ROREXT02 ;HCIOFO/SG - DEFAULT MESSAGE BUILDER ; 12/7/05 10:44am ;;1.5;CLINICAL CASE REGISTRIES;;Feb 17, 2006 ; Q ; ;***** CHECKS IF DEMOGRAPHIC DATA HAS BEEN UPDATED ; ; .RGIENLST Reference to a local array containing registry ; IENs as subscripts and IENs of the corresponding ; patient's registry records as values. ; ; Return Values: ; <0 Error Code ; 0 Demographic data is unchanged ; >0 Demographic data has been updated ; DEMCHK(RGIENLST) ; N DEM,IENS,RC,REGIEN,RORMSG S (DEM,RC,REGIEN)=0 F S REGIEN=$O(RGIENLST(REGIEN)) Q:REGIEN'>0 D Q:DEM!(RC<0) . S IENS=+RGIENLST(REGIEN)_"," Q:IENS'>0 . S DEM=+$$GET1^DIQ(798,IENS,4,"I",,"RORMSG") . S:$G(DIERR) RC=$$DBS^RORERR("RORMSG",-9,,,798,IENS) Q $S(RC<0:RC,1:DEM) ; ;***** EXTRACTS AND PREPARES LABORATORY DATA ; ; PTIEN Patient IEN ; ; .DXDTS Reference to a local variable where the ; data extraction time frames are stored. ; ; [HDTMODE] If this parameter is defined and non-zero, start and ; end dates are specimen collection dates. Otherwise, ; they are dates of the results. ; ; The function uses node ^TMP("RORTMP",$J) as a temporary storage. ; ; Return Values: ; <0 Error Code ; 0 Ok ; LABDATA(PTIEN,DXDTS,HDTMODE) ; N ENDT,IDX,RC,RORTMP,STDT,TMP S RORTMP=$$ALLOC^RORTMP() S (IDX,RC)=0 F S IDX=$O(DXDTS(1,IDX)) Q:IDX'>0 D Q:RC<0 . S STDT=$P(DXDTS(1,IDX),U),ENDT=$P(DXDTS(1,IDX),U,2) . ;--- Get the Lab results . K @RORTMP S TMP=$S($G(HDTMODE):"^CD",1:"^RAD") . S RC=$$LABRSLTS^RORUTL02(PTIEN,STDT_TMP,ENDT_TMP,RORTMP) . Q:RC<0 . ;--- Call the Lab data post-processor . S RC=$$LABPROC(RORTMP,PTIEN) . ;--- D FREE^RORTMP(RORTMP) Q $S(RC<0:RC,1:0) ; ;***** LABORATORY DATA POST-PROCESSOR ; ; ROR8TMP Closed root of the array (local or global), which ; contains the data loaded by the $$GCPR^LA7QRY ; ; PTIEN Patient IEN ; ; Return Values: ; <0 Error Code ; 0 Ok ; LABPROC(ROR8TMP,PTIEN) ; N BUF,CS,DFLTSITE,FS,I,J,LABC,SEG,TMP ;--- Extract separators from the MSH segment S BUF=$G(@ROR8TMP@(1)) S:$E(BUF,1,3)="MSH" CS=$E(BUF,5) S:$G(CS)="" CS="^" ;--- Initialize constants and variables S LABC="LABC"_CS_"Lab Comment"_CS_"VA080" ;--- Get the default station number and name S DFLTSITE=$$SITE^RORUTL03(CS) ; ;--- Add the results to the message S I=0 F S I=$O(@ROR8TMP@(I)) Q:I="" D . ;--- Load the full segment . D LOADSEG^RORHL7A(.SEG,$NA(@ROR8TMP@(I))) Q:$G(SEG(0))="" . D . . ;--- Use the default station if the local one is missing . . I SEG(0)="OBX" D Q . . . S:$P($G(SEG(15)),CS)="" SEG(15)=DFLTSITE . . ;--- Leave only the code of the Provider . . I SEG(0)="OBR" D Q . . . S SEG(16)=+$G(SEG(16)),SEG(24)="LAB" . . ;--- Replace NTE's with OBX's . . I SEG(0)="NTE" D Q . . . K TMP M TMP=SEG(3) K SEG . . . S SEG(0)="OBX" . . . S SEG(2)="ST",SEG(3)=LABC,SEG(4)="LCOMM" . . . M SEG(5)=TMP . . . S SEG(11)="F" . . ;--- Skip all other segments . . K SEG . ;--- Store the segment . D:$D(SEG)>1 ADDSEG^RORHL7(.SEG) Q 0 ; ;***** EXTRACTS PATIENT'S DATA AND CREATES THE MESSAGE BODY ; ; PTIEN Patient IEN ; ; .RGIENLST Reference to a local array containing registry ; IENs as subscripts and IENs of the corresponding ; patient's registry records as values. ; ; .DXDTS Either a single time frame in StartDate^EndDate ; format or a reference to a local variable containing ; the list of data extraction time frames. The main ; time frame should be stored in the root node: ; ; DXDTS( MainStartDate^MainEndDate (FileMan) ; DataArea, ; i) StartDate^EndDate (FileMan) ; ; See the $$DXPERIOD^ROREXTUT function for details. ; ; [HDTMODE] This parameter is defined and