PSGWAOU ;BHAM ISC/PTD,CML-Identify How Returns Are to be Credited & if Inventories for the AOU Are to be Counted in AMIS ; 14 Feb 1989 1:35 PM ;;2.3; Automatic Replenishment/Ward Stock ;;4 JAN 94 W !!!,"For AMIS purposes, the system must know how to credit returns.",!,"Identify the ""usual"" method of drug distribution to be credited" W !,"for each AOU. Answer ""A"" for Automatic Replenishment or",!,"""W"" for Ward Stock - On Demand.",! W !,"For AMIS purposes, the system must know if inventories for this AOU",!,"are to be counted in the AMIS Stats File.",!,"For each AOU, answer ""yes"" or ""no"".",!! F AOU=0:0 S AOU=$O(^PSI(58.1,AOU)) Q:'AOU W !!?5,"Area of Use: ",$P(^PSI(58.1,AOU,0),"^") D RET Q:X="^" D CNT Q:X="^" DONE K AOU,X,DFLT Q ; RET K DFLT I $P(^PSI(58.1,AOU,0),"^",2)'="" S DFLT=$P(^(0),"^",2) W !?5,"Returns credited to: " W:$D(DFLT) $S(DFLT="A":"Automatic Replenishment",1:"Ward Stock - On Demand")," // " R X:DTIME S:'$T X="^" Q:"^"[X Q:'$D(DFLT)&(X="") I $D(DFLT) Q:((X="")!(DFLT=X)) I "AW"[$E(X) S $P(^PSI(58.1,AOU,0),"^",2)=$E(X) Q W *7,*7,!?10,"For AMIS purposes, identify the ""usual"" method",!?10,"of drug distribution for this AOU.",!?10,"Answer ""A"" for Automatic Replenishment." W !?10,"Answer ""W"" for Ward Stock - On Demand.",!?10,"All returns from the AOU will be credited to this method.",!! G RET ; CNT K DFLT I $P(^PSI(58.1,AOU,0),"^",3)'="" S DFLT=$P(^(0),"^",3) W !?5,"Count on AMIS? " W:$D(DFLT) $S(DFLT="1":"NO",1:"YES")," //" R X:DTIME S:'$T X="^" Q:"^"[X Q:'$D(DFLT)&(X="") I $D(DFLT) Q:((X="")!(DFLT=X)) I "YyNn"'[$E(X) W !?10,"Are inventories on this AOU to be counted for AMIS?",!?10,"Usually, the answer will be ""YES"".",!?10,"If the AOU is for INTERNAL Inpatient Pharmacy inventory ONLY,",!?10,"then answer ""NO"".",!! G CNT S $P(^PSI(58.1,AOU,0),"^",3)=$S("Nn"[$E(X):"1",1:"0") Q ;