RORRP007 ;HCIOFO/SG - RPC: LOGS & MESSAGES ; 11/4/05 8:56am ;;1.5;CLINICAL CASE REGISTRIES;;Feb 17, 2006 ; Q ; ;***** LOADS THE LOG INFORMATION INTO THE BUFFER ; ; IEN Log IEN ; ; ROR8DST Closed root of the destination buffer ; ; [[.]OFFSET] Offset in the buffer (modified by the function ; if passed by reference) ; ; Return Values: ; <0 Error code ; 0 Ok ; >0 Skip the log ; LOAD(IEN,ROR8DST,OFFSET) ; N BUF,IENS,IENS1,RORBUF,RORMSG S IENS=IEN_"," K RORBUF D GETS^DIQ(798.7,IENS,RORFLDS,"EI","RORBUF","RORMSG") Q:$G(DIERR) 1 ;--- Skip the 'Access Violation' activities Q:$G(RORBUF(798.7,IENS,1,"I"))=6 2 S BUF="L^"_IEN ;--- Activity (external) S $P(BUF,"^",3)=$G(RORBUF(798.7,IENS,1,"E")) ;--- Activity (internal) S $P(BUF,"^",4)=$G(RORBUF(798.7,IENS,1,"I")) ;--- Start Date/Time S $P(BUF,"^",5)=$G(RORBUF(798.7,IENS,.01,"E")) ;--- Contains messages S $P(BUF,"^",6)=($O(^RORDATA(798.7,IEN,2,0))>0) ;--- Job Number S $P(BUF,"^",7)=$G(RORBUF(798.7,IENS,2,"E")) ;--- End Date/Time S $P(BUF,"^",8)=$G(RORBUF(798.7,IENS,5,"E")) ;--- Number of Processed Patients S $P(BUF,"^",9)=$G(RORBUF(798.7,IENS,6.01,"E")) ;--- Number of Patients with Errors S $P(BUF,"^",10)=$G(RORBUF(798.7,IENS,6.02,"E")) ;--- Processing Rate S $P(BUF,"^",11)=$G(RORBUF(798.7,IENS,6.03,"E")) ;--- Task Number S $P(BUF,"^",12)=$G(RORBUF(798.7,IENS,8,"I")) ;--- Add the log descriptor to the output S OFFSET=$G(OFFSET)+1,@ROR8DST@(OFFSET)=BUF ;--- Load the list of registries S IENS1="" F S IENS1=$O(RORBUF(798.73,IENS1)) Q:IENS1="" D . S BUF="R^"_$G(RORBUF(798.73,IENS1,.01,"I")) . S $P(BUF,"^",3)=$G(RORBUF(798.73,IENS1,.01,"E")) . ;--- Add the registry descriptor to the output . S OFFSET=OFFSET+1,@ROR8DST@(OFFSET)=BUF ;---Add the 'End of log' marker S OFFSET=OFFSET+1,@ROR8DST@(OFFSET)="L^END" Q 0 ; ;***** RETURNS THE LOG INFORMATION ; RPC: [ROR LOG INFO] ; ; .RORRES Reference to a local variable where the results ; are returned to. ; ; LOGIEN Log IEN ; ; Return Values: ; ; A negative value of the first "^"-piece of the RORRES(0) indicates ; an error (see the RPCSTK^RORERR procedure for more details). ; ; Otherwise, either 0 (the log does not exist) or 1 is returned ; in the RORRES(0) and the subsequent nodes of the RORRES array ; contain the log information. ; ; RORRES(0) 0 or 1 ; ; RORRES(i) See description of the LOGLIST^RORRP007 ; LOGINFO(RORRES,LOGIEN) ; N RC,RORFLDS ;--- Initialize the variables K RORRES S RORRES(0)=0 S RORFLDS=".01;1;2;3*;5;6.01;6.02;6.03;8" ;--- Check the parameters S LOGIEN=+$G(LOGIEN) Q:LOGIEN'>0 Q:'$D(^RORDATA(798.7,LOGIEN,0)) ;--- Load the log information S RC=$$LOAD(LOGIEN,"RORRES") ;--- Check for the errors I 'RC S RORRES(0)=1 E D:RC<0 RPCSTK^RORERR(.RORRES,RC) Q ; ;***** RETURNS THE LIST OF LOGS ; RPC: [ROR LOG GET LIST] ; ; .RESULTS Reference to a local variable where the results ; are returned to. ; ; REGIEN Registry IEN ; ; [STDT] Start