PSBVDLU3 ;BIRMINGHAM/TEJ-BCMA VDL UTILITIES 3 ;Mar 2004 ;;3.0;BAR CODE MED ADMIN;**13,38**;Mar 2004;Build 8 ;Per VHA Directive 2004-038, this routine should not be modified. ; ;This routine file has been created to serve as a container ;for Extrinsic Variables/Functions ; ; Reference/IA ; EN^PSJBCMA/2828 ; IVPTAB(PSBORTYP,PSBIVTYP,PSBINTSY,PSBCHMTY,PSBPUSH) ; ; ; This function will return ; the value 1 (one) if the ; specified order input will cause ; the order to display on the "IVP/IVPB" ; tab of the VDL BCMA Virtual Due List (VDL) ; else return the value 0 (zero). ; ; Input Parameters: ; ; PSBORTYP - Order type (e.g. "U","V") ; PSBIVTYP - IV Type (e.g. "P","S","C") ; PSBINTSY - Intermittent Syringe value ; PSBCHMTY - Chemo type (e.g. "P","S") ; PSBPUSH - IV PUSH Flag (e.g. 0 or 1, 1=IV PUSH) ; ; Output: ; 1 - order will display on the "IVP/IVPB" Tab of BCMA VDL ; 0 - order will NOT display on the "IVP/IVPB" Tab of BCMA VDL ; -1 - error processed ; Q:'$D(PSBORTYP) "-1^Missing Parameter" I PSBORTYP="U"&(PSBPUSH) Q 1 I '(PSBORTYP="V") Q 0 I $G(PSBIVTYP)="P" Q 1 I $G(PSBIVTYP)="S",$G(PSBINTSY)=1 Q 1 I $G(PSBIVTYP)="C",$G(PSBCHMTY)="P" Q 1 I $G(PSBIVTYP)="C",$G(PSBCHMTY)="S",$G(PSBINTSY)=1 Q 1 Q 0 ; SHOVDL(DFN,BDATE,OTDATE,PSBTAB) ; ; ; This function will find orders such as discontinued or expired infusing IV bags ; or discontinued or expired "given" patches. Recognizing these types of orders ; will allow these orders to be displayed on the VDL and permits the user to take ; action on them. This routine determines if such orders exist for patient, ; time, and "BCMA VDL tab." This routine is an "extention" to the API EN^PSJBCMA. ; ; INPUT Parameters: ; DFN (req) Patient Internal File Number. ; BDATE (opt) Start searching for "order stop" after this date. ; OTDATE (opt) Include One-Time orders from this date. ; PSBTAB (opt) "UDTAB" or "IVTAB" - expedites process if specific tab ; is given. ; ; OUTPUT Values ; 0 absolutely no orders to display on VDL ; 1 displayable orders have been located. ; ; D EN^PSJBCMA(DFN,$G(BDATE),$G(OTDATE)) ; any active Patch orders to show on VDL? S PSBFLG=0 I $G(^TMP("PSJ",$J,1,0))=-1 D .; .; Check the indexice for given patches or infusing IVs .; .; Check APATCH .D:($G(PSBTAB)="UDTAB")!($G(PSBTAB)="") Q:PSBFLG ..S PSBGNODE="^PSB(53.79,"_"""APATCH"""_","_DFN_")" Q:'$D(PSBGNODE) ..F S PSBGNODE=$Q(@PSBGNODE) Q:PSBGNODE="" Q:$QS(PSBGNODE,3)'=DFN Q:PSBFLG S PSBIEN=$QS(PSBGNODE,5),PSBFLG=$S($P(^PSB(53.79,PSBIEN,0),U,9)="G":1,1:0) .; .; Check AUID .; .D:(($G(PSBTAB)="IVTAB")!($G(PSBTAB)=""))&('PSBFLG) Q:PSBFLG ..S PSBGNODE="^PSB(53.79,"_"""AUID"""_","_DFN_")" Q:'$D(PSBGNODE) ..F S PSBGNODE=$Q(@PSBGNODE) Q:PSBGNODE="" Q:$QS(PSBGNODE,3)'=DFN Q:PSBFLG S PSBIEN=$QS(PSBGNODE,6),PSBFLG=$S($P(^PSB(53.79,PSBIEN,0),U,9)="I":1,1:0) .; .; NOTE: Infusing bags will not display if DCed more than 3 days ago! .; S:$G(^TMP("PSJ",$J,1,0))'=-1 PSBFLG=1 ; Q PSBFLG ; FNDACTV(RESULTS,PARAMS) ; Utility to check and order for the latest " ? (parameter #3) " order activities per patient (parameter #1) ; #parameter= # "^"piece ; #1 DFN - Patient's IEN e.g. 1234 (required) ; #2 Order Number_Order Type e.g. "1V" "" = all orders ; #3 Search for Activity e.g. "H" "" = *unknown* activity ; #4 Search "back"time(hours) e.g. 12 "" = search back 3 admins ; NOTE: ="FREQ" This Function