ALPBPPAT ;OIFO-DALLAS MW,SED,KC-PRINT 3-DAY MAR BCBU BACKUP REPORT FOR A SELECTED PATIENT ;01/01/03 ;;3.0;BAR CODE MED ADMIN;**8**;Mar 2004 ; ; NOTE: this routine is designed for hard-copy output. ; Output is formatted for 132-column printing. ; F D Q:$D(DIRUT) .W !!,"Inpatient Pharmacy Orders for a selected patient" .S DIR(0)="PAO^53.7:QEMZ" .S DIR("A")="Select PATIENT NAME: " .D ^DIR K DIR .I $D(DIRUT) K X,Y Q .S ALPBIEN=+Y .S ALPBPTN=Y(0,0) .; get all or just current orders?... .S DIR(0)="SA^A:ALL;C:CURRENT" .S DIR("A")="Report [A]LL or [C]URRENT orders? " .S DIR("B")="CURRENT" .S DIR("?")="[A]LL=all orders in the file, [C]URRENT=orders not yet expired." .W ! D ^DIR K DIR .I $D(DIRUT) K DIRUT,DTOUT,X,Y Q .S ALPBOTYP=Y .; .; print how many days MAR?... .S DIR(0)="NA^3:7" .S DIR("A")="Print how many days MAR? " .S DIR("B")=$$DEFDAYS^ALPBUTL() .S DIR("?")="The default is shown; you may select 3 or 7." .W ! D ^DIR K DIR .I $D(DIRUT) K ALPBOTYP,DIRUT,DTOUT,X,Y Q .S ALPBDAYS=+Y .; .; BCMA Med Log info for how many ?... .S DIR(0)="NA^1:99" .S DIR("B")=$$DEFML^ALPBUTL3() .S DIR("A")="Select how many BCMA Medication Log history: " .S DIR("A",1)=" " .S DIR("?",1)="Select a number of BCMA Medication log entries" .S DIR("?",2)="for each of the patient's orders" .S DIR("?")="They are listed by the most current entry first" .D ^DIR K DIR .I $D(DIRUT) K ALPBOTYP,ALPBWARD,DIRUT,DTOUT,X,Y Q .S ALPBMLOG=Y .; .S %ZIS="Q" .S %ZIS("B")=$$DEFPRT^ALPBUTL() .I %ZIS("B")="" K %ZIS("B") .W ! D ^%ZIS K %ZIS .I POP D Q ..K ALPBIEN,ALPBPTN,POP .; .; output not queued... .I '$D(IO("Q")) D ..U IO ..D DQ ..I IO'=IO(0) D ^%ZISC .; .; set up the Task... .I $D(IO("Q")) D ..S ZTRTN="DQ^ALPBPPAT" ..S ZTIO=ION ..S ZTDESC="PSB INPT PHARM ORDERS FOR "_ALPBPTN ..S ZTSAVE("ALPBDAYS")="" ..S ZTSAVE("ALPBIEN")="" ..S ZTSAVE("ALPBMLOG")="" ..S ZTSAVE("ALPBOTYP")="" ..D ^%ZTLOAD ..D HOME^%ZIS ..W !!,$S(+$G(ZTSK):"Task "_ZTSK_" queued.",1:"ERROR: NOT QUEUED!") ..K IO("Q"),ZTSK .; .K ALPBDAYS,ALPBIEN,ALPBMLOG,ALPBOTYP,ALPBPTN,X,Y K DIRUT,DTOUT,X,Y Q ; DQ ; output entry point... K ^TMP($J) ; ; set report date... S ALPBRDAT=$$NOW^XLFDT() S ALPBPT(0)=$G(^ALPB(53.7,ALPBIEN,0)) M ALPBPT(1)=^ALPB(53.7,ALPBIEN,1) S ALPBPG=1 D HDR^ALPBFRMU(.ALPBPT,ALPBPG,.ALPBHDR) F I=1:1:ALPBHDR(0) W !,ALPBHDR(I) K ALPBHDR ; ; loop through orders and sort by order status... S ALPBOIEN=0 F S ALPBOIEN=$O(^ALPB(53.7,ALPBIEN,2,ALPBOIEN)) Q:'ALPBOIEN D .M ALPBDATA=^ALPB(53.7,ALPBIEN,2,ALPBOIEN) .; if report type is "C"urrent and stop date is less than .; report date, quit... .I ALPBOTYP="C" D Q:'$D(ALPBDATA) ..I $G(ALPBDATA(1))="" K ALPBDATA Q ..I $P(ALPBDATA(1),U,2)IOSL) D ....W @IOF ....S ALPBPG=ALPBPG+1 ....D HDR^ALPBFRMU(.ALPBPT,ALPBPG,.ALPBHDR) ....F I=1:1:ALPBHDR(0) W !,ALPBHDR(I) ....W ! ....K ALPBHDR ...F I=1:1:ALPBFORM(0) W !,ALPBFORM(I) ...K ALPBDATA,ALPBFORM ..K ALPBORDN .K ALPBOST K ALPBOCT ; ; print footer at end of this patient's record... D FOOT^ALPBFRMU ; K ALPBDAYS,ALPBMLOG,ALPBOIEN,ALPBORDN,ALPBOST,ALPBOTYP,ALPBPG,ALPBPT,ALPBRDAT,^TMP($J) I $D(ZTQUEUED) S ZTREQ="@" ; ; write form feed at end if output device is a printer... I $E(IOST)="P" W @IOF Q