ROR01 ;HCIOFO/SG - CLINICAL CASE REGISTRIES (TEMP. GLOBALS) ; 11/17/06 11:56am ;;1.5;CLINICAL CASE REGISTRIES;**1**;Feb 17, 2006;Build 24 ; ; ^TMP($J,"RORTMP-"_) - TEMPORARY STORAGE (see the ^RORTMP routine) ; ; ^TMP($J,"RORTMP-0", Indexes of allocated buffers ; i) "" ; ; ^TMP($J,"RORTMP-"_i, Allocated buffers ; ...) ; ; ^TMP("RORACK") ------ CONTROL DATA OF ACKNOWLEDGEMENT PROCESSING ; ; ^TMP("RORACK",$J, ; "PR",IEN) List of IENs of registry records that ; acknowledgements have been processed for. ; ; ^TMP("RORHDT") ------ CONTROL DATA OF HISTORICAL DATA EXTRACTION ; ; ^TMP("RORHDT",$J, ; "PR", List of IENs of registry records processed ; in the re-extraction section of function ; $$EXTRACT^RORHDT04. ; IEN) Return code of the record processing. If this ; value is less than zero, data extraction was ; not successful again. ; ; ^TMP("RORPTF") ------ TEMPOPARY PTF INDEX FOR DATA EXTRACTION ; ; ^TMP("RORPTF",$J, ; "DTF", List of already indexed time frames of ; the PTF CLOSE OUT file (#45.84). ; StartDate) StartDate^EndDate ; "PDI", Temporary PTF index itself ; DFN,PTFIEN) "" ; ; ^TMP("RORTMP",$J) --- TEMPORARY STORAGE ; ; ^TMP("RORUPD") ------ REGISTRY UPDATE TEMPORARY DATA ; ; ^TMP("RORUPD",$J, ; ; 1,File#, ; "S",Rule Name) List of selection rules ; "F",DataCode, List of data elements to load ; "E") If expression implementing the selection ; rule references an external value of the ; element, the "E" sub-node will be defined. ; "I") If expression implementing the selection ; rule references an internal value of the ; element, the "I" sub-node will be defined. ; ; 2,Registry#) Registry Name ; ; 3,Rule Name, Selection rule descriptor ; ^1: Rule# ; ^2: File Number ; ^3: 1 if already processed, otherwise ; empty string ; ^4: 1 if registry should be updated (in ; case of matched condition, of course) ; 1) MUMPS function entry point ; 2,Registry#) List of affected registries ; 3,Rule Name) List of rules that this rule depend on ; ; 4,LabSearch#) List of Lab search IENs ; ; "LS", ; Result Code, ; LabSearch#, ; Seq#) Condition to check the result ; ^1: Indicator ; ^2: Indicated Value ; ; "U",Patient#, This node is defined if the patient has been ; processed ; 2,Registry#, This node is defined if the registry should ; be updated ; Rule#) Reference to a top-level selection rule ; ^01: Trigger date of the rule ; ^02: Institution IEN ; ; ^XTMP("RORLOCK") ---- LIST OF LOCK DESCRIPTORS ; ; ^XTMP("RORLOCK", ; NodeNdx) Lock Descriptor (see ^RORLOCK for details) ; ^01: Date/Time (FileMan) ; ^02: User/Process name ; ^03: User IEN (DUZ) ; ^04: $JOB ; ^05: Task number ; ^06: Lock counter ; ; ^XTMP("RORUPD"_) ---- REGISTRY UPDATE TEMPORARY DATA (MULTITASK) ; ; If the registry update starts in the ; multitask mode, all temporary data from the ; ^TMP("RORUPD",$J) node is merged to this ; node so that it will be available for all ; registry update subtasks. ; ; ^XTMP("RORUPDJ"_$J, ; If the regular registry update is run in the ; multitask mode, the ^XTMP("RORUPDJ"_$J) node ; is used. $J is the job number of the main ; registry update task. ; ; ^XTMP("RORUPDR"_Registry#, ; During the initial registry population ; (performed by the post-install routines), ; the ^XTMP("RORUPDR"_Registry#) node is used. ; The list of processed patients (the "U" ; subscript) is used to restart the process ; after an error or a crash. ; ; 0) Node descriptor ; ^1: purge date (FileMan) ; ^2: create date (FileMan) ; ^3: description ; ; "T",Task#) This node is LOCKed while the (sub)task is ; running (subscript of the main task is 0). ; ; Otherwise, "S" means that the subtask has ; been scheduled but not started yet. ; ; A negative value of the non-locked node ; represents the error code (for example, ; -60 means that the subtask has crashed). ; ; Non-negative value of the node means that ; the subtask has been completed. The value ; has the following structure: ; ^1: Number of processed patients ; ^2: Number of patients processed with ; errors ; Q