KMPDU1 ;SF/RAK - CM Developer Tools Utilities ;2/17/04 09:49 ;;2.0;CAPACITY MANAGEMENT TOOLS;;Mar 22, 2002 GBLCHK(KMPDY,KMPDGBL) ;-- check global name. ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ; KMPDGBL... Global name. ; ; Check to make sure global name is in format for subscript indirection. ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ; K KMPDY ; I $G(KMPDGBL)="" S KMPDY(0)="[Global name not defined]" Q ; I $E(KMPDGBL)["?" D Q .S KMPDY(0)="['"_KMPDGBL_" is an incorrect global name]" ; I KMPDGBL["*" S KMPDY(0)="['"_KMPDGBL_" is an incorrect global name]" Q ; N GLOBAL ; S GLOBAL=KMPDGBL ; make sure begins with up-arrow (^). I $E(GLOBAL)'="^" S GLOBAL="^"_GLOBAL ; make sure contains a '('. I GLOBAL'["(" S GLOBAL=GLOBAL_"(" ; if ends with comma (,) then remove comma. I $E(GLOBAL,($L(GLOBAL)))="," S $E(GLOBAL,($L(GLOBAL)))="" ; make sure ends with a ')'. I $E(GLOBAL,$L(GLOBAL))'=")" S GLOBAL=GLOBAL_")" ; if ends with comma (,) then remove comma. I $E(GLOBAL,($L(GLOBAL)-1))="," S $E(GLOBAL,($L(GLOBAL)-1))="" ; if global contains () then change to (""). I $E(GLOBAL,($L(GLOBAL)-1),$L(GLOBAL))="()" D .S $E(GLOBAL,$L(GLOBAL))=""""")" ; S KMPDY(0)=GLOBAL ; Q ; GBLLIST(KMPDY,KMPDGBL,KMPDST,KMPDLN) ;-- get global data ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ; KMPDGBL... Global name. ; KMPDST... Starting global node. If this is a continuation then use ; this entry as starting point. If original time through ; this should be set to null (""). ; KMPDLN... Number of lines to fill before quitting. ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ; K KMPDY ; S KMPDGBL=$G(KMPDGBL),KMPDST=$G(KMPDST),KMPDLN=+$G(KMPDLN) ; I 'KMPDLN S KMPDY(0)="[Number of lines not defined]" Q ; N GBL,GLOBAL,LAST,LEN,LN ; D GBLCHK(.KMPDY,KMPDGBL) ; if error. I $E($G(KMPDY(0)))="[" Q ; S GLOBAL=$G(KMPDY(0)) I GLOBAL="" S KMPDY(0)="[Unable to process]" Q I $Q(@GLOBAL)="" S KMPDY(0)="" Q ; S GBL=$E(GLOBAL,1,$L(GLOBAL)-1) ; if GLOBAL("") then just use GLOBAL. S:$E(GBL,$L(GBL))="""" GBL=$P(GBL,"(") S LEN=80,LN=1 ; ; if data in GLOBAL. I KMPDST=""&(GLOBAL'["("""")") I $D(@GLOBAL)#2 D .S KMPDY(LN)=GLOBAL_" = "_@GLOBAL,LN=LN+1 ; S:KMPDST]"" GLOBAL=KMPDST ; F S GLOBAL=$Q(@GLOBAL) Q:GLOBAL=""!($E(GLOBAL,1,$L(GBL))'=GBL) D Q:LN>KMPDLN .S LAST=GLOBAL .S KMPDY(LN)=GLOBAL_" = " .; if fits within LEN. .I $L(@GLOBAL)'>LEN S KMPDY(LN)=KMPDY(LN)_@GLOBAL,LN=LN+1 Q .; parse data to fit on line. .D PARSE(LEN) ; S KMPDY(0)=GLOBAL ; if no more subscripts. ;($E(GLOBAL,1,$L(GBL))'=GBL) I GLOBAL="" S KMPDY(0)="***end of list***" E I $E($Q(@GLOBAL),1,$L(GBL))'=GBL S KMPDY(0)="***end of list***" ; Q ; PARSE(LEN) ; ; if length of data is greater than current position to the end ; of the screen the data must be broken down and printed on ; separate lines so that $Y will continue to be updated ; S LEN=+$G(LEN) Q:'LEN N C F C=0:1 Q:$E(@GLOBAL,(LEN*C),(LEN*(C+1)-1))']"" D .S:$G(KMPDY(LN))="" KMPDY(LN)=" " .S KMPDY(LN)=$G(KMPDY(LN))_$E(@GLOBAL,(LEN*C),(LEN*(C+1)-1)) .S LN=LN+1 ; Q