RORERR ;HCIOFO/SG - ERROR PROCESSING ; 11/7/05 10:29am ;;1.5;CLINICAL CASE REGISTRIES;;Feb 17, 2006 ; Q ; ;***** INITIALIZES THE ERROR STACK ; ; [DEFLOC] Default error location ; [ENABLE] Enable extended error processing ; ; Do not forget to NEW the RORERRDL variable before calling ; this procedure! ; CLEAR(DEFLOC,ENABLE) ; S:$D(ENABLE) RORPARM("ERR")=+$G(ENABLE) I $G(RORPARM("ERR")) K RORERROR("ES") S:$D(DEFLOC) RORERRDL=DEFLOC D CLEAN^DILF Q ; ;***** CHECKS THE ERRORS AFTER A FILEMAN DBS CALL ; ; ROR8MSG Closed reference of the error messages array ; (from DBS calls) ; [ERRCODE] Error code to assign ; [PLACE] Location of the error (see the $$ERROR) ; [PATIEN] Patient IEN ; [FILE] File number used in the DBS call ; [IENS] IENS used in the DBS call ; ; The $$DBS^RORERR function checks the DIERR and @ROR8MSG variables ; for errors after a FileMan DBS call. ; ; Return Values: ; ; If there are no errors found, it returns an empty string. ; In case of errors, the result depends on value of the ERRCODE ; parameter: ; ; If ERRCODE is omitted or equals 0, the function returns a string ; containing the list of error codes separated by comma. ; ; If ERRCODE is not zero, the $$ERROR^RORERR function is called and ; its return value is returned. ; ; NOTE: This entry point can also be called as a procedure: ; D DBS^RORERR(...) if you do not need its return value. ; DBS(ROR8MSG,ERRCODE,PLACE,PATIEN,FILE,IENS) ; K RORERROR("DBS") I '$G(DIERR) Q:$QUIT "" Q N ERRLST,ERRNODE,I,MSGTEXT S ERRNODE=$S($G(ROR8MSG)'="":$NA(@ROR8MSG@("DIERR")),1:$NA(^TMP("DIERR",$J))) I $D(@ERRNODE)<10 Q:$QUIT "" Q ;--- Get a list of errors S I=0 F S I=$O(@ERRNODE@("E",I)) Q:'I S RORERROR("DBS",I)="" ;--- Return a list of errors I '$G(ERRCODE) D Q:$QUIT $P(ERRLST,",",2,99) Q . S ERRLST="",I=0 . F S I=$O(RORERROR("DBS",I)) Q:'I S ERRLST=ERRLST_","_I . D CLEAN^DILF ;--- Record/display the error message D MSG^DIALOG("AE",.MSGTEXT,,,$G(ROR8MSG)),CLEAN^DILF S I=$S($G(FILE):"; File #"_FILE,1:"") S:$G(IENS)'="" I=I_"; IENS: """_IENS_"""" S I=$$ERROR(ERRCODE,.PLACE,.MSGTEXT,.PATIEN,I) Q:$QUIT I Q ; ;***** SETS DEFAULT ERROR LOCATION ; ; DEFLOC Default error location ; ; Do not forget to NEW the RORERRDL variable before calling ; this procedure! ; DFLTLOC(DEFLOC) ; I $G(RORPARM("ERR")) S RORERRDL=DEFLOC D CLEAN^DILF Q ; ;***** DISPLAYS CONTENT OF THE ERROR STACK DSPSTK() ; Q:'$G(RORPARM("ERR"))!($D(RORERROR("ES"))<10) N EPTR,I,TMP D DSPSTKL("Err Message Text",1) D DSPSTKL(" Additional info") S EPTR="" F S EPTR=$O(RORERROR("ES",EPTR)) Q:EPTR="" D . S TMP=RORERROR("ES",EPTR) . D DSPSTKL($J(+TMP,4)_" "_$P(TMP,U,2),1) . S TMP=$G(RORERROR("ES",EPTR,1)) . D:TMP'="" DSPSTKL(" Location: "_TMP) . S I="" . F S I=$O(RORERROR("ES",EPTR,2,I)) Q:I="" D . . D DSPSTKL(" "_RORERROR("ES",EPTR,2,I)) Q ; ; MSG Message to display ; [SKIP] Skip a line before the output ; DSPSTKL(MSG,SKIP) ; I '$G(RORPARM("KIDS")) W:$G(SKIP) ! W MSG,! Q I $G(SKIP) D BMES^XPDUTL(MSG) Q D MES^XPDUTL(MSG) Q ; ;***** PUTS THE ERROR IN THE ERROR STACK AND LOG FILE ; ; ERRCODE Error code. Debug messages, information messages, ; data quality warnings and warnings are not placed ; into the stack. However, they are logged and ; displayed if this is enabled. ; ; [PLACE] Location of the error (TAG^ROUTINE). ; ; If the parameter is undefined then the location is ; extracted from the stack (see description of the ; $STACK function for more details). ; ; If an empty string is used as a value of the ; parameter then the default location is used ; (that has been set by CLEAR or DFLTLOC). ; ; [[.]RORINFO] Optional additional information (either a string or ; a reference to a local array that contains strings ; prepared for storing in a word processing field) ; ; [PATIEN] Patient IEN ; ; [ARG2-ARG5] Optional