RORRP025 ;HCIOFO/SG - RPC: RORICR CDC LOAD ; 2/3/04 8:11am ;;1.5;CLINICAL CASE REGISTRIES;;Feb 17, 2006 ; ; This routine uses the following IAs: ; ; #10060 Read access to the NEW PERSON file (#200) ; ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Registry: [VA HIV] ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- Q ; ;***** DEMOGRAPHIC INFORMATION (III) CDM(IENS) ; N BUF,RC,RORBUF,TMP S BUF="CDM" S RC=$$LOAD^RORRP026(IENS,"CDM^RORRP026",.BUF,.RORBUF) Q:RC<0 RC ;--- Age at diagnosis S TMP=+$G(RORBUF(799.4,IENS,9.02,"I")) S:TMP=1 $P(BUF,U,4)=$G(RORBUF(799.4,IENS,9.03,"I")) S:TMP=2 $P(BUF,U,4)=$G(RORBUF(799.4,IENS,9.04,"I")) ;--- Country of birth S TMP=+$G(RORBUF(799.4,IENS,9.07,"I")) S:TMP=7 $P(BUF,U,8)=$G(RORBUF(799.4,IENS,9.08,"I")) S:TMP=8 $P(BUF,U,8)=$G(RORBUF(799.4,IENS,9.09,"I")) ;--- Store the data into the result buffer S RORPTR=RORPTR+1,RORDST(RORPTR)=BUF Q 0 ; ;***** COMMENTS (X) CMT(IENS) ; N BUF,I,RC,RORBUF,RORMSG,TMP S TMP=$$GET1^DIQ(799.4,IENS,25,,"RORBUF","RORMSG") I $G(DIERR) D Q RC . S RC=$$DBS^RORERR("RORMSG",-9,,,799.4,IENS) ;--- Store the data into the result buffer S I=0 F S I=$O(RORBUF(I)) Q:I'>0 D . S RORPTR=RORPTR+1,RORDST(RORPTR)="CMT"_U_I_U_RORBUF(I) Q 0 ; ;***** CLINICAL STATUS (VIII) CS(IENS) ; N BUF,I,IENS1,RC,RORBUF,RORMSG,TMP S BUF="CS" S RC=$$LOAD^RORRP026(IENS,"CS^RORRP026",.BUF) Q:RC<0 RC ;--- Store the data into the result buffer S RORPTR=RORPTR+1,RORDST(RORPTR)=BUF ;--- Load the AIDS Indicator diseases S IENS1=","_IENS,TMP="@;.01I;.02I;.03I" D LIST^DIC(799.41,IENS1,TMP,,,,,"B",,,"RORBUF","RORMSG") I $G(DIERR) D Q RC . S RC=$$DBS^RORERR("RORMSG",-9,,,799.41,IENS1) ;--- Process the list S I=0 F S I=$O(RORBUF("DILIST","ID",I)) Q:I'>0 D . S BUF="AID"_U_$G(RORBUF("DILIST","ID",I,.01)) . S TMP=$G(RORBUF("DILIST","ID",I,.02)) Q:TMP'>0 . S $P(BUF,U,3)=TMP . S $P(BUF,U,4)=$$DATE^RORRP026($G(RORBUF("DILIST","ID",I,.03))) . ;--- Store the data into the result buffer . S RORPTR=RORPTR+1,RORDST(RORPTR)=BUF Q 0 ; ;***** PROCESSES THE ERROR(S) AND UNLOCKS THE RECORDS ERROR(RESULTS,RC) ; D RPCSTK^RORERR(.RESULTS,RC) D UNLOCK^RORLOCK(.RORLOCK) Q ; ;***** FACILITY OF DIAGNOSIS (IV) FD(IENS) ; N BUF,RC,RORBUF,TMP S BUF="FD" S RC=$$LOAD^RORRP026(IENS,"FD^RORRP026",.BUF) Q:RC<0 RC ;--- Store the data into the result buffer S RORPTR=RORPTR+1,RORDST(RORPTR)=BUF Q 0 ; ;***** FORM HEADERS HDR(IENS) ; N BUF,IENS200,RC,RORBUF,RORMSG,TMP S BUF="HDR" S RC=$$LOAD^RORRP026(IENS,"HDR^RORRP026",.BUF) Q:RC<0 RC ;--- Date when the CDC form was completed S:$P(BUF,U,3)="" $P(BUF,U,3)=$$DT^XLFDT ;--- Person who is completing the form S IENS200=DUZ_"," D GETS^DIQ(200,IENS200,".01;.132",,"RORBUF","RORMSG") Q:$G(DIERR) $$DBS^RORERR("RORMSG",-9,,,200,IENS200) S $P(BUF,U,4)=DUZ S $P(BUF,U,5)=$G(RORBUF(200,IENS200,.01)) S $P(BUF,U,6)=$G(RORBUF(200,IENS200,.132)) ;--- Medical record number (it is the SSN now) S $P(BUF,U,7)=$P($G(RORDST(1)),U,6) ;--- Store the data into the result buffer S RORPTR=RORPTR+1,RORDST(RORPTR)=BUF Q 0 ; ;***** LABORATORY DATA (VI) LD(IENS) ; N BUF,FLD,RC,RORBUF,TMP S BUF="LD1" S RC=$$LOAD^RORRP026(IENS,"LD1^RORRP026",.BUF,.RORBUF) Q:RC<0 RC ;--- Positive HIV detection test S FLD=$$PHIVFLD^RORRP026($P(BUF,U,12)) S:FLD $P(BUF,U,13)=$$DATE^RORRP026($G(RORBUF(799.4,IENS,FLD,"I"))) ;--- Store the data into the result buffer S RORPTR=RORPTR+1,RORDST(RORPTR)=BUF ;--- The second segment S BUF="LD2" S RC=$$LOAD^RORRP026(IENS,"LD2^RORRP026",.BUF) Q:RC<0 RC ;--- Store the data into the result buffer S RORPTR=RORPTR+1,RORDST(RORPTR)=BUF Q 0 ; ;***** LOADS THE ICR CDC DATA ; RPC: [RORICR CDC LOAD] ; ; .RORDST Reference to a local variable where the results ; are returned to. ; ; REGIEN Registry IEN ; ; PATIEN IEN of the registry patient (DFN) ; ; [LOCK] Lock the ICR record before loading the data and ; leave it locked. ; ; Return Values: ; ; A negative value of the first "^"-piece of the RORDST(0) ; indicates an error (see the RPCSTK^RORERR procedure for more ; details). ; ; If locking was requested (see the LOCK parameter) and the record ; could not be locked then the first "^"-piece of the RORDST(0) ; would be greater than 0. The RORDST(0) would contain the lock ; descriptor and subsequent nodes of the global array would contain ; the data (see below). The lock descriptor contains information ; about the propcess, which owns the most recent lock of the record. ; ; RORDST(0) Lock Descriptor ; ^01: Date/Time (FileMan) ; ^02: User/Process name ; ^03: User IEN (DUZ) ; ^04: $JOB ; ^05: Task number ; ; THE DATA ARE LOADED ONLY FOR VIEWING PURPOSES (READ-ONLY)! ; ; Otherwise, zero is returned in the RORDST(0) and the subsequent ; nodes of the array contain the data. ; ; RORDST(0) 0 ; ; RORDST(i) Data Item ; ^01: Type ; ^02: Sequential Number or Item Code ; ^03: Value ; ^04: ... ; ; Item Types: ; DEM Demographic Information ; ADR Patient's Address ; RCE Race Information ; ETN Ethnicity Information ; HDR Headers ; CDM CDC Demographics ; FD Facility of Diagnosis ; PH Patient History ; LD1 Laboratory Data ; LD2 Laboratory Data ; CS Clinical Status ; AID AIDS Indicator Disease ; TS1 Treatment/Services ; TS2 Treatment/Services ; CMT Comments ; ; See the CDC FIELD TABLE section (CDCFLDS^RORRP026) and the ; description of the RORICR CDC LOAD remote procedure for details. ; LOADCDC(RORDST,REGIEN,PATIEN,LOCK) ; N BUF,IEN,RC,RDONLY,RORERRDL,RORLOCK,RORPTR D CLEAR^RORERR("LOADCDC^RORRP025",1) K RORDST S (RDONLY,RORDST(0))=0 ;--- Check the parameters S RC=0 D I RC<0 D ERROR(.RORDST,RC) Q . ;--- Registry IEN . I $G(REGIEN)'>0 D Q . . S RC=$$ERROR^RORERR(-88,,,,"REGIEN",$G(REGIEN)) . S REGIEN=+REGIEN . ;--- Patient IEN . I $G(PATIEN)'>0 D Q . . S RC=$$ERROR^RORERR(-88,,,,"PATIEN",$G(PATIEN)) . S PATIEN=+PATIEN ; ;--- Load the patient's demographic data D GETPTDAT^RORRP021(.RORDST,PATIEN,"AER") Q:$G(RORDST(0))<0 S RORPTR=+$O(RORDST(""),-1) ; ;--- Get the IEN of the registry record S IEN=$$PRRIEN^RORUTL01(PATIEN,REGIEN) Q:IEN'>0 S IENS=IEN_"," ; ;--- Lock the record I $G(LOCK) D I RDONLY<0 D ERROR(.RORDST,+RDONLY) Q . S RORLOCK(799.4,IENS)="" . S RDONLY=$$LOCK^RORLOCK(799.4,IENS) ; ;--- Create the data segments S RC=0 D I RC<0 D ERROR(.RORDST,RC) Q . S RC=$$HDR(IENS) Q:RC<0 . S RC=$$CDM(IENS) Q:RC<0 . S RC=$$FD(IENS) Q:RC<0 . S RC=$$PH(IENS) Q:RC<0 . S RC=$$LD(IENS) Q:RC<0 . S RC=$$CS(IENS) Q:RC<0 . S RC=$$TS(IENS) Q:RC<0 . S RC=$$CMT(IENS) Q:RC<0 ;--- S RORDST(0)=RDONLY Q ; ;***** PATIENT HISTORY (V) PH(IENS) ; N BUF,RC,RORBUF,TMP S BUF="PH" S RC=$$LOAD^RORRP026(IENS,"PH^RORRP026",.BUF) Q:RC<0 RC ;--- Store the data into the result buffer S RORPTR=RORPTR+1,RORDST(RORPTR)=BUF Q 0 ; ;***** TREATMENT/SERVICES REFERRALS (IX) TS(IENS) ; N BUF,RC,RORBUF,TMP S BUF="TS1" S RC=$$LOAD^RORRP026(IENS,"TS1^RORRP026",.BUF) Q:RC<0 RC ;--- Store the data into the result buffer S RORPTR=RORPTR+1,RORDST(RORPTR)=BUF ;--- The second segment S BUF="TS2" S RC=$$LOAD^RORRP026(IENS,"TS2^RORRP026",.BUF) Q:RC<0 RC ;--- Store the data into the result buffer S RORPTR=RORPTR+1,RORDST(RORPTR)=BUF Q 0