RORUPD06 ;HCIOFO/SG - REGISTRY UPDATE (MISCELLANEOUS) ; 11/25/03 3:49pm ;;1.5;CLINICAL CASE REGISTRIES;;Feb 17, 2006 ; Q ; ;***** ADDS THE PATIENT TO THE REGISTRY (UNCONDITIONALLY) ; ; PATIEN Patient IEN ; REGNAME Registry name ; .RULES Reference to a local array containing list of ; triggered selection rules: RULES(n)=RuleIEN^Date ; ; Return Values: ; <0 Error code (see MSGLIST^RORERR20) ; 0 Ok ; ADDPAT(PATIEN,REGNAME,RULES) ; N RORERRDL ; Default error location N RORUPD ; Update descriptor N RORUPDPI ; Closed root of the temporary storage ; N I,RC,REGIEN,REGLST,RORLRC,RORSRLST,RULEIEN,VSRLST D INIT^RORUTL01("RORUPD") D CLEAR^RORERR("ADDPAT^RORUPD06") S RORUPDPI=$NA(^TMP("RORUPD",$J)) ;--- Check the registry name Q:REGNAME?." " $$ERROR^RORERR(-10,,,PATIEN,REGNAME) S REGIEN=$$REGIEN^RORUTL02(REGNAME) Q:REGIEN<0 REGIEN S REGLST(REGNAME)=REGIEN ;--- Compile a list of IENs of valid selection rules S I="" F S I=$O(^ROR(798.1,REGIEN,1,"B",I)) Q:I="" D . S RULEIEN=$$SRLIEN^RORUTL02(I) S:RULEIEN>0 VSRLST(RULEIEN)="" ;--- Prepare list of triggered selection rules S I="",RC=0 F S I=$O(RULES(I)) Q:I="" D Q:RC<0 . S RULEIEN=$P(RULES(I),U) . I RULEIEN'>0 S RC=$$ERROR^RORERR(-45) Q . I '$D(VSRLST(RULEIEN)) S RC=$$ERROR^RORERR(-45) Q . S RORSRLST(RULEIEN)=$P(RULES(I),U,2) Q:RC<0 RC ;--- Prepare update descriptor S RC=$$PREPARE1^RORUPR(.REGLST) Q:RC<0 $$ERROR^RORERR(-14,,,PATIEN) ;--- Add the patient to the registry S RC=$$ADDPDATA^RORUPD50(PATIEN) Q:RC<0 RC S RC=$$ADD^RORUPD50(PATIEN,REGIEN,"RORSRLST") Q:RC<0 RC ;--- Update patient demographic data S RC=$$UPDPTDEM^RORUPD51(PATIEN) Q:RC<0 $$ERROR^RORERR(-16,,,PATIEN) ;--- Cleanup D:'$G(RORPARM("DEBUG")) INIT^RORUTL01("RORUPD") Q 0 ; ;***** CHECKS/UPDATES THE SINGLE PATIENT IN THE REGISTRY ; ; PATIEN Patient IEN ; REGNAME Registry name ; ; .UPDBYRUL Reference to a local array for the list of rules that ; the patient is selected by (output). The list has ; the following structure: UPDBYRUL(Rule#)=Date, where ; "Rule#" is an IEN of the selection rule in the file ; #798.2 and "Date" is the date when the patient has ; passed the selection rule for the first time. ; ; [CHKONLY] If this optional parameter is undefined (default) ; or equals to zero then the function checks a patient ; against selection rules and adds him to the registry ; if he passes at least one of the rules. ; Otherwise, the patient is only checked against the ; rules but registry is not updated. ; ; Return Values: ; <0 Error code (see MSGLIST^RORERR20) ; 0 Ok ; ; If a local array passed as the UPDBYRUL parameter is undefined ; after return from the function then the patient has not pass any ; selection rule. ; UPDPAT(PATIEN,REGNAME,UPDBYRUL,CHKONLY) ; N RORERRDL ; Default error location N RORLRC ; List of Lab result codes to check N RORUPD ; Update descriptor N RORUPDPI ; Closed root of the temporary storage N RORVALS ; Calculated values ; N RC,REGIEN,REGLST D INIT^RORUTL01("RORUPD") D CLEAR^RORERR("UPDPAT^RORUPD06") S RORUPDPI=$NA(^TMP("RORUPD",$J)) ;--- Check the registry name Q:REGNAME?." " $$ERROR^RORERR(-10,,,PATIEN,REGNAME) S REGLST(REGNAME)="" K UPDBYRUL ;--- Prepare selection rules S RC=$$PREPARE^RORUPR(.REGLST) Q:RC<0 $$ERROR^RORERR(-14,,,PATIEN) D:$G(RORPARM("DEBUG"))>1 DEBUG^RORUPDUT ;--- Check the patient and update the registry S RC=$$PROCPAT^RORUPD01(PATIEN,$G(CHKONLY)) Q:RC<0 $$ERROR^RORERR(-15,,,PATIEN) ;--- Update patient demographic data I '$G(CHKONLY) D Q:RC<0 $$ERROR^RORERR(-16,,,PATIEN) . S RC=$$UPDPTDEM^RORUPD51(PATIEN) ;--- Load the list of triggered rules S REGIEN="" F S REGIEN=$O(@RORUPDPI@("U",PATIEN,2,REGIEN)) Q:REGIEN="" D . M UPDBYRUL=@RORUPDPI@("U",PATIEN,2,REGIEN) ;--- Cleanup D:'$G(RORPARM("DEBUG")) INIT^RORUTL01("RORUPD") Q 0