KMPDUTL ;OAK/RAK - CM Tools Utility ;5/1/07 15:08 ;;2.0;CAPACITY MANAGEMENT TOOLS;**1,2,3,4,5,6**;Mar 22, 2002;Build 3 ; QUEBKG(KMPDOPT,KMPDTIME,KMPDFREQ,KMPDDEL) ;-- queue background job ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- ; KMPDOPT.... Option name to queue (free text name in .01 field of ; OPTION file) ; KMPDTIME... Date/time to queue option (T@1400, etc) ; KMPDFREQ... Scheduling frequency (1D, etc) ; KMPDDEL.... Delete option if it already exists in file 19.2 ; 0 - do not delete (quit if already scheduled) ; 1 - delete if already in file 19.2 ; ; This API will queue an option from file #19 (OPTION) to run in file ; 19.2 (OPTION SCHEDULE). ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- Q:$G(KMPDOPT)="" Q:$G(KMPDTIME)="" Q:$G(KMPDFREQ)="" S KMPDDEL=+$G(KMPDDEL) N DA,DIFROM,DIK,FDA,ERROR,IEN,IEN1,IENZ,TEXT,X,Y,Z ; Newing DIFROM will force reschedule when installing from KIDS S:'$G(DT) DT=$$DT^XLFDT ; change to internal format D FMDTI^KMPDU(.Z,KMPDTIME) Q:Z(0)="^"!(Z(0)="") S KMPDTIME=Z(0) K Z S TEXT=KMPDOPT ; quit if not in file 19 S IEN=$O(^DIC(19,"B",TEXT,0)) Q:'IEN S IEN1=$O(^DIC(19.2,"B",IEN,0)) ; quit if already in file 19.2 and not KMPDDEL Q:IEN1&('KMPDDEL) ; delete if in file 19.2 I IEN1 S DIK="^DIC(19.2,",DA=IEN1 D ^DIK ; add entry S FDA($J,19.2,"+1,",.01)=IEN ; queued to run at what time S FDA($J,19.2,"+1,",2)=KMPDTIME ; rescheduling frequency. S FDA($J,19.2,"+1,",6)=KMPDFREQ D UPDATE^DIE("","FDA($J)",.IENZ,"ERROR") I $D(ERROR) D MSG^DIALOG("W","",60,10,"ERROR") S IEN1=$O(^DIC(19.2,"B",IEN,0)) I '$G(^DIC(19.2,+IEN1,1)) D .D MES^XPDUTL(" ERROR - Not able to reschedule "_KMPDOPT) .D MES^XPDUTL(" Use 'Schedule/Unschedule Options' [XUTM SCHEDULE] to reschedule.") ; Q ; VERSION() ;-- extrinsic - return current version. Q $P($T(+2^KMPDUTL),";",3)_"^"_$P($T(+2^KMPDUTL),";",5) ; VRSNGET(KMPDAPPL) ;-- extrinsic function - get version^patches ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- ; KMPDAPPL... application: ; 0 - CM Tools ; 1 - SAGG ; 2 - RUM ; ; Return: Version^Patch^VersionInstallDate^PatchInstallDate ; null = no application ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Q:$G(KMPDAPPL)="" "" Q:KMPDAPPL<0!(KMPDAPPL>2) "" ; N DATA,VERSION S VERSION="" ; ; cm tools I KMPDAPPL=0 D .S DATA=$G(^KMPD(8973,1,KMPDAPPL)) .S VERSION=$P(DATA,U,2)_U_$P(DATA,U,4)_U_$P(DATA,U,3)_U_$P(DATA,U,5) ; ; all other applications E D .S DATA=$G(^KMPD(8973,1,KMPDAPPL)) .S VERSION=$P(DATA,U)_U_$P(DATA,U,3)_U_$P(DATA,U,2)_U_$P(DATA,U,4) ; Q VERSION ; PTCHINFO ; -- patch information: routine name ^ current version ^ current patch(es) ;;KMPDBD01^2.0^**2** ;;KMPDECH^2.0^**5** ;;KMPDHU01^2.0^**4** ;;KMPDHU02^2.0 ;;KMPDHU03^2.0 ;;KMPDHUA^2.0 ;;KMPDPOST^2.0^**1,2,5** ;;KMPDSS^2.0^**3** ;;KMPDSS1^2.0^**3** ;;KMPDSSD^2.0^**3** ;;KMPDSSD1^2.0^**3,6** ;;KMPDSSR^2.0^**3** ;;KMPDSSS^2.0^**3,6** ;;KMPDTM^2.0^**1,4** ;;KMPDTP1^2.0^**4** ;;KMPDTP2^2.0^**4** ;;KMPDTP3^2.0^**4** ;;KMPDTP4^2.0^**4** ;;KMPDTP5^2.0^**4** ;;KMPDTP6^2.0^**4** ;;KMPDTP7^2.0^**4** ;;KMPDTU01^2.0^**4,5** ;;KMPDTU02^2.0 ;;KMPDTU10^2.0^**4** ;;KMPDTU11^2.0^**6** ;;KMPDU^2.0^**2** ;;KMPDU1^2.0 ;;KMPDU2^2.0^**2** ;;KMPDU3^2.0^**2** ;;KMPDU4^2.0 ;;KMPDU5^2.0^**2** ;;KMPDU11^2.0 ;;KMPDUG^2.0 ;;KMPDUG1^2.0 ;;KMPDUG2^2.0 ;;KMPDUGV^2.0 ;;KMPDUT^2.0 ;;KMPDUT1^2.0^**4** ;;KMPDUT2^2.0 ;;KMPDUT4^2.0 ;;KMPDUT4A^2.0 ;;KMPDUT4B^2.0 ;;KMPDUT4C^2.0 ;;KMPDUT5^2.0 ;;KMPDUTL^2.0^**1,2,3,4,5,6** ;;KMPDUTL1^2.0^**3** ;;KMPDUTL2^2.0^**4** ;;KMPDUTL3^2.0 ;;KMPDUTL4^2.0 ;;KMPDUTL5^2.0 ;;KMPDUTL6^2.0 ;;KMPDUTL7^2.0^**2,5** ;;KMPDUTL8^2.0^**2**