RORTSK10 ;HCIOFO/SG - REPORT RETRIEVING UTILITIES ; 11/14/06 1:11pm ;;1.5;CLINICAL CASE REGISTRIES;**1**;Feb 17, 2006;Build 24 ; Q ; ;***** TRACES THE PATH FROM THE ELEMENT TO THE ROOT ; ; IEN IEN of the report element ; ; .STACK Reference to a local variable where the path will ; be stored to. ; ; STACK Number of elements in the path (n) ; STACK(i) Identifiers of the elements (i=1 - the source ; element; i=n - the root element) ; ^1: IEN of the report element ; ^2: Where exactly the rendering process ; has stopped (see $$XMLSTR for details) ; ^3: IEN of the text line ; PATH(IEN,STACK) ; K STACK S STACK=0 F D Q:IEN'>0 . S STACK=STACK+1,STACK(STACK)=IEN . S:'$P(IEN,U,2) $P(STACK(STACK),U,2)=4 . S IEN=$P($G(@RORSRC@(+IEN,0)),U,2) Q ; ;***** RENDERS THE REPORT INTO XML ; ; ROR8DST Closed root of the destination buffer ; ; TASK Task number ; ; [.SORT] Sort modes for the report ; ; [.FROM] Where to start/continue the rendering process ; ^1: IEN of the report element ; ^2: Where exactly the rendering process has stopped ; (see the $$XMLSTR function for details) ; ^3: IEN of the text line (if the 2nd piece = 3) ; ; You must not make any assumptions about structure of ; this parameter (it can be changed at any time without ; warning). The only exception is the IEN of the report ; element. You can assign a positive value to this ; parameter before the call to start the rendering from ; the corresponding element. ; ; [MAXSIZE] Either the maximum number of lines to retrieve or ; the maximum size of the output in bytes (append the ; "B" to the number). By default (if $G(MAXSIZE)'>0,) ; the whole report (starting from the point indicated ; by the FROM parameter if it is defined) is retrieved. ; ; Examples: ; 500 Retrieve no more than 500 lines ; 4096B Retrieve no more than 4Kb ; ; NOTE: If the "B" suffix is used, the size of the retrieved ; portion of the document can be somewhat bigger than ; MAXSIZE! The last line of the chunk is not truncated ; even if the size will be bigger than MAXSIZE. ; ; Return Values: ; <0 Error code ; 0 Ok ; >0 Number of rendered lines ; ; If the maximum size (MAXSIZE) is reached, the identifiers ; of the last item (it has not been added to the output buffer) are ; returned via the FROM parameter. The next call of the function will ; continue the rendering process starting from that item. ; XMLREP(ROR8DST,TASK,SORT,FROM,MAXSIZE) ; N RORNUM ; Number of rendered lines of the report N RORSIZE ; Size of the output (in bytes) N RORSORT ; Sort modes for the report N RORSTACK ; Path from the FROM element to the root N RORSRC ; Closed root of the source report data ; N DIR,I,RC,SORTFLD,SORTLST K @ROR8DST S RORSRC=$$ROOT^DILFD(798.87,","_TASK_",",1) ;--- Setup the size limits S (RORNUM,RORSIZE)=0 S MAXSIZE=$$UP^XLFSTR($G(MAXSIZE)) I MAXSIZE["B" S RORNUM(1)=0,RORSIZE(1)=+MAXSIZE E S RORNUM(1)=+MAXSIZE,RORSIZE(1)=0 ;--- Setup the starting point I $G(FROM)>0 D . S:$P(FROM,U,2)'>0 $P(FROM,U,2)=1 . D PATH(FROM,.RORSTACK) E S I=$$XMLSTR("") ;--- Setup the sorting S (FROM,I)="" F S I=$O(SORT(I)) Q:I="" D . S SORTLST=$P(SORT(I),"=") Q:SORTLST="" . S SORTFLD=$P($P(SORT(I),"=",2),":") Q:SORTFLD="" . S DIR=$S($P(SORT(I),":",2)?1"D".1"ESC":-1,1:1) . S RORSORT($$XEC^RORTSK11(SORTLST))=$$XEC^RORTSK11(SORTFLD)_U_DIR ;--- Get the report S RC=$$XMLREPI(0,0) S:RC>0 FROM=$P(RC,U,2)_U_$P(RC,U)_U_$P(RC,U,3) Q $S(RC'<0:RORNUM,1:RC) ; ;***** RECURSIVELY RENDERS THE REPORT INTO XML ; ; PARENT IEN of the parent element ; PELC Type of the parent element ; ; Return Values: ; <0 Error code ; 0 Ok ; >0 Number of rendered lines has reached the limit ; (see the $$XMLSTR function for details) ; XMLREPI(PARENT,PELC) ; N RORIEN ; IEN of the report element being processed ; N BUF,DIR,LC,ELEMENT,I,LINE,MODE,RC,SVC,TMP,VAL,XREF I $G(PELC)>0 D . S BUF=$G(RORSORT(PELC)),SVC=+$P(BUF,U),DIR=$S($P(BUF,U,2)<0:-1,1:1) E S SVC=0,DIR=1 S XREF=$NA(@RORSRC@("APSV",PARENT,SVC)) ;--- Use order of creation if the xref is not available S:$D(@XREF)<10 XREF=$NA(@RORSRC@("APSV",PARENT,0)) ;--- Determine the starting point (FROM) I $G(RORSTACK)>0 S RC=0 D Q:RC RC . S RORIEN=+$P(RORSTACK(RORSTACK),U) . S MODE=+$P(RORSTACK(RORSTACK),U,2) . S LINE=+$P(RORSTACK(RORSTACK),U,3) . S RORSTACK=RORSTACK-1 . S I=+$O(@RORSRC@("APSR",RORIEN,SVC,"")) . I I>0 D . . S TMP=+$P($G(@RORSRC@(I,0)),U,3) . . S VAL=$$SORTBY^RORDD01(TMP,$G(@RORSRC@(I,1))) . E S VAL=" " . S RORIEN=$O(@RORSRC@("APSV",PARENT,SVC,VAL,RORIEN),-DIR) . S VAL=$O(@RORSRC@("APSV",PARENT,SVC,VAL),-DIR) E K RORSTACK S (LINE,MODE)=0,(RORIEN,VAL)="" ;--- Render the report elements S RC=0 F S VAL=$O(@XREF@(VAL),DIR) Q:VAL="" D Q:RC . F S RORIEN=$O(@XREF@(VAL,RORIEN),DIR) Q:RORIEN="" D S MODE=0 Q:RC . . S TMP=$G(@RORSRC@(RORIEN,0)) Q:$P(TMP,U,4) . . S ELC=+$P(TMP,U) Q:ELC'>0 . . S ELEMENT=$P(^ROR(799.31,ELC,0),U) . . S I=0,BUF="<"_ELEMENT . . ;--- Render the attributes of the element . . F S I=$O(@RORSRC@(RORIEN,2,I)) Q:I'>0 D . . . S TMP=$P(@RORSRC@(RORIEN,2,I,0),U) . . . S BUF=BUF_" "_$P(^ROR(799.31,TMP,0),U) . . . S TMP=$G(@RORSRC@(RORIEN,2,I,1)) . . . S BUF=BUF_"="""_$$XMLENC^RORUTL03(TMP)_"""" . . ;--- Append the SORT attribute(s) to a table . . D:$D(RORSORT(ELC)) . . . S TMP=+$P(RORSORT(ELC),U) Q:TMP'>0 . . . S BUF=BUF_" SORT="""_$P(^ROR(799.31,TMP,0),U)_"""" . . . S TMP=+$P(RORSORT(ELC),U,2) . . . S:TMP<0 BUF=BUF_" SORTDESC=""1""" . . ;--- Leaf element (without children) . . I $D(@RORSRC@("APSV",RORIEN))<10 D Q . . . ;--- VALUE . . . S TMP=$G(@RORSRC@(RORIEN,1)) . . . I TMP'="" D:MODE'>2 Q . . . . S BUF=BUF_">"_$$XMLENC^RORUTL03(TMP)_"" . . . . S RC=$$XMLSTR(BUF,2) . . . ;--- . . . S I=$O(@RORSRC@(RORIEN,3,0)) . . . I I'>0 S:MODE'>2 RC=$$XMLSTR(BUF_"/>",2) Q . . . ;--- . . . ; TEXT . . . ;--- . . . I MODE'>3 D Q:RC . . . . S:MODE'>1 RC=$$XMLSTR(BUF_">",1) . . . . S:LINE>0 I=LINE,LINE=0 . . . . F Q:RC D S I=$O(@RORSRC@(RORIEN,3,I)) Q:I'>0 . . . . . S RC=$$XMLSTR($G(@RORSRC@(RORIEN,3,I,0)),3,I) . . . S RC=$$XMLSTR("",5) . . ;--- Parent element and all children (recursively) . . I MODE'>4 D Q:RC . . . I MODE'>1 S RC=$$XMLSTR(BUF_">",1) Q:RC . . . S RC=$$XMLREPI(RORIEN,ELC) . . S RC=$$XMLSTR("",5) . S RORIEN="" Q RC ; ;***** APPENDS THE STRING TO THE OUTPUT BUFFER ; ; STR String that should be appended to the document ; TYPE Type of the rendered item ; [LINE] IEN of the text line ; ; Return Values: ; 0 Ok ; >0 Number of rendered lines has reached the limit ; ^1: Where exactly the rendering process has stopped ; 1 Opening tag ; 2 Single value ; 3 Multiline text value ; 4 Nested tag ; 5 Closing tag ; ^2: IEN of the report element ; ^3: IEN of the text line (if the 1st piece = 3) ; XMLSTR(STR,TYPE,LINE) ; N SL S SL=$L(STR)+2 I RORNUM(1)>0 Q:RORNUM'0 Q:RORSIZE'0:$NA(@NODE@("APSV",PARENT,SORT)),1:"")