(TEXT[";AMIE;") Q .I TEXT["TOF" D HD2 .I TEXT["END" S STOP=1 Q .W:TEXT'["TOF" $P(TEXT,";;",2),! I $Y>55 D HD2 K ^TMP($J,"DVBAW"),TEXT,STOP,LP,PG,DVBAX,X Q ; HD2 S PG=PG+1 W @IOF,!,"Page: ",PG,!?10,"Compensation and Pension Exam for "_NAME,!! W "SPINE",!!! Q SETIOF ; ** Set device control var's D HOME^%ZIS Q