RORPUT01 ;HCIOFO/SG - EDIT LOINC AND DRUG CODE MULTIPLES ; 5/19/06 11:48am ;;1.5;CLINICAL CASE REGISTRIES;**1**;Feb 17, 2006;Build 24 ; Q ; ;***** ADDS THE RECORDS TO THE MULTIPLE ; ; REGIEN Registry IEN ; SUBFILE Subfile number ; LSTREF Reference to a list or the list itself (see the ; $$COMPNEXT^RORPUT01 function for more details). ; ; Return Values: ; <0 Error code ; 0 Ok ; ADD(REGIEN,SUBFILE,LSTREF) ; N BUF,IENS,ITEM,LI,NEXT,RC,RORFDA,RORMSG,TLI S NEXT=$$COMPNEXT(LSTREF) Q:NEXT<0 NEXT S IENS="?+1,"_(+REGIEN)_",",RC=0 F TLI=1:1 X NEXT Q:$G(BUF)'[";;" D Q:RC<0 . S BUF=$P(BUF,";;",2) . D MES^RORKIDS(BUF) . S BUF=$TR(BUF," ") . F LI=1:1 S ITEM=$P(BUF,",",LI) Q:ITEM="" D Q:RC<0 . . S RORFDA(SUBFILE,IENS,.01)=ITEM . . D UPDATE^DIE(,"RORFDA",,"RORMSG") . . S:$G(DIERR) RC=$$DBS^RORERR("RORMSG",-9,,,SUBFILE,IENS) Q RC ; ;***** RESTORES THE CDC DEFINITION ; ; Return Values: ; <0 Error code ; 0 Ok ; CDCDEF() ; N RC,RESULTS,RORBUF D BMES^RORKIDS("Restoring the CDC definition...") ;--- Restore the definition from the transport global M RORBUF=@XPDGREF@("RORCDCDEF") S RORBUF="HIV CDC Form Template" D SETPARM^RORRP038(.RESULTS,"ICRCDCDEF","PKG",.RORBUF) Q:$G(RESULTS(0))<0 +RESULTS(0) ;--- Success D MES^RORKIDS("The definition has been restored successfully.") Q 0 ; ;***** COMPILES THE 'NEXT' LOGIC ; ; PARAM Parameter defining the list of codes. It should be ; either a list of codes separated by commas or a full ; reference (TAG^ROUTINE) to a routine label after ; which the list is located. In the latter case, the ; list itself should look like this: ; ; ; ; ;***** SHORT DESCRIPTION OF THE LIST ; LABEL ; ; ;; Code1, Code2, ... ; ;; CodeN, ... ; ; ; ; There should be at least one line that does not ; contain ";;" after the list (or no lines at all). ; ; Return Values: ; <0 Error code ; "" The list is empty ; '="" A string that should be XECUTE'd to get the next ; buffer with the list data ; COMPNEXT(PARAM) ; N I,N,NEXT,RC Q:PARAM?." " "" ;--- Reference to a routine label I PARAM?1.8UN1"^"1.8UN D Q NEXT . S NEXT="S BUF=$T("_$P(PARAM,U)_"+TLI"_U_$P(PARAM,U,2)_")" ;--- List of codes separated by commas S N=$L(PARAM,","),RC=0 F I=1:1:N I '($P(PARAM,",",I)?." "1.N." ") S RC=-88 Q I RC<0,I=N S:$P(PARAM,",",N)?." " RC=0,N=N-1 I N>0,RC'<0 D Q NEXT . S NEXT="S BUF=$P("""_";;"_$P(PARAM,",",1,N)_""",U,TLI)" ;--- Invalid parameter Q $$ERROR^RORERR(-88,,,,"List of Codes",PARAM) ; ;***** ADDS ITEMS TO 'EXTRACTED RESULT' MULTIPLE OF FILE #798.1 ; ; [RORREG] Registry IEN and registry name separated by the '^' ; (RegistryIEN^RegistryName). ; ; [RORLNCAD] Either a list of LOINC codes (without check digits) ; separated by commas or a full reference (TAG^ROUTINE) ; to a routine label after which the list is located. ; ; All spaces are removed from the lines of the list. ; See the $$COMPNEXT^RORPUT01 function for more ; details. ; ; If some of these parameters are omitted or equal to an empty ; strings, their values must be defined as the RORPARM("KIDS") ; sub-nodes of the same name. ; ; Return Values: ; <0 Error code ; 0 Ok ; LOINCADD(RORREG,RORLNCAD) ; N RC D BMES^RORKIDS("Adding new LOINC codes to the EXTRACTED RESULT multiple...") ;--- Get the parameters S:'$G(RORREG) RORREG=$$PARAM^RORKIDS("RORREG") S:$G(RORLNCAD)="" RORLNCAD=$$PARAM^RORKIDS("RORLNCAD") ;--- Add new LOINC codes S RC=$$ADD(+RORREG,798.112,RORLNCAD) Q:RC<0 RC ;--- Success D MES^RORKIDS("The LOINC list has been updated successfully.") Q 0 ; ;***** REMOVES ITEMS FROM 'EXTRACTED RESULT' MULTIPLE OF FILE #798.1 ; ; [RORREG] Registry IEN and registry name separated by the '^' ; (RegistryIEN^RegistryName). ; ; [RORLNCRM] Either a list of LOINC codes (without check digits) ; separated by commas or a full reference (TAG^ROUTINE) ; to a routine label after which the list is located. ; ; All spaces are removed from the lines of the list. ; See the $$COMPNEXT^RORPUT01 function for more ; details. ; ; If some of these parameters are omitted or equal to an empty ; strings, their values must be defined as the RORPARM("KIDS") ; sub-nodes of the same name. ; ; Return Values: ; <0 Error code ; 0 Ok ; LOINCREM(RORREG,RORLNCRM) ; N BUF,DA,DIK,IENS,IR,LCI,LOINC,NEXT,RC,RORBUF,RORMSG,TLI D BMES^RORKIDS("Removing obsolete codes from the EXTRACTED RESULT multiple...") ;--- Get the parameters S:'$G(RORREG) RORREG=$$PARAM^RORKIDS("RORREG") S:$G(RORLNCRM)="" RORLNCRM=$$PARAM^RORKIDS("RORLNCRM") ;--- Delete unnecessary LOINC codes S RC=$$REMOVE(+RORREG,798.112,RORLNCRM) Q:RC<0 RC ;--- Success D MES^RORKIDS("The LOINC list has been updated successfully.") Q 0 ; ;***** REMOVES THE RECORDS FROM THE MULTIPLE ; ; REGIEN Registry IEN ; SUBFILE Subfile number ; LSTREF Reference to a list or the list itself (see the ; $$COMPNEXT^RORPUT01 function for more details). ; ; Return Values: ; <0 Error code ; 0 Ok ; REMOVE(REGIEN,SUBFILE,LSTREF) ; N BUF,DA,DIK,IENS,IR,ITEM,LI,NEXT,RC,RORBUF,RORMSG,TLI S NEXT=$$COMPNEXT(LSTREF) Q:NEXT<0 NEXT S IENS=","_(+REGIEN)_",",RC=0 F TLI=1:1 X NEXT Q:$G(BUF)'[";;" D Q:RC<0 . S BUF=$P(BUF,";;",2) . D MES^RORKIDS(BUF) . S BUF=$TR(BUF," ") . F LI=1:1 S ITEM=$P(BUF,",",LI) Q:ITEM="" D Q:RC<0 . . K RORBUF . . D FIND^DIC(SUBFILE,IENS,"@","QX",ITEM,,"B",,,"RORBUF","RORMSG") . . I $G(DIERR) S RC=$$DBS^RORERR("RORMSG",-9,,,SUBFILE,IENS) Q . . S IR="",DIK=$$ROOT^DILFD(SUBFILE,IENS),DA(1)=+REGIEN . . F S IR=$O(RORBUF("DILIST",2,IR)) Q:IR="" D . . . S DA=RORBUF("DILIST",2,IR) D ^DIK Q RC ; ;***** UPDATES (POPULATES) THE LOCAL REGISTRY ; ; [RORREG] Registry IEN and registry name separated by the '^' ; (RegistryIEN^RegistryName). ; [MAXNTSK] Maximum number of registry update subtasks ; [SUSPEND] Suspend update (sub)tasks during the peak hours ; (StartTime^EndTime) ; ; If some of these parameters are omitted or equal to an empty ; strings, their values must be defined as the RORPARM("KIDS") ; sub-nodes of the same name. ; ; Return Values: ; <0 Error code ; 0 Ok ; UPDATE(RORREG,MAXNTSK,SUSPEND) ; N EC,REGLST D BMES^RORKIDS("Updating the local registry...") ;--- Get the parameters S:'$G(RORREG) RORREG=$$PARAM^RORKIDS("RORREG") S:RORREG REGLST($P(RORREG,U,2))=+RORREG S:$G(MAXNTSK)="" MAXNTSK=$$PARAM^RORKIDS("MAXNTSK") S:$G(SUSPEND)="" SUSPEND=$$PARAM^RORKIDS("SUSPEND") ;--- Update the registry S RC=$$UPDATE^RORUPD(.REGLST,,MAXNTSK,SUSPEND) Q:RC<0 RC ;--- Success D MES^RORKIDS("Registry update completed.") Q 0