non-zero during the ; historical data extraction. ; ; Return Values: ; <0 Error Code ; 0 Ok ; >0 Nothing to send ; MESSAGE(PTIEN,RGIENLST,DXDTS,HDTMODE) ; N RORDEM ; Update demographics ; N CLINPTR,CSRPTR,DEMPTR,PV1PTR,RC,REGIEN,RORMSG,RORPTR,TMP S HDTMODE=+$G(HDTMODE) ;--- If only the main time frame is provided then ;--- generate the data-specific ones automatically I $D(DXDTS)<10 D D DXMERGE^ROREXTUT(.DXDTS) . D DXADD^ROREXTUT(.DXDTS,$P(DXDTS,U),$P(DXDTS,U,2),0,1) ;--- Initialize variables S RC=$$INIT^RORHL7() Q:RC<0 RC S RORDEM=$$DEMCHK(.RGIENLST) ; ;=== Demographic data segments S DEMPTR=$$PTR^RORHL7 S RC=$$PID^RORHL01(PTIEN) Q:RC<0 RC ;--- Period of Servise S RC=$$ZSP^RORHL01(PTIEN) Q:RC<0 RC ;--- Rated Disabilities S RC=$$ZRD^RORHL01(PTIEN) Q:RC<0 RC ; ;=== Inpatient and Outpatient Encounter Data S PV1PTR=$$PTR^RORHL7 ;--- Inpatient S RC=$$EN1^RORHL08(PTIEN,.DXDTS,"PV1") Q:RC<0 RC ;--- Outpatient S RC=$$EN1^RORHL09(PTIEN,.DXDTS,"PV1") Q:RC<0 RC ; ;=== Required CSR segment (dummy) S CSRPTR=$$PTR^RORHL7 S RC=$$CSR^RORHL02(,PTIEN) Q:RC<0 RC ; ;=== Add other encounter data segments S CLINPTR=$$PTR^RORHL7 ;---Inpatient S RC=$$EN1^RORHL08(PTIEN,.DXDTS,"OBR") Q:RC<0 RC ;--- Outpatient S RC=$$EN1^RORHL09(PTIEN,.DXDTS,"OBR") Q:RC<0 RC ;--- Radiology S RC=$$EN1^RORHL04(PTIEN,.DXDTS) Q:RC<0 RC ;--- Autopsy S RC=$$EN1^RORHL05(PTIEN,.DXDTS) Q:RC<0 RC ;--- Surgical Pathology S RC=$$EN1^RORHL10(PTIEN,.DXDTS,HDTMODE) Q:RC<0 RC ;--- Cytopathology S RC=$$EN1^RORHL11(PTIEN,.DXDTS,HDTMODE) Q:RC<0 RC ;--- Microbiology S RC=$$EN1^RORHL12(PTIEN,.DXDTS,HDTMODE) Q:RC<0 RC ;--- EKG (Medical Procedures) S RC=$$EN1^RORHL13(PTIEN,.DXDTS) Q:RC<0 RC ;--- Allergy S RC=$$EN1^RORHL14(PTIEN,.DXDTS) Q:RC<0 RC ;--- IV S RC=$$EN1^RORHL15(PTIEN,.DXDTS) Q:RC<0 RC ;--- Vitals S RC=$$EN1^RORHL16(PTIEN,.DXDTS) Q:RC<0 RC ;--- Problem List S RC=$$EN1^RORHL17(PTIEN,.DXDTS) Q:RC<0 RC ;--- Lab data S RC=$$LABDATA(PTIEN,.DXDTS,HDTMODE) Q:RC<0 RC ;--- Pharmacy S RC=$$EN1^RORHL03(PTIEN,.DXDTS) Q:RC<0 RC ; ;=== Analyze the structure of the message S RORPTR=$$PTR^RORHL7 ;--- If the demographic data has not changed since the previous ; data extraction and no clinical data has been added to the ;--- message, then remove the demographic section completely. I 'RORDEM,RORPTR'>CLINPTR,CSRPTR'>PV1PTR D . D ROLLBACK^RORHL7(DEMPTR,1) S CLINPTR=0 ; ;=== Registry Data S REGIEN=0 F S REGIEN=$O(RGIENLST(REGIEN)),RC=0 Q:REGIEN'>0 D Q:RC<0 . S IEN=+RGIENLST(REGIEN) Q:IEN'>0 . ;--- If no clinical or demographics data is sent and the local . ; registry data has not been modified since the last data . ;--- extraction, then do not include the registry data section. . I 'CLINPTR D Q:RC . . S RC='$$GET1^DIQ(798,IEN_",",5,"I",,"RORMSG") . . S:$G(DIERR) RC=$$DBS^RORERR("RORMSG",-9,,PTIEN,798,IEN_",") . ;--- . I $G(ROREXT("MSGBLD",REGIEN))'="" D . . X "S RC="_ROREXT("MSGBLD",REGIEN)_"(IEN,PTIEN,.DXDTS)" . E S RC=$$REGDATA(IEN,PTIEN,.DXDTS) ; ;=== Analyze the structure of the message S RORPTR=$$PTR^RORHL7 Q (RORPTR'>DEMPTR) ; ;***** EXTRACTS REGISTRY-SPECIFIC DATA ; ; RORIEN IEN of the patient record in the registry ; ; PTIEN Patient IEN ; ; .DXDTS Data extraction time frames ; ; [HDTMODE] This parameter is defined and non-zero during the ; historical data extraction. ; ; Return Values: ; <0 Error Code ; 0 Ok ; >0 Nothing to send ; REGDATA(RORIEN,PTIEN,DXDTS,HDTMODE) ; N IENS,RC S IENS=RORIEN_"," S RC=$$PID^RORHL01(PTIEN) Q:RC<0 RC S RC=$$CSR^RORHL02(IENS,PTIEN) Q:RC<0 RC S RC=$$CSP^RORHL02(IENS,DXDTS) Q:RC<0 RC Q 0