parameters as for $$MSG^RORERR20 ; (|1| is substituted by the value of the PATIEN) ; ; Return Values: ; <0 Error code (value of the ERRCODE) ; 0 Ok (if ERRCOCE'<0) ; ; NOTE: This entry point can also be called as a procedure: ; D ERROR^RORERR(...) if you do not need its return value. ; ERROR(ERRCODE,PLACE,RORINFO,PATIEN,ARG2,ARG3,ARG4,ARG5) ; I ERRCODE'<0 Q:$QUIT 0 Q N IR,SL,MSG,TOP,TYPE D:'$D(PLACE) . S SL=$STACK(-1)-1 . F Q:SL'>0 D Q:'(PLACE["^RORERR") S SL=SL-1 . . S PLACE=$P($STACK(SL,"PLACE")," ") S:$G(PLACE)="" PLACE=$G(RORERRDL) I $D(RORINFO)=1 S IR=RORINFO K RORINFO S RORINFO(1)=IR,IR=1 E S IR=$O(RORINFO(""),-1) S MSG=$$MSG^RORERR20(+ERRCODE,.TYPE,.PATIEN,.ARG2,.ARG3,.ARG4,.ARG5) ;--- Put the error to the error stack D:$G(RORPARM("ERR"))&(TYPE>4) . S (RORERROR("ES"),TOP)=$G(RORERROR("ES"))+1 . S RORERROR("ES",TOP)=+ERRCODE_U_MSG . S RORERROR("ES",TOP,1)=PLACE . M:$D(RORINFO) RORERROR("ES",TOP,2)=RORINFO ;--- Log the message S:PLACE'="" IR=IR+1,RORINFO(IR)="Location: "_PLACE D LOG^RORLOG(TYPE,MSG,$G(PATIEN),.RORINFO),CLEAN^DILF Q:$QUIT ERRCODE Q ; ;***** CHECKS FOR INVALID POINTER ERROR ; ; FILE Number of the 'pointed from' file ; IENS IENS of the record of the file ; FIELD Number of the pointer field ; [PLACE] Location of the error (see the $$ERROR) ; [PATIEN] Patient IEN ; [ERRCODE] Error code to assign (-79 by default) ; ; The $$INVLDPTR^RORERR function checks the list of latest FileMan ; DBS error codes for the pointer errors. ; ; Return Values: ; ; If there are no pointer errors found, the function returns zero. ; Otherwise, the $$ERROR^RORERR function is called and its value ; is returned (a negative value of the ERRCODE or -79 by default). ; INVLDPTR(FILE,IENS,FIELD,PLACE,PATIEN,ERRCODE) ; Q:$D(RORERROR("DBS"))<10 0 N EC,TMP F EC=601,0 Q:$D(RORERROR("DBS",EC)) Q:'EC 0 S TMP="File #"_FILE_"; IENS: """_IENS_"""; Field: "_FIELD Q $$ERROR($S($G(ERRCODE)<0:ERRCODE,1:-79),$G(PLACE),.TMP,.PATIEN) ; ;***** RECORDS THE ERROR MESSAGE INTO THE LOG FILE ; ; ERRCODE Error code. ; ; [[.]RORINFO] Optional additional information (either a string or ; a reference to a local array that contains strings ; prepared for storing in a word processing field) ; ; [PATIEN] Patient IEN ; ; [ARG2-ARG5] Optional parameters as for $$MSG^RORERR20 ; (|1| is substituted by the value of the PATIEN) ; LOG(ERRCODE,RORINFO,PATIEN,ARG2,ARG3,ARG4,ARG5) ; Q:ERRCODE'<0 N MSG,TYPE S MSG=$$MSG^RORERR20(+ERRCODE,.TYPE,.PATIEN,.ARG2,.ARG3,.ARG4,.ARG5) D LOG^RORLOG(TYPE,MSG,$G(PATIEN),.RORINFO) Q ; ;***** RETURNS THE ERROR STACK FOR A REMOTE PROCEDURE ; ; .RESULT Reference to a local variable where the error ; descriptors are returned to. ; ; LASTERR The last error code ; ; Return Values: ; ; RESULT(0) Result descriptor ; ^01: The last error code (LASTERR) ; ^02: Number of the error descriptors ; ; RESULT(i) Error descriptor ; ^01: Error code ; ^02: Message ; ^03: Place of the error ; RESULT(j) Line of the additional info ; ^01: "" ; ^02: Text ; ; Error descriptors are returned in reverse chronological order ; (most recent first). ; RPCSTK(RESULT,LASTERR) ; N CNT,ECNT,EPTR,I,TMP K RESULT S RESULT(0)=(+LASTERR)_U_"0" S TMP=$$RTRNFMT^XWBLIB(2,1) Q:$D(RORERROR("ES"))<10 ; S EPTR="",(CNT,ECNT)=0 F S EPTR=$O(RORERROR("ES",EPTR),-1) Q:EPTR="" D . S TMP=$G(RORERROR("ES",EPTR)),CNT=CNT+1,ECNT=ECNT+1 . S RESULT(CNT)=(+TMP)_U_$TR($P(TMP,U,2,999),U,"~") . S TMP=$G(RORERROR("ES",EPTR,1)) . S $P(RESULT(CNT),U,3)=$TR(TMP,U,"~") . S I=0 . F S I=$O(RORERROR("ES",EPTR,2,I)) Q:I'>0 D . . S CNT=CNT+1,$P(RESULT(CNT),U,2)=RORERROR("ES",EPTR,2,I) ; S $P(RESULT(0),U,2)=ECNT K ^TMP("DILIST",$J) Q ; ;***** DUMPS LOCAL VARIABLES INTO THE LOG ; ; M1S2G Message code. ; ; V1A2R3S List of local variables separated by commas ; VARDUMP(M1S2G,V1A2R3S) ; Q