DGBTE ;ALB/SCK-BENEFICIARY TRAVEL SETUP/MAIN ENTRY CALL UP; 11/20/92@1000; 11/25/92 ;;1.0;Beneficiary Travel;**2**;September 25, 2001 START ; D QUIT^DGBTEND ; kill all variables S PRCABN=1,IOP="HOME" D ^%ZIS K IOP S DGBTIME=300 S:'$D(DTIME) DTIME=DGBTIME S:'$D(U) U="^" ; if date/time is undefined, set DT value I '$D(DT)#2 S %DT="",S="T" D ^%DT S DT=Y DIVISN ; if MED CTR DIV file set up (first record) and record does not exist, write warning, kill variables, and exit S X=$G(^DG(40.8,0)) I X="" W !,"WARNING...MEDICAL CENTER DIVISION FILE IS NOT SET UP",!,"USE THE ADT PARAMETER OPTION FILE TO SET UP DIVISION" G EXIT ; check if multi-divisional center (GL node exists and 2nd piece=1). Do lookup, if it exists-set local variables I $D(^DG(43,1,"GL")),$P(^("GL"),U,2) D G:Y'>0 EXIT G PATIENT . S DIC="^DG(40.8,",DIC(0)="AEQMNZ",DIC("A")="Select DIVISION: " W !! . D ^DIC K DIC Q:Y'>0 . S DGBTDIVI=+Y,DGBTDIV=$P(Y,U,2) . D INSTIT S DGBTMD=1 ; if not a multi-divisional center, default to institution name S DGBTDIVI=$O(^DG(40.8,0)),DGBTDIV=$P(^DG(40.8,DGBTDIVI,0),U) D INSTIT ; PATIENT ; patient lookup, quit if patient doesn't exist D QUIT1^DGBTEND ; kill local variables except med division vars S DGBTTOUT="",DIC="^DPT(",DIC(0)="AEQMZ",DIC("A")="Select PATIENT: " W !! D ^DIC K DIC G:Y'>0 EXIT ; get patient information#, call return patient return variables routine and set wether new claim or not S DFN=+Y D 6^VADPT,KVAR^DGBTEND,PID^VADPT S DGBTNEW=$S($D(^DGBT(392,"C",DFN)):0,1:1) ; OLDCLAIM ; find any past claims through DGBTE1 call D ^DGBTE1 Q:'$D(DGBTA) ; set to call test routine, call old claims I '$D(^DG(43,1,"BT"))!('$D(^DG(43.1,$O(^DG(43.1,(9999999.9999999-DGBTDT))),"BT"))) D G EXIT2 . ; check for certifying official and that current (or past) FY deductable is set up . W !!,"***WARNING...BENE TRAVEL PARAMETERS HAVE NOT BEEN SET UP",!,"USE THE BENEFICIARY TRAVEL PARAMETER RATES ENTER/EDIT OPTION TO PROPERLY INITIALIZE" ; COREFLS ; coreFLS vendor interface active/inactive S DGBTCORE=$P($G(^DG(43,1,"BT")),U,4) ; SCREEN ; display B/T claim information through screen1 D SCREEN^DGBT1 I '+VAEL(1) W !!,"Eligibility is missing from registration and is required to continue." G EXIT2 S DIR("A")="Continue processing claim",DIR("?")="Sorry, enter 'Y'es or RETURN to continue procesing claim, 'N'o to exit",DIR(0)="Y",DIR("B")="YES" D ^DIR S ANS=Y K DIR G:'ANS!($D(DTOUT))!($D(DUOUT)) EXIT3 SCREEN2 ; D SCREEN^DGBT2 COMPLT ; complete claims processing ; I '$D(^DGBT(392,DGBTDT,"A")) S DA=DGBTDT,DIE="^DGBT(392,",DR="11///"_DGBTDIVI_";12////"_DUZ_";13///"_DT D ^DIE S %=1 W !!,"Complete claim for ",DGBTDTE D YN^DICN G:%=2 EXIT3 G:%=-1 EXIT2 D:%<1 HELP1 G:%<1 COMPLT D SCREEN^DGBTEE G:DGBTTOUT=-1 EXIT2 G ^DGBTEND HELP1 ; W !!?10,$S(%=-1:"SORRY, '^' NOT ALLOWED",1:"ENTER 'Y'ES OR 'N'O") Q INSTIT ; check for pointer to institution file and for address information on institution S DGBTDIVN=$P(^DG(40.8,DGBTDIVI,0),"^",7) I 'DGBTDIVN W !!,"INSTITUTION HAS NOT BEEN DEFINED FOR ",$P(^(0),"^"),!,"USE THE ADT PARAMETER OPTION TO UPDATE",! Q I $D(^DIC(4,DGBTDIVN,0)),$S($D(^(1))#10=0:1,$P(^(1),"^",3)']"":1,1:0) W !!,"INSTITUTION ADDRESS NOT ENTERED. PLEASE UPDATE USING THE INSTITUTION FILE ENTER/EDIT",! Q Q EXIT ; kills off all variables before quitting G QUIT^DGBTEND Q EXIT2 ; delete claim through DIK call, return to patient label G DELETE1^DGBTEND Q EXIT3 ; G DELETE^DGBTEND Q