PXRMCOPY ; SLC/PKR,PJH - Copy various reminder files. ;09/13/2007 ;;2.0;CLINICAL REMINDERS;**6**;Feb 04, 2005;Build 123 ; ;===================================================== COPY(PROMPT,ROOT,WHAT) ;Copy an entry of ROOT into a new entry. N DIROUT,DTOUT,DUOUT F D GETORGR Q:$D(DIROUT) Q:$D(DTOUT) Q ; ;===================================================== GETORGR ;Look-up logic to get and copy source entry to destination. N DA,DIE,DIC,DIK,DIR,DIRUT,FDA,FIELDLEN,FILE N IENN,IENO,IENS,MSG,NAME,ORGNAME,X,Y S DIC=ROOT,DIC(0)="AEMQ",DIC("A")=PROMPT W ! D ^DIC I $D(DUOUT)!$D(DTOUT) S DIROUT="" Q S IENO=$P(Y,U,1) I IENO=-1 S DIROUT="" Q ; ;Set the starting place for additions. D SETSTART^PXRMCOPY(DIC) S IENN=$$GETFOIEN(ROOT) D MERGE(IENN,IENO,ROOT) ; ;Get the new name. S ORGNAME=$P(@(ROOT_IENO_",0)"),U,1) S FILE=$$FNFR^PXRMUTIL(ROOT) S FIELDLEN=$$GET1^DID(FILE,.01,"","FIELD LENGTH") S DIR(0)="F"_U_"3:"_FIELDLEN_U_"K:(X?.N)!'(X'?1P.E) X" S DIR("A")="PLEASE ENTER A UNIQUE NAME" GETNAM D ^DIR I $D(DIRUT) D DELETE(ROOT,IENN) Q S NAME=Y ; ;Make sure the new name is valid. I '$$VNAME^PXRMINTR(NAME,FILE) G GETNAM ; ;Change to the new name. S IENS=IENN_"," S FDA(FILE,IENS,.01)=NAME K MSG D FILE^DIE("","FDA","MSG") ;Check to make sure the name was not a duplicate. I $G(MSG("DIERR",1))=740 D G GETNAM . W !,NAME," is not a unique name!" ;Change the class to local and delete the sponsor. D SCAS(FILE,IENN,"L","") ;Initialize the edit history. D INIEH(FILE,ROOT,IENN,IENO) ; ;Reindex the cross-references. S DIK=ROOT,DA=IENN D IX^DIK W ! ; ;Tell the user what has happened and allow for editing of the new item. S DIR(0)="Y" S DIR("A")="Do you want to edit it now" S DIR("A",1)="The original "_WHAT_" "_ORGNAME_" has been copied into "_NAME_"." D ^DIR Q:$D(DIRUT) I Y D EDIT^PXRMEDIT(ROOT,IENN) Q ; ;===================================================== COPYLL ;Copy a location list. N PROMPT,ROOT,WHAT S WHAT="location list" S ROOT="^PXRMD(810.9," S PROMPT="Select the reminder location list to copy: " D COPY(PROMPT,ROOT,WHAT) Q ; ;===================================================== COPYREM ;Copy a reminder definition. N PROMPT,ROOT,WHAT S WHAT="reminder" S ROOT="^PXD(811.9," S PROMPT="Select the reminder definition to copy: " D COPY(PROMPT,ROOT,WHAT) Q ; ;===================================================== COPYTAX ;Copy a taxonomy. N PROMPT,ROOT,WHAT S WHAