MDHL7B ; HOIFO/WAA -Bi-directional interface routine ;7/23/01 11:41 ;;1.0;CLINICAL PROCEDURES;;Apr 01, 2004 ; ; This routine will take an entry from 702 and submit that data ; to the instrument that was indicated by the user ; SUB is a submit function ; MDD702 is the IEN for the Entry from 702 that ; needs to be sent. ; The function will return -1^Submission failed and why ; 0^Device not Bi-Directional ; 1^Study submitted TMPSUB(MDD702) ; Process a submitted entry from user. ; drp 16-JUL-2002 13:30:32 N DEVICE S DEVICE=+$P(^MDD(702,MDD702,0),U,11) Q:'DEVICE "0^No Device - TEST" I +$P($G(^MDS(702.09,DEVICE,.1)),U,3) Q "1^Study Submitted - TEST" Q "0^No Bi Di Cap - TEST" ; SUB(MDD702) ; Change to SUB when working N MDORFLG,RESULT,MSG,MDERROR S MDORFLG=1 D EN1 Q RESULT_U_MSG ; CANCEL(MDD702) ; Cancel Orders N MDORFLG,RESULT,MSG,MDERROR S MDORFLG=0 D EN1 Q RESULT_U_MSG ; EN1 ; The main entry point for the order to be processed. N DEVIEN,WORKING,MDIORD ; Get the device that will process this study ; Build an HL7 Message based in the device. ; After the device has processed the message this routine will ; update the status with in 702. S RESULT=1,MSG=$S(MDORFLG=1:"Study Submitted.",1:"Study Cancelled") I '$D(^MDD(702,MDD702,0)) S MSG="There is no study in 702 for entry "_MDD702_".",RESULT=-1 I RESULT'=-1 D ;Get the device based on the CP def . S DEF=$P(^MDD(702,MDD702,0),U,4) I DEF<1 S RESULT=-1,MSG="No CP DEFINITION for this entry in file 702.01." . Q I RESULT'=-1 D ; Check to see that there is a device entered for this procedure . S DEVIEN=$P(^MDD(702,MDD702,0),U,11) I DEVIEN>0 Q . S RESULT=0,MSG="No DEVICE is defined." Q . Q ; ; DRP/16-MAY-2003 14:44:36 - Check for Loopback IP I $$GET1^DIQ(702.09,DEVIEN_",",.14)="" D Q . D LOOPBACK^MDHL7XXX(MDD702,DEVIEN) . S RESULT=+$$GET1^DIQ(702.09,DEVIEN_",",.13,"I"),MSG="OK" . Q ; I RESULT>0 D ; Check to see that the device is a active and working . S WORKING="" D INST^MDHL7U2(DEVIEN,.WORKING) . Q:WORKING . S RESULT=-1,MSG="There is a problem with the device entry in file 702.09." . Q I RESULT>0 D ; Check to see if the device is bi-directional . N LINE . S LINE=$G(^MDS(702.09,DEVIEN,.1)) . I $P(LINE,U,3)'=1 D Q ; The Device is not Bi-Directional . . S RESULT=0,MSG="Device not Bi-Directional." . . Q . ; The device is Bi-Directional and we are getting an MDIORD number. . S MDIORD=$$GETIORD^MDRPCOT1(MDD702) I MDIORD=-1 D . . S RESULT=-1,MSG="Unable to create Instrument Order Number." . . Q . Q I RESULT=1 D ; Process the message to be sent . D EN1^MDHL7BH ; Build HL7 Message . I $P(MDERROR,U,2) S RESULT="-1",MSG=$P(MDERROR,U,3) . Q Q