RORP001 ;HCIOFO/SG - PATCH ROR*1.5*1 INSTALLATION ROUTINE ; 7/18/06 9:38am ;;1.5;CLINICAL CASE REGISTRIES;**1**;Feb 17, 2006;Build 24 ; ;***** ENVIRONMENT CHECK N RC ;--- Check the User ID I $G(DUZ)'>0 D S XPDABORT=2 Q . W !!,"The DUZ variable must be defined!",! ;--- Check the required security key I '$D(^XUSEC("ROR VA IRM",DUZ)) D S XPDABORT=2 Q . W !!,"You must have the ROR VA IRM security key!",! ; ;=== Installation section Q:'$G(XPDENV) ;--- Check the scheduled option I $$CHKOPT^RORKIDS("ROR TASK")<0 S XPDABORT=2 Q ;--- Override the "Want to DISABLE Options, and Protocols?" question S XPDDIQ("XPZ1")=0 Q ; ;***** ERROR PROCESSING ERROR ; N TMP S XPDABORT=1 I $D(ZTQUEUED) D D ALERT^RORKIDS(DUZ,-43,REGNAME,,TMP) . S TMP=+$G(RORPARM("KIDS")) . S TMP=$S(TMP=1:"pre-",TMP=2:"post-",1:"")_"install" D DSPSTK^RORERR(),ABTMSG^RORKIDS() Q ; ;***** POST-INSTALL ENTRY POINT POS ; N RORERROR ; Error processing data N RORLOG ; Log subsystem constants & variables N RORPARM ; Application parameters ; N DA,RC,RORHIV,TMP S RORPARM("DEVELOPER")=1 ; Enable modifications S RORPARM("ERR")=1 ; Enable error processing S RORPARM("KIDS")=2 ; Post-install indicator S RORPARM("LOG")=1 ; Enable log recording ; ;--- Open a new log K TMP S TMP("VA HIV")="" S TMP=$$OPEN^RORLOG(.TMP,0,XPDNM_" POST-INSTALL STARTED") K TMP ; ;--- Initialize variables S RORHIV=$$REGIEN^RORUTL02("VA HIV") G:RORHIV<0 ERROR S RORHIV=RORHIV_U_"VA HIV" ; ;--- ROR GENERIC DRUG file (#799.51) G:$$CP^RORKIDS("POS05","$$RS79951^RORPUT02")<0 ERROR ; ;--- Restore the CDC definition G:$$CP^RORKIDS("POS10","$$CDCDEF^RORPUT01")<0 ERROR ; ;--- Restore predefined report templates G:$$CP^RORKIDS("POS15","$$RSPRT^RORPUT02")<0 ERROR ; ;--- Close the log D CLOSE^RORLOG(XPDNM_" POST-INSTALL COMPLETED") Q ; ;***** PRE-TRANSPORTATION ENTRY POINT PTR ; N RORBUF,TMP ;--- Copy the CDC definition to the transport global D GETPARM^RORRP038(.RORBUF,"ICRCDCDEF","PKG") K RORBUF(0) M @XPDGREF@("RORCDCDEF")=RORBUF ;--- Load the records of the ROR GENERIG DRUG file D LD79951^RORPUT02() ;--- Load predefined report templates D LDPRT^RORPUT02() Q