will use order's frequency. ; 1. If the order is a PRN, On Call or One-Time ; the look back a default of 72 hours. ; 2. if the order is a Continuous order key off ; of the frequency as follows. ; a.) if the frequency is <24 hours use the ; default of 72 hours. ; b.) if the frequency is >= 24 hour, look back ; 3.5 times the frequency ; NOTE: ["X#" This Function will search back # of admins. ; ; Example call: D FNDACTV^PSBVDLU3(.results,"1234^1U^H^12") ; ; N PSBNOW,PSBDFN,PSBON,PSBCNT,PSBACT,PSBTMFRM,PSBX,PSBSET,PSBFRQ K RESULTS S PSBDFN=$P(PARAMS,U),PSBON=$P(PARAMS,U,2),PSBACT=$P(PARAMS,U,3),PSBTMFRM=$P(PARAMS,U,4) S RESULTS(0)=1 I $G(PSBDFN)']"" S RESULTS(0)=1,RESULTS(1)="-1^ERROR - MISSING PARAMETER (DFN REQ.)" Q I $G(PSBTMFRM)="" S PSBX=3 I $G(PSBTMFRM)["X" S PSBX=+($P(PSBTMFRM,"X",2)),PSBTMFRM="" I $G(PSBTMFRM)]"",$G(PSBTMFRM)'["FREQ" D NOW^%DTC S PSBNOW=% S PSBTMFRM=$$FMADD^XLFDT(PSBNOW,"",-1*PSBTMFRM),PSBSET=1 S RESULTS(1)="0^ None found after "_PSBTMFRM I $G(PSBX)="" S PSBX=9999999 D:$G(PSBON)'="" .K ^TMP("PSJ",$J) D EN^PSJBCMA1(PSBDFN,PSBON) .;Maintain Time Frame and other order information .I $G(PSBTMFRM)["FREQ" D ..S PSBFRQ=+$P(^TMP("PSJ",$J,4),"^",11) I PSBFRQ=0 S PSBFRQ=1440 ..I "P^OC^O^"[($P(^TMP("PSJ",$J,4),"^")_"^") S PSBTMFRM=72 Q ..I (PSBFRQ/60)<24 S PSBTMFRM=72 Q ..I (PSBFRQ/60)'<24 S PSBTMFRM=(PSBFRQ/60)*3.5 .I '$G(PSBSET) D NOW^%DTC S PSBNOW=% S PSBTMFRM=$$FMADD^XLFDT(PSBNOW,"",-1*PSBTMFRM) S RESULTS(1)="0^ None found after "_PSBTMFRM .S I="",X=0 F S I=$O(^PSB(53.79,"AORDX",PSBDFN,PSBON,I),-1) Q:(I="")!(I<$S(PSBTMFRM]"":PSBTMFRM,1:-1)) D Q:X ..S Z=0,J="",PSBCNT=0 F S J=$O(^PSB(53.79,"AORDX",PSBDFN,PSBON,I,J),-1) Q:(J="") S Z=Z+1 Q:Z>PSBX D Q:X ...L +^PSB(53.79,J):1 ...I L -^PSB(53.79,J) ...E Q ...I ($P(^PSB(53.79,J,0),U,9)=PSBACT) S X=1 D ....S PSBCNT=PSBCNT+1,RESULTS(PSBCNT)=$$GET1^DIQ(53.79,J_",",.02) ....S PSBCNT=PSBCNT+1,RESULTS(PSBCNT)=$P(^TMP("PSJ",$J,2),U,2)_"^"_($$GET1^DIQ(53.79,J_",",.11)) ....S PSBCNT=PSBCNT+1,RESULTS(PSBCNT)=$$GET1^DIQ(53.79,J_",",.06,"I") ....S PSBCNT=PSBCNT+1,RESULTS(PSBCNT)=$$GET1^DIQ(53.79,J_",",.13,"I") D:$G(PSBON)="" .S Z="",X=0 F S Z=$O(^PSB(53.79,"AORDX",PSBDFN,Z),-1) Q:(Z="") S PSBON=Z D Q:X ..;Maintain Time Frame and other order information ..K ^TMP("PSJ",$J) D EN^PSJBCMA1(PSBDFN,PSBON) ..I $G(PSBTMFRM)["FREQ" D ...S PSBFRQ=+$P(^TMP("PSJ",$J,4),"^",11) I PSBFRQ=0 S PSBFRQ=1440 ...I "P^OC^O^"[($P(^TMP("PSJ",$J,4),"^")_"^") S PSBTMFRM=72 Q ...I (PSBFRQ/60)<24 S PSBTMFRM=72 Q ...I (PSBFRQ/60)'<24 S PSBTMFRM=(PSBFRQ/60)*3.5 ..I '$G(PSBSET) D NOW^%DTC S PSBNOW=% S PSBTMFRM=$$FMADD^XLFDT(PSBNOW,"",-1*PSBTMFRM) S RESULTS(1)="0^ None found after "_PSBTMFRM ..S I="" F S I=$O(^PSB(53.79,"AORDX",PSBDFN,PSBON,I),-1) Q:(I="")!(I<$S(PSBTMFRM]"":PSBTMFRM,1:-1)) D Q:X ...S ZZ=0,J="",PSBCNT=0 F S J=$O(^PSB(53.79,"AORDX",PSBDFN,PSBON,I,J),-1) Q:(J="") S ZZ=ZZ+1 Q:ZZ>PSBX D Q:X ....L +^PSB(53.79,J):1 ....I L -^PSB(53.79,J) ....E Q ....I ($P(^PSB(53.79,J,0),U,9)=PSBACT) S X=1 D .....S PSBCNT=PSBCNT+1,RESULTS(PSBCNT)=$$GET1^DIQ(53.79,J_",",.02) .....S PSBCNT=PSBCNT+1,RESULTS(PSBCNT)=$P(^TMP("PSJ",$J,2),U,2)_"^"_($$GET1^DIQ(53.79,J_",",.11)) .....S PSBCNT=PSBCNT+1,RESULTS(PSBCNT)=$$GET1^DIQ(53.79,J_",",.06,"I") .....S PSBCNT=PSBCNT+1,RESULTS(PSBCNT)=$$GET1^DIQ(53.79,J_",",.13,"I") I $G(PSBCNT)>0 S RESULTS(0)=PSBCNT K ^TMP("PSJ",$J) Q ;