RORRP015 ;HCIOFO/SG - RPC: DIVISIONS AND HOSPITAL LOCATIONS ; 3/13/06 9:25am ;;1.5;CLINICAL CASE REGISTRIES;**1**;Feb 17, 2006;Build 24 ; ; This routine uses the following IAs: ; ; #1246 WIN^DGPMDDCF (supported) ; #2438 Access to the file #40.8 (controlled) ; #10040 Access to the HOSPITAL LOCATION file (supported) ; Q ; ;***** CHECKS IF THE HOSPITAL LOCATION IS ACTIVE ; ; LOCIEN IEN of the hospital location ; ACTLOC(LOCIEN) ; N D0,DGPMOS,RDT,X Q:$G(^SC(LOCIEN,"OOS")) 0 ; An OOS entry S D0=+$G(^SC(LOCIEN,42)) I D0>0 D WIN^DGPMDDCF Q 'X ; Check if ward is inactive S X=$G(^SC(LOCIEN,"I")) Q:'$P(X,U) 1 ; No inactivation date S RDT=+$P(X,U,2) I DT>$P(X,U) Q:'RDT!(DT0:+NUMBER,1:"*") ;--- Setup the start point I $G(FROM)'="" D S FROM=$P(FROM,U) . S:$P(FROM,U,2)>0 FROM("IEN")=+$P(FROM,U,2) ;--- Get the list of divisions S BUF="@;.01;1;.07I",TMP="P"_$S(FLAGS["B":"B",1:"") D LIST^DIC(40.8,,BUF,TMP,NUMBER,.FROM,PART,"B",,,,"RORMSG") I $G(DIERR) D D RPCSTK^RORERR(.RESULTS,RC) Q . S RC=$$DBS^RORERR("RORMSG",-9,,,40.8) . K ^TMP("DILIST",$J) ;--- Success S TMP=$G(^TMP("DILIST",$J,0)),BUF=+$P(TMP,U) K ^TMP("DILIST",$J,0) S:$P(TMP,U,3) $P(BUF,U,2,3)=$G(FROM)_U_$G(FROM("IEN")) S @RESULTS@(0)=BUF Q ; ;***** RETURNS THE LIST OF HOSPITAL LOCATIONS ; RPC: [ROR LIST HOSPITAL LOCATIONS] ; ; .RESULTS Reference to a local variable where the results ; are returned to. ; ; [HLTYPES] List of location types separated by commas (internal ; values of the TYPE field of the HOSPITAL LOCATION ; file). Only locations of the types defined by this ; parameter are selected by the procedure. By default ; ($G(HLTYPES)=""), all locations are selected. ; ; [DIVIEN] Division IEN. If this parameter is defined and ; greater than zero then only the locations associated ; with this division will be selected. ; ; [PART] The partial match restriction. ; ; [FLAGS] Flags that control the execution (can be combined): ; A Include active locations (default) ; B Backwards. Traverses the index in the opposite ; direction of normal traversal. ; I Include inactive locations ; ; [NUMBER] Maximum number of entries to return. A value of "*" ; or no value in this parameter designates all entries. ; ; [FROM] The index entry(s) from which to begin the list ; ^01: FromName ; ^02: FromIEN ; ; For example, a FROM value of "VA" would list entries ; following VA. You can use the 2-nd and 3-rd "^"- ; pieces of the @RESULTS@(0) node to continue the ; listing in the subsequent procedure calls. ; ; NOTE: The FROM value itself is not included in ; the resulting list. ; ; The ^TMP("DILIST",$J) global node is used by the procedure. ; ; See description of the LIST^DIC for more details about the ; PART, NUMBER and FROM parameters. ; ; Return Values: ; ; A negative value of the first "^"-piece of the @RESULTS@(0) ; indicates an error (see the RPCSTK^RORERR procedure for more ; details). ; ; Otherwise, number of hospital locations and the value of the ; FROM parameter for the next procedure call are returned in ; the @RESULTS@(0) and the subsequent nodes of the global array ; contain the locations. ; ; @RESULTS@(0) Result Descriptor ; ^01: Number of locations ; ^02: FromName ; ^03: FromIEN ; ; @RESULTS@(i) Hospital Location ; ^01: IEN ; ^02: Name ; ^03: Type (internal) ; ^04: Institution IEN ; ^05: Division IEN ; ^06: Active (0/1) ; ; NOTE: The 6th "^"-piece of the location record (Active) is ; populated only if both "A" and "I" flags are used. ; HLOCLIST(RESULTS,HLTYPES,DIVIEN,PART,FLAGS,NUMBER,FROM) ; N BUF,I,RC,RORERRDL,RORHLT,RORMSG,SCR,TMP D CLEAR^RORERR("HLOCLIST^RORRP015",1) K RESULTS S RESULTS=$NA(^TMP("DILIST",$J)) K @RESULTS ;--- Check the parameters S HLTYPES=$$UP^XLFSTR($TR($G(HLTYPES)," ")) F I=1:1 S TMP=$P(HLTYPES,",",I) Q:TMP="" S RORHLT(TMP)="" S DIVIEN=$S($G(DIVIEN)>0:+DIVIEN,1:0) S PART=$G(PART),FLAGS=$G(FLAGS) S NUMBER=$S($G(NUMBER)>0:+NUMBER,1:"*") ;--- If neither "A" nor "I" flag is provided, add the "A" (default) S:$TR(FLAGS,"AI")=FLAGS FLAGS=FLAGS_"A" ;--- Setup the start point I $G(FROM)'="" D S FROM=$P(FROM,U) . S:$P(FROM,U,2)>0 FROM("IEN")=+$P(FROM,U,2) ;--- Compile the screen logic (be careful with naked references) S SCR="" D:$D(RORHLT)>1 . S SCR=SCR_"S D=$P($G(^(0)),U,3) I D'="""",$D(RORHLT(D)) " S:DIVIEN SCR=SCR_"I $P($G(^(0)),U,15)=DIVIEN " S:FLAGS'["A" SCR=SCR_"I '$$ACTLOC^RORRP015(+Y) " S:FLAGS'["I" SCR=SCR_"I $$ACTLOC^RORRP015(+Y) " ;--- Get the list of locations S BUF="@;.01;2I;3I;3.5I",TMP="P"_$S(FLAGS["B":"B",1:"") D LIST^DIC(44,,BUF,TMP,NUMBER,.FROM,PART,"B",SCR,,,"RORMSG") I $G(DIERR) D D RPCSTK^RORERR(.RESULTS,RC) Q . S RC=$$DBS^RORERR("RORMSG",-9,,,44) . K ^TMP("DILIST",$J) ;--- Populate the Active field if both flags are used I FLAGS["I",FLAGS["A" S I=0 D . F S I=$O(@RESULTS@(I)) Q:I="" D . . S $P(@RESULTS@(I,0),U,6)=$$ACTLOC(+@RESULTS@(I,0)) ;--- Success S TMP=$G(^TMP("DILIST",$J,0)),BUF=+$P(TMP,U) K ^TMP("DILIST",$J,0) S:$P(TMP,U,3) $P(BUF,U,2,3)=$G(FROM)_U_$G(FROM("IEN")) S @RESULTS@(0)=BUF Q