PSBOBLU ;BIRMINGHAM/TTH-BUILD CONTROL CODES ;Mar 2004 ;;3.0;BAR CODE MED ADMIN;**2**;Mar 2004;Build 22 ;;Per VHA Directive 2004-038 (or future revisions regarding same), this routine should not be modified. ; ; Reference/IA ; ^%ZIS(2/3435 ; ^%ZIS(2/3884 ; N AB,ANS,CODE,NAME,PSBCHO,PSBCODE,PSBTYPE,X,Y ; W !," ***Important Note***" W !,"Before you execute the automatic control code update function, create a ",!,"new terminal type entry in your TERMINAL TYPE file (#3.2) to store the " W !,"new barcode printer control codes. The new terminal type entry needs to ",!,"be connected to the barcode printer device by inserting the new terminal " W !,"type entry name into the SUBTYPE field (#3) for the barcode printer entry ",!,"in your DEVICE file (#3.5). ",! W !,"This option will allow you to automatically copy the BCMA pre-formatted",!,"control codes for the Zebra barcode printer or Intermec barcode printer" W !,"to a device. Please select the appropriate BCMA pre-formatted control",!,"codes and then select the appropriate device.",! ; K DIR,DA,PSBCHO S DIR(0)="SX^1:Zebra Control Codes;2:Intermec Control Codes" S DIR("A")="Select 1 or 2" D ^DIR S PSBCHO=Y I $G(DIRUT) D END Q I PSBCHO["^" D END Q ; D IO ; END ;Clean Up Routine Variables K %ZIS,DA,DIC,DIE,DIR,DIROUT,DIRUT,DR,DTOUT,DUOUT,POP,X,Y Q ; ;Select Device ; IO S %ZIS("B")="" D ^%ZIS Q:POP Q:$G(DIRUT) ; ;Check system W !!,"Checking system status....",! I '$G(IOST(0)) W "No Terminal Type available." Q I '$D(DUZ(0)) W "No DUZ defined." Q I DUZ(0)'="@" W "FileMan access must be @." Q ; ;Check for existing control entry in Terminal Type file. I $D(^%ZIS(2,IOST(0),55,"B","SB")) W !!,"***Warning*** BCMA CONTROL CODES already defined for this device.",! W !,"Are you sure that you want to copy the ",!,"BCMA CONTROL CODES to device: ",ION,! ; WHAT ; Yes to continue No to Quit K DIR,ANS S DIR(0)="Y^O",DIR("B")="NO",DIR("T")=20 D ^DIR S ANS=Y Q:ANS["^" Q:ANS'=1 W " Copying Control Codes...",! ; I PSBCHO=1 D ZEBCC I PSBCHO=2 D INTMECC W !,"Done..." Q ; ZEBCC ;Zebral Barcode Printer Character Control Code auto install ; Use $SELECT function to set proper barcode printer control code variable "CODE" ; I '$D(^%ZIS(2,IOST(0),55,"B","SL")) S AB="SL",NAME="Start Label",CODE="W !,""^XA"",!,""^LH0,0^FS""" D FILE I '$D(^%ZIS(2,IOST(0),55,"B","EL")) S AB="EL",NAME="End Label",CODE="W !,""^XZ""" D FILE I '$D(^%ZIS(2,IOST(0),55,"B","ST")) S AB="ST",NAME="Start Text",CODE="W !,""^FO""_PSBTYPE_""^A0N,30,20^CI13^FR^FD""_TEXT_""^FS""" D FILE I '$D(^%ZIS(2,IOST(0),55,"B","SB")) S AB="SB",NAME="Start Barcode" D D FILE .S CODE="S PSBTYPE=$S(PSBSYM=""I25"":""B2N"",PSBSYM=""128"":""BCN"",1:""B3N"")" .S CODE=CODE_" S:PSBSYM="""" PSBBAR=""NO-CODE"" W !,""^BY2,3.0,80^FO20,100^""_PSBTYPE_"",N,80,Y,N^FR^FD""_PSBBAR_""^FS""" I '$D(^%ZIS(2,IOST(0),55,"B","STF")) S AB="STF",NAME="Start Text Field" D D FILE .S CODE="S PSBTYPE=$S(PSBTLE=""PSBDRUG"":""20,25"",PSBTLE=""PSBDOSE"":""20,60"",PSBTLE=""PSBNAME"":""350,60"",PSBTLE=""PSBWARD"":""350,90"",PSBTLE=""PSBLOT"":""350,120""," .S CODE=CODE_"PSBTLE=""PSBEXP"":""350,150"",PSBTLE=""PSBMFG"":""500,150"",PSBTLE=""PSBFCB"":""350,180"",1:""0,0"")" Q ; INTMECC ;Intermec Barcode Printer Character Control Code auto install I '$D(^%ZIS(2,IOST(0),55,"B","SL")) S AB="SL",NAME="Start Label",CODE="W ""R;"",!,""E2"",!" D FILE I '$D(^%ZIS(2,IOST(0),55,"B","EL")) S AB="EL",NAME="End Label",CODE="W """",!" D FILE I '$D(^%ZIS(2,IOST(0),55,"B","SB")) S AB="SB",NAME="Start Barcode",CODE="W """"_TEXT_"""",!" D FILE I '$D(^%ZIS(2,IOST(0),55,"B","ST")) S AB="ST",NAME="Start Text",CODE="W """"_TEXT_"""",!" D FILE I '$D(^%ZIS(2,IOST(0),55,"B","EBF")) S AB="EBF",NAME="End Barcode",CODE="W ""H8;o50,40;f3;c0;h1;w1;d0,80;"",!" D FILE I '$D(^%ZIS(2,IOST(0),55,"B","FI")) S AB="FI",NAME="Format Initialization",CODE="W ""C"",!,""P"",!,""E2;F2"",!" D FILE ; I '$D(^%ZIS(2,IOST(0),55,"B","SBF")) S AB="SBF",NAME="Start Barcode Field" D D FILE .S CODE="S PSBTYPE=$S(PSBSYM=""I25"":""c2,0"",PSBSYM=""128"":""c6,0"",1:""c0,0"")" .S CODE=CODE_" W ""B8;o85,40;f3;""_PSBTYPE_"";h50;w1;i1;do,25;p@;"",!,""I8;h1;w1;"",!" ; I '$D(^%ZIS(2,IOST(0),55,"B","FI1")) S AB="FI1",NAME="Format Initialization 1" D D FILE .S CODE="W ""H7;o30,260;f3;c0;h1;w1;d0,80;"",!,""H6;o50,440;f3;c0;h1;w1;d0,20;"",!," .S CODE=CODE_"""H5;o50,260;f3;c0;h1;w1;d0,20;"",!,""H4;o70,260;f3;c0;h1;w1;d0,35;"",!" ; I '$D(^%ZIS(2,IOST(0),55,"B","FI2")) S AB="FI2",NAME="Format Initialization 2" D D FILE .S CODE="W ""H3;o90,260;f3;c0;h1;w1;d0,35;"",!,""H2;o110,260;f3;c0;h1;w1;d0,35;"",!," .S CODE=CODE_"""H1;o110,40;f3;c0;h1;w1;d0,27;"",!,""H0;o130,40;f3;c0;h1;w1;d0,60;"",!" Q ; FILE ;Set local array for Intermec Barcode Printer Default Settings ; K DD,DIC,DIE,DO S DIC(0)="L",DA(1)=IOST(0),X=AB,DIC="^%ZIS(2,"_DA(1)_",55," D FILE^DICN K DD,DO S DIE=DIC,DA=+Y,DA(1)=IOST(0) S DR=".01////"_AB_";1////"_NAME_";2////^S X=CODE" D ^DIE Q