date (by default, from the earliest log) ; [ENDT] End date (by default, to the latest log) ; ; Return Values: ; ; A negative value of the first "^"-piece of the RESULTS(0) indicates ; an error (see the RPCSTK^RORERR procedure for more details). ; ; Otherwise, number of logs is returned in the @RESULTS@(0) and the ; subsequent nodes of the RESULTS array contain the logs. ; ; @RESULTS@(0) Number of logs ; ; @RESULTS@(i) Log descriptor ; ^01: "L" ; ^02: Log IEN ; ^03: Activity (external) ; ^04: Activity (internal) ; ^05: Start Date/Time (external) ; ^06: Contains messages (0/1) ; ^07: Job Number ; ^08: End Date/Time (external) ; ^09: Number of Processed Patients ; ^10: Number of Patients with Errors ; ^11: Processing Rate ; ^12: Task Number (optional) ; ; @RESULTS@(...) Registry descriptor (optional) ; ^01: "R" ; ^02: Registry IEN ; ^03: Registry Name ; ; @RESULTS@(i+n) 'End of log' marker ; ^01: "L" ; ^02: "END" ; LOGLIST(RESULTS,REGIEN,STDT,ENDT) ; N CNT,DATE,IEN,RORFLDS,RC,XREF D CLEAR^RORERR("LOGLIST^RORRP007",1) S RORFLDS=".01;1;2;3*;5;6.01;6.02;6.03;8" ;--- Check the parameters I $G(REGIEN)'>0 D D RPCSTK^RORERR(.RESULTS,RC) Q . S RC=$$ERROR^RORERR(-88,,,,"REGIEN",$G(REGIEN)) S REGIEN=+REGIEN,STDT=$G(STDT)\1,ENDT=$G(ENDT)\1 S ENDT=$S(ENDT>0:$$FMADD^XLFDT(ENDT,1),1:9999999) ;--- Initialize the variables S XREF=$NA(^RORDATA(798.7,"ARD",REGIEN)),CNT=0 K RESULTS S RESULTS=$$ALLOC^RORTMP() ;--- Browse through the logs S CNT("L")=0,DATE=ENDT F S DATE=$O(@XREF@(DATE),-1) Q:DATE="" Q:DATE0 D D RPCSTK^RORERR(.RESULTS,RC) Q . S RC=$$ERROR^RORERR(-88,,,,"LOGIEN",$G(LOGIEN)) S LOGIEN=+LOGIEN ;--- Initialize the variables S ROOT=$$ROOT^DILFD(798.7,,1),CNT=0 K RESULTS S RESULTS=$$ALLOC^RORTMP() ;--- Browse through the messages S (CNT("M"),IEN)=0 F S IEN=$O(@ROOT@(LOGIEN,2,IEN)) Q:IEN'>0 D . S IENS=IEN_","_LOGIEN_"," K RORBUF . ;--- Load the message details . D GETS^DIQ(798.74,IENS,".01;1;2;3;4","EI","RORBUF","RORMSG") . Q:$G(DIERR) . S BUF="M^"_IENS . ;--- Type (external) . S $P(BUF,"^",3)=$G(RORBUF(798.74,IENS,1,"E")) . ;--- Type (Internal) . S $P(BUF,"^",4)=$G(RORBUF(798.74,IENS,1,"I")) . ;--- Date/Time . S $P(BUF,"^",5)=$G(RORBUF(798.74,IENS,.01,"E")) . ;--- Has Additional Info . S $P(BUF,"^",6)=($D(RORBUF(798.74,IENS,4))>1) . ;--- Patient Name . S $P(BUF,"^",7)=$G(RORBUF(798.74,IENS,3,"E")) . ;--- Patient IEN (DFN) . S $P(BUF,"^",8)=$G(RORBUF(798.74,IENS,3,"I")) . ;--- Add the descriptor to the output . S CNT=CNT+1,@RESULTS@(CNT)=BUF . ;--- Add the message text to the output . S CNT=CNT+1,@RESULTS@(CNT)="T^"_$G(RORBUF(798.74,IENS,2,"E")) . ;--- Append the ADDITIONAL INFO . S I=0 . F S I=$O(RORBUF(798.74,IENS,4,I)) Q:'I D . . S CNT=CNT+1,@RESULTS@(CNT)="A^"_RORBUF(798.74,IENS,4,I) . ;---Add the 'End of message' marker . S CNT=CNT+1,@RESULTS@(CNT)="M^END" . S CNT("M")=CNT("M")+1 ;--- Number of messages S @RESULTS@(0)=CNT("M") Q