QAMPBMW1 ;HISC/DAD-BUILD A MONITOR WORKSHEET ;4/9/93 09:01 ;;1.0;Clinical Monitoring System;;09/13/1993 K UNDL S $P(UNDL,"_",81)="",QAOSQUIT=0 I QAOSCPY=1,$E(IOST)="C" D FF W !?27,"Build a Monitor Worksheet" S X="1. Shortened code name or number: ",X=X_$E(UNDL,1,80-$L(X)) W !!,X S X="2. Title: ",X=X_$E(UNDL,1,80-$L(X)) W !!,X S X="3. Service: ",X=X_$E(UNDL,1,80-$L(X)) W !!,X S X="4. Standard of Care: ",X=X_$E(UNDL,1,80-$L(X)) W !!,X F QA=1:1:6 W !!,UNDL D PAUSE Q:QAOSQUIT S X="5. Clinical Indicator: ",X=X_$E(UNDL,1,80-$L(X)) W !!,X F QA=1:1:6 W !!,UNDL W !!,"6. Rationale(s):" W ! D EN^QAMPBMW0("^QA(743.91,") D PAUSE Q:QAOSQUIT S X="Rationale Explanation: ",X=X_$E(UNDL,1,80-$L(X)) W !!,X F QA=1:1:6 W !!,UNDL W !!,"7. Auto Enroll Monitor: Yes / No" D PAUSE Q:QAOSQUIT D FF W !,"8. Conditions that apply: (Number each to aid you in answering questions" W !,"related to conditions.)" W ! D EN^QAMPBMW0("^QA(743.3,") D PAUSE Q:QAOSQUIT W !!,"Do any of the conditions require the development of a group? If so, use the" W !,"Group Edit option to build the needed group(s). See the condition description" W !,"for what groups are needed and their parent files." F QA=1:1:3 D . S X="Group Name: ",X=X_$E(UNDL,1,38-$L(X)) W !!,X . S X="Parent File: ",X=X_$E(UNDL,1,40-$L(X)) W ?40,X . S X="Group Members: ",X=X_$E(UNDL,1,80-$L(X)) W !!,X . Q D PAUSE Q:QAOSQUIT S X="What other information is required by each condition?" S X=X_$E(UNDL,1,80-$L(X)) W !!,X F QA=1:1:4 W !!,UNDL W !!,"Which conditions define the denominator (sample)?" F QA=1:1:2 W !!,$E(UNDL,1,24),?28,$E(UNDL,1,24),?56,$E(UNDL,1,24) W !!,"9. Choose which conditions define the fall outs and what is their relationship" W !,"to each other? Use & (and), ! (or), ' (not), and parentheses () to specify the" W !,"relationship between two or more conditions. Example: (C1&C2)!(C3&C4)" W !!,UNDL D PAUSE Q:QAOSQUIT D FF W !,"10. What is the relationship between the conditions that define the denominator" W !,"(sample)? Use & (and), ! (or), ' (not), and parentheses () to specify the" W !,"relationship between two or more conditions. Example: (C1&C2)!(C3!C4)" W !!,UNDL S X="11. What condition defines the date of the event: " S X=X_$E(UNDL,1,80-$L(X)) W !!,X W !!,"12. Time Frame: (Choose only one.)" W ! D EN^QAMPBMW0("^QA(743.92,") S X="13. Threshold: ",X=X_$E(UNDL,1,80-$L(X)) W !!,X W !,"If this is a percent threshold, should the threshold be met when the calculated" W !,"percentage is (high) >= or (low) <= the threshold." D PAUSE Q:QAOSQUIT S X="14. For percent thresholds, the Minimum Sample Size: " S X=X_$E(UNDL,1,80-$L(X)) W !!,X S X=" For numeric thresholds, the Pre-Threshold Alert Level: " S X=X_$E(UNDL,1,80-$L(X)) W !!,X W !!,"15. Do you want to allow 'duplicate' fall outs during the time frame: Yes / No" W !!,"16. Other Data to Capture: Review the list of data elements for each condition" W !,"you are using to select a list for capture with each fall out." F QA=1:1:4 W !!,$E(UNDL,1,39),?40,$E(UNDL,1,40) D PAUSE Q:QAOSQUIT W !!,"17. Do you want to print: 1) Daily fall out list: Yes / No" W !," 2) Daily worksheets: Yes / No" W !!,"18. Do you want a bulletin: 1) When threshold met: Yes / No" W !," 2) At end of time frame: Yes / No" W !," 3) When alert level met: Yes / No" S X="19. What mail group will receive the bulletins: " S X=X_$E(UNDL,1,80-$L(X)) W !!,X S X="20. Start Date: ",X=X_$E(UNDL,1,80-$L(X)) W !!,X S X=" End Date: ",X=X_$E(UNDL,1,80-$L(X)) W !!,X W !!,"21. Remember to turn it ON and mark it as FINISHED." D PAUSE Q:QAOSQUIT Q FF ; W @IOF Q PAUSE ; Q:$E(IOST)'="C" K DIR S DIR(0)="E" D ^DIR S QAOSQUIT=$S(Y'>0:1,1:0) Q