RORRP042 ;HCIOFO/SG - RPC: CPT CODES ; 11/10/05 9:21am ;;1.5;CLINICAL CASE REGISTRIES;;Feb 17, 2006 ; ; This routine uses the following IAs: ; ; #1995 $$CPT^ICPTCOD (supported) ; #2815 Access to the file #81 (supported) ; Q ; ;***** RETURNS THE LIST OF CPT CODES ; RPC: [ROR LIST CPT] ; ; .RORESULT Reference to a local variable where the results ; are returned to. ; ; [DATE] Date for the code set versioning. ; ; [PART] The partial match restriction. ; ; [FLAGS] Flags that control the execution (can be combined): ; A Exclude active codes ; B Backwards. Traverses the index in the opposite ; direction of normal traversal ; D Full search by short name ; I Exclude inactive codes ; K Search in description keywords ; ; [NUMBER] Maximum number of entries to return. A value of "*" ; or no value in this parameter designates all entries. ; ; [FROM] The index entry(s) from which to begin the list ; ^01: FromName ; ^02: FromIEN ; ; For example, a FROM value of "51" would list entries ; following 51. You can use the 2-nd and 3-rd "^"- ; pieces of the @RORESULT@(0) node to continue the ; listing in the subsequent procedure calls. ; ; NOTE: The FROM value itself is not included in ; the resulting list. ; ; See description of the LIST^DIC for more details about the ; PART, NUMBER and FROM parameters. ; ; The ^TMP("RORRP042",$J) global node is used by this procedure. ; ; Return Values: ; ; A negative value of the first "^"-piece of the @RORESULT@(0) ; indicates an error (see the RPCSTK^RORERR procedure for more ; details). ; ; Otherwise, number of CPT codes and the value of the FROM ; parameter for the next procedure call are returned in the ; @RORESULT@(0) and the subsequent nodes of the global array ; contain the codes. ; ; @RORESULT@(0) Result Descriptor ; ^01: Number of codes ; ^02: FromName ; ^03: FromIEN ; ; @RORESULT@(i) CPT ; ^01: IEN ; ^02: Short Name ; ^03: Code ; ^04: reserved ; ^05: Inactive {0|1} ; ^06: Inactivation Date (FileMan) ; CPTLIST(RORESULT,DATE,PART,FLAGS,NUMBER,FROM) ; N BUF,RC,RORERRDL,TMP D CLEAR^RORERR("CPTLIST^RORRP042",1) K RORESULT S RORESULT=$NA(^TMP("RORRP042",$J)) K @RORESULT ;--- Check the parameters S PART=$G(PART),FLAGS=$G(FLAGS) S NUMBER=$S($G(NUMBER)>0:+NUMBER,1:"*") ;--- Setup the start point I $G(FROM)'="" D S FROM=$P(FROM,U) . S:$P(FROM,U,2)>0 FROM("IEN")=+$P(FROM,U,2) ;--- Get the list of CPT codes S RC=$$QUERY(PART,FLAGS,NUMBER,.FROM) I RC<0 D RPCSTK^RORERR(.RORESULT,RC) Q S RORESULT=$NA(@RORESULT@("DILIST")) ;--- Load remaining data and refine the list D REFINE($G(DATE),FLAGS) ;--- Success S TMP=$G(@RORESULT@(0)),BUF=+$P(TMP,U) S:$P(TMP,U,3) $P(BUF,U,2,3)=$G(FROM)_U_$G(FROM("IEN")) K @RORESULT@(0) S @RORESULT@(0)=BUF Q ; ;***** QUERIES THE CPT FILE (#81) QUERY(PART,FLAGS,NR,FROM) ; N FLDS,RORMSG,SCR,TMP,XREF ;--- Compile the screen logic (be careful with naked references) S SCR="" I FLAGS["D" S:PART'="" SCR=SCR_"I $P(D,U,2)["""_PART_""" ",PART="" S:SCR'="" SCR="S D=$G(^(0)) "_SCR ;--- Get the list of codes and some data S FLDS="@;.01;.01",TMP="P"_$S(FLAGS["B":"B",1:"") S XREF=$S(FLAGS["D":"#",FLAGS["K":"C",1:"B") D LIST^DIC(81,,FLDS,TMP,NR,.FROM,PART,XREF,SCR,,RORESULT,"RORMSG") I $G(DIERR) K @RORESULT Q $$DBS^RORERR("RORMSG",-9,,,80) ;--- Success Q 0 ; ;***** REFINES THE LIST OF CPT CODES REFINE(DATE,FLAGS) ; N BUF,CNT,CPTINFO,RORDESC,SUBS,TMP S (CNT,SUBS)=0 F S SUBS=$O(@RORESULT@(SUBS)) Q:SUBS'>0 D . S BUF=@RORESULT@(SUBS,0) . S CPTINFO=$$CPT^ICPTCOD(+$P(BUF,U),DATE) . I CPTINFO<0 K @RORESULT@(SUBS) Q . ;--- Screen active/inactive records . S TMP=+$P(CPTINFO,U,7) ; Status . I $S(TMP:FLAGS["A",1:FLAGS["I") K @RORESULT@(SUBS) Q . S $P(BUF,U,5)=TMP . S $P(BUF,U,6)=$S(TMP:$P(CPTINFO,U,8),1:"") ; Inactivation Date . ;--- Versioned short name . S TMP=$P(CPTINFO,U,3) S:TMP'="" $P(BUF,U,2)=TMP . ;--- Store the data . S CNT=CNT+1,@RORESULT@(SUBS,0)=BUF ;--- S $P(@RORESULT@(0),U)=CNT Q