ROREXT ;HCIOFO/SG - DATA EXTRACTION & TRANSMISSION ; 11/1/05 3:08pm ;;1.5;CLINICAL CASE REGISTRIES;;Feb 17, 2006 ; ; ROREXT -------------- DATA EXTRACTION DESCRIPTOR ; ; ROREXT("DTAR", Data is extracted only in those areas that ; are listed here. If a data area time frame ; is provided, then it is merged with the ; regular time frame(s) for that area. ; DataArea) "" or Data Area Time Frame ; ^01: Start Date (FileMan) ; ^02: End Date (FileMan) ; ; ROREXT("DXBEG") Start date of the data extraction (opt'l) ; If this node is defined and greater than ; zero, data extraction starts from this date ; (instead of individual start date for each ; patient in the registry). ; ; ROREXT("DXEND") End date of the data extraction ; (these nodes are set by $$PREPARE^ROREXPR). ; ; ROREXT("EXTRDAYS") Extraction period for a new patient ; ; ROREXT("FLAGS") Flags to control processing (see the ; TASK^ROR for possible values). ; ; ROREXT("HDTIEN") When a historical data extraction is ; performed, this node stores IEN of ; the record of the ROR HISTORICAL DATA ; EXTRACTION file (#799.6). ; ; ROREXT("HL7BUF") Closed root of the buffer where the HL7 ; message is constructed. By default, the ; ^TMP("HLS",$J) is used. ; ; ROREXT("HL7CNT") Counter of the messages in the batch ; ROREXT("HL7DT") Date of the batch message creation (FileMan) ; ROREXT("HL7MID") Message ID of the "stub" message ; ROREXT("HL7MTIEN") IEN in the File #772 for the "stub" message ; ROREXT("HL7PROT") Name of the event driver protocol ; ; ROREXT("HL7PTR") Subscript of the last occupied sub-node of ; the message buffer (see the "HL7BUF"). ; Value of the variable is incremented before ; storing the segment. ; ; ROREXT("HL7SID", ; SegName) The next value of the Set ID for this kind ; of segments. The $$CREATE^RORHL7 function ; resets the Set ID's to 1 for all supported ; segments. ; ; ROREXT("HL7SIZE") Current size of the HL7 batch ; ^1: Current size (in bytes) ; ^2: 1 if maximum size has been reached ; ; ROREXT("LD", ; 1) Number of lag days for the data extraction ; ; ROREXT("MAXHL7SIZE") Maximum size (in bytes) of an HL7 message ; ; ROREXT("MSGBLD", ; RegIEN) Message builder call-back entry point (opt'l) ; ; ROREXT("NBM") Number of batch messages generated for ; the current protocol ; ; ROREXT("PATCH", ; PatchName) Defined if the patch is installed ; ; ROREXT("SUSPEND") DATA EXTRACTION SUSPENSION PARAMETERS ; ^1: Suspension start time (FileMan) ; ^2: Suspension end time (FileMan) ; ; For example, to suspend the data extraction ; from 7:00 until 18:00 this node should have ; the following value: ".07^.18". ; ; ROREXT("VERSION") ROR version/patch installed at the site ; ^1: Version number (e.g. 1.0) ; ^2: Latest patch number (e.g. 5) ; ^3: Patch installation date (FileMan) ; ; RORHL --------------- HL7 ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES ; ; RORHL This local array contains HL7 environment ; variables initialized by INIT^HLFNC2 ("FS", ; "ECH" and others). ; ; RORLRC -------------- LIST OF EXTRACTED LAB RESULTS ; ; RORLRC( Either a list of codes of a Lab results to ; extract or "*" for all results (see the LA7SC ; parameter of the GCPR^LA7QRY entry point) ; Seq#) Lab result code ; ^1: Result code ; ^2: Coding system ("LN" or "NLT") ; Q ; ;***** PERFORMS THE DATA EXTRACTION ; ; .REGLST Reference to a local array containing registry ; names as subscripts and registry IENs as values ; ; [DXBEG] Data extraction start date (individual start ; date for each patient by default). ; Time part of the parameter value is ignored. ; ; [SUSPEND] Subtask suspension parameters: ; See description of the ROREXT("SUSPEND") node ; for details. ; ; [FLAGS] Flags to control processing. ; See description of the TASK^ROR for ; possible values of the flags. ; ; Return Values: ; <0 Error code (see MSGLIST^RORERR20) ; 0 Ok ; EXTRACT(REGLST,DXBEG,SUSPEND,FLAGS) ; N ROREXT ; Data extraction descriptor N ROREXTSV ; Backup copy of the descriptor ; N CNT,ERRCNT,PGRLST,RC,REGIEN,REGNAME,RORGLST,RORMSG,RORPROT,TMP,ZTDESC,ZTDTH,ZTRTN,ZTSAVE D CLEAR^RORERR("EXTRACT^ROREXT") S (ERRCNT,RC)=0 ; ;=== Prepare the common parameters S:$G(DXBEG)>0 ROREXT("DXBEG")=DXBEG S ROREXT("FLAGS")=$$UP^XLFSTR($G(FLAGS)) ;--- Enable task suspension if requested I $G(SUSPEND)>0 S:ROREXT("FLAGS")["X" ROREXT("SUSPEND")=SUSPEND ; ;=== Group the registries by the HL7 protocol name S REGNAME="" F S REGNAME=$O(REGLST(REGNAME)) Q:REGNAME="" D . ;--- Get the registry IEN . S REGIEN=+REGLST(REGNAME) . I REGIEN'>0 D Q:REGIEN'>0 . . S REGIEN=$$REGIEN^RORUTL02(REGNAME) . ;--- Get the HL7 protocol name . S RORPROT=$$GET1^DIQ(798.1,REGIEN_",",13,"E",,"RORMSG") . D:$G(DIERR) DBS^RORERR("RORMSG",-9,,,798.1,REGIEN_",") . I RORPROT="" D S ERRCNT=ERRCNT+1 Q . . D ERROR^RORERR(-25,,REGNAME) . ;--- Create the reference . S PGRLST(RORPROT,REGNAME)=REGIEN ; ;=== Data extraction M ROREXTSV=ROREXT S RORPROT="",RC=0 F CNT=1:1 S RORPROT=$O(PGRLST(RORPROT)) Q:RORPROT="" D Q:RC<0 . ;--- Prepare the task-specific parameters . K RORGLST M RORGLST=PGRLST(RORPROT) . S ROREXT("HL7PROT")=RORPROT . ;--- Single-task data extraction (if requested) . I ROREXT("FLAGS")["S" D Q . . S TMP=$$INTEXT^ROREXT01(.RORGLST) . . I TMP<0 S:TMP=-42 RC=TMP S ERRCNT=ERRCNT+1 . . K ROREXT M ROREXT=ROREXTSV . ;--- Otherwise, start a separate task . S ZTRTN="TASK^ROREXT",ZTIO="" . S ZTDTH=$$FMADD^XLFDT($$NOW^XLFDT,,,,(CNT-1)*30) . S ZTDESC="CCR Data Extraction ("_RORPROT_")" . F TMP="ROREXT(","RORGLST(","RORPARM(" S ZTSAVE(TMP)="" . D ^%ZTLOAD . ;--- Log the action . D LOG^RORERR(-94,,,ZTSK) ; ;=== Error processing Q $S(RC<0:RC,ERRCNT>0:-43,1:0) ; ;***** ENTRY POINT FOR DATA EXTRACTION TASK ; ; ROREXT Data extraction descriptor ; RORGLST List of registry names and IENs ; RORPARM Task-wide constants and variables ; TASK ; N RORERRDL ; Default error location N RORERROR ; Error processing data ; N RC,TMP K ZTREQ ;--- Initialize the variables D CLEAR^RORERR("TASK^ROREXT",1) ;--- Disable debug output (task has no output device) S:$G(RORPARM("DEBUG"))>1 RORPARM("DEBUG")=1 ;--- Data extraction S RC=$$INTEXT^ROREXT01(.RORGLST,ZTSK) ;--- Error processing and notifications S:RC<0 ZTSTOP=1 I RC=-42 D ALERT^RORUTL01(.RORGLST,-42) Q D:RC<0 ALERT^RORUTL01(.RORGLST,-43,,,,"data extraction") S ZTREQ="@" Q