MDRPCOV ; HOIFO/DP - Object RPCs (TMDParameter) ; [04-15-2003 12:42] ;;1.0;CLINICAL PROCEDURES;;Apr 01, 2004 ; Integration Agreements: ; IA# 2263 [Supported] XPAR parameter call. ; IA# 2541 [Supported] Call to XUPARAM. ; DELLST ; [Procedure] Delete list of parameters D NDEL^XPAR(ENT,PAR,.ERR) S:'$G(ERR) @RESULTS@(0)="1^All instances removed" Q ; DELPAR ; [Procedure] Delete single parameter value D DEL^XPAR(ENT,PAR,INST,.ERR) S:'$G(ERR) @RESULTS@(0)="1^Instance deleted" Q ; ENTVAL ; [Procedure] Return value of the entity I ENT="SYS" S ENT=$$KSP^XUPARAM("WHERE") E I ENT="DIV" S ENT=$$GET1^DIQ(4,DUZ(2)_",",.01) E I ENT="USR" S ENT=$$GET1^DIQ(200,DUZ_",",.01) E S ENT=$$GET1^DIQ(+$P(ENT,"(",2),+ENT_",",.01) S @RESULTS@(0)=ENT Q ; GETHDR ; [Procedure] Returns common header format for TMDRecordID S X=$$FIND1^DIC(8989.51,,"QX",PAR) I X S @RESULTS@(0)=X_";8989.51^"_PAR E S @RESULTS@(0)="-1^No such parameter ["_PAR_"]" Q ; GETLST ; [Procedure] Return all instances of a parameter D GETLST^XPAR(.RET,ENT,PAR,"E",.ERR) Q:$G(ERR,0) S TMP="RET" F S TMP=$Q(@TMP) Q:TMP="" D .S @RESULTS@($O(@RESULTS@(""),-1)+1)=@TMP S @RESULTS@(0)=$O(@RESULTS@(""),-1) Q ; GETPAR ; [Procedure] Returns external value of a parameter S @RESULTS@(0)=$$GET^XPAR(ENT,PAR,INST,"E") Q ; GETWP ; [Procedure] Returns WP text for a parameter D GETWP^XPAR(.RET,ENT,PAR,INST,.ERR) Q:$G(ERR,0) S TMP="RET" F S TMP=$Q(@TMP) Q:TMP="" D .S @RESULTS@($O(@RESULTS@(""),-1)+1)=@TMP S @RESULTS@(0)=$O(@RESULTS@(""),-1)_U_INST Q ; LOCK ; [Procedure] Gain exclusive access to the CP Parameters L +(^MDD("CP PARAMETERS")):5 S @RESULTS@(0)=$T Q ; PARLST ; [Procedure] Returns list of all parameters F Y=1:1 Q:$P($T(PARS+Y),";;",2)["**EOD**" D .S @RESULTS@(Y)=$P($T(PARS+Y),";;",2) S @RESULTS@(0)=+$O(@RESULTS@(""),-1) Q ; RPC(RESULTS,OPTION,ENT,PAR,INST,VAL) ; [Procedure] Main RPC Hit Point ; RPC: [MD TMDPARAMETER] ; ; Requires that the parameter name in PAR ; be in the Clinical Procedures namespace. ; ; Input parameters ; 1. RESULTS [Literal/Required] No description ; 2. OPTION [Literal/Required] No description ; 3. ENT [Literal/Required] No description ; 4. PAR [Literal/Required] No description ; 5. INST [Literal/Required] No description ; 6. VAL [Literal/Required] No description ; N ERR,TMP,RET,TXT,IEN,IENS,ROOT,MDD S INST=$G(INST,1) S PAR=$G(PAR,"MD") S RESULTS=$NA(^TMP($J)) K @RESULTS I PAR'?1"MD".E S ^TMP($J,0)="-1^Non Clinical Procedures Parameter" Q D:$T(@OPTION)]"" @OPTION I +$G(ERR) K ^TMP($J,0) S ^(0)="-1^Error: "_(+ERR)_" "_$P(ERR,U,2) D:'$D(^TMP($J)) BADRPC^MDRPCU("MD TMDPARAMETER",$T(+0),OPTION) D CLEAN^DILF Q ; SETLST ; [Procedure] Build list of parameters N MDINS ; Instance Counter D DELLST(ENT,PAR) S MDINS="" F S MDINS=$O(VAL(MDINS)) Q:MDINS="" D .D EN^XPAR(ENT,PAR,MDINS,VAL(MDINS),.ERR) S:'$G(ERR) @RESULTS@(0)="1^List "_PAR_" rebuilt" Q ; SETPAR ; [Procedure] Set single value into a parameter D EN^XPAR(ENT,PAR,INST,VAL,.ERR) S:'$G(ERR) @RESULTS@(0)="1^Parameter updated" Q ; SETWP ; [Procedure] Set WP text into a parameter S TXT=INST,TMP="" F S TMP=$O(VAL(TMP)) Q:TMP="" D .S TXT($O(TXT(""),-1)+1,0)=VAL(TMP) D EN^XPAR(ENT,PAR,INST,.TXT,.ERR) S:'$G(ERR) @RESULTS@(0)="1^WP Text Saved" Q ; UNLOCK ; [Procedure] Relinquish exclusive access to CP Parameters L -(^MDD("CP PARAMETERS")) S @RESULTS@(0)=$T Q ; PARS ; [Data Module] All Parameters ;;1^MD ALLOW EXTERNAL ATTACHMENTS^Allow non-instrument attachments^yes/no^No ;;2^MD CRC BYPASS^Bypass CRC Checking^yes/no^No ;;3^MD CRC VALUES^Clinical Procedures CRC Values^free text^Yes ;;4^MD DAYS FOR INSTRUMENT DATA^Temporary instrument data life (Days)^numeric^No ;;5^MD FILE EXTENSIONS^Imaging File Types^free text^Yes ;;6^MD HFS SCRATCH^VistA Scratch HFS Directory^free text^No ;;7^MD IMAGING XFER^Imaging Network Share^free text^No ;;8^MD OFFLINE MESSAGE^Offline message^word processing^No ;;9^MD ONLINE^Clinical Procedure Online/Offline^yes/no^No ;;10^MD VERSION CHK^Version Compatibility^yes/no^Yes ;;11^MD WEBLINK^Clinical Procedures Home Page^free text^No ;;**EOD**