RORRP037 ;HCIOFO/SG - RPC: HEPC PATIENT SAVE/CANCEL ; 1/29/07 9:51am ;;1.5;CLINICAL CASE REGISTRIES;**2**;Feb 17, 2006;Build 6 ; Q ; ;***** UPDATES THE PATIENT'S REGISTRY DATA ; RPC: [RORHEPC PATIENT SAVE] ; ; .RESULTS Reference to a local variable where the results ; are returned to. ; ; REGIEN Registry IEN ; ; PTIEN IEN of the registry patient (DFN) ; ; [CANCEL] Cancel the update and unlock the registry data ; ; .DATA Reference to a local array that contains the data ; in the same format as the output of the RORHEPC ; PATIENT LOAD remote procedure. Only HEPC and LFV ; segments are processed; the others are ignored. ; ; Return Values: ; ; A negative value of the first "^"-piece of the RESULTS(0) ; indicates an error (see the RPCSTK^RORERR procedure for more ; details). ; ; Otherwise, zero is returned in the RESULTS(0). ; SAVE(RESULTS,REGIEN,PTIEN,CANCEL,DATA) ; N IENS,LOCK,RC,RORERRDL D CLEAR^RORERR("SAVE^RORRP037",1) K RESULTS S (RESULTS(0),RC)=0 D . ;--- Registry IEN . I $G(REGIEN)'>0 D Q . . S RC=$$ERROR^RORERR(-88,,,,"REGIEN",$G(REGIEN)) . S REGIEN=+REGIEN . ;--- Patient IEN . I $G(PTIEN)'>0 D Q . . S RC=$$ERROR^RORERR(-88,,,,"PTIEN",$G(PTIEN)) . S PTIEN=+PTIEN . ;--- Get the IENS of the registry record . S IENS=$$PRRIEN^RORUTL01(PTIEN,REGIEN)_"," . S:IENS>0 LOCK(798,IENS)="" . Q:$G(CANCEL) . ;--- Save the data . S RC=$$SAVE1(.IENS) . I '$D(LOCK) S:IENS>0 LOCK(798,IENS)="" . S:RC>0 RESULTS(0)=RC ; ;--- Do not unlock the records if there are errors in the data ; (positive value is returned by the $$SAVE1), since the user ;--- will have another chance to correct the data and save it. D:RC'>0 UNLOCK^RORLOCK(.LOCK) D:RC<0 RPCSTK^RORERR(.RESULTS,RC) Q ; ;***** INTERNAL ENTRY POINT THAT UPDATES THE REGISTRY DATA ; ; IENS798 IENS of the registry record in the file #798 ; ; Return Values: ; <0 Error code ; 0 Ok ; SAVE1(IENS798) ; N IENS,LFIEN,LFV,RC,RDI,REGNAME,RORFDA,RORMSG,SEG,TMP ; ;=== Add the patient to the registry if necessary I IENS798'>0 S RC=0 D Q:RC<0 RC . S REGNAME=$P($$REGNAME^RORUTL01(REGIEN),U) . ;--- Add the patient to the registry . S RC=$$ADDPAT^RORUPD06(PTIEN,REGNAME) Q:RC<0 . ;--- Get the IENS of the registry record . S IENS798=$$PRRIEN^RORUTL01(PTIEN,REGIEN)_"," . S:IENS798'>0 RC=$$ERROR^RORERR(-97,,,PTIEN,REGNAME) ; ;=== Prepare the data S (LFCNT,RDI,RC)=0 F S RDI=$O(DATA(RDI)) Q:RDI'>0 D Q:RC . S SEG=$P(DATA(RDI),U) . ;--- Registry data . I SEG="HEPC" D Q . . ; Insert code here if/when necessary . ;--- Local field values . I SEG="LFV" D Q . . S LFIEN=+$P(DATA(RDI),U,3) . . S:LFIEN>0 LFV(LFIEN)=DATA(RDI) Q:RC RC ; ;=== Confirm the pending patient D:$$GET1^DIQ(798,IENS798,3,"I",,"RORMSG")=4 . ;--- Do not clear the DON'T SEND flag for 'test' patients . S:'$$TESTPAT^RORUTL01(PTIEN) RORFDA(798,IENS798,11)="@" . ;--- Change the STATUS from 'Pending' to 'Active' . S RORFDA(798,IENS798,3)=0 ; ;=== Update local fields S RC=$$UPDLFV^RORUTL19(IENS798,.LFV) Q:RC<0 RC S:RC RORFDA(798,IENS798,5)=1 ; UPDATE LOCAL REGISTRY DATA ; ;=== Update the record(s) I $D(RORFDA)>1 D Q:RC<0 RC . S RORFDA(798,IENS798,5)=1 ; UPDATE LOCAL REGISTRY DATA . D FILE^DIE(,"RORFDA","RORMSG") . S:$G(DIERR) RC=$$DBS^RORERR("RORMSG",-9,,PTIEN,798,IENS798) ; ;=== Success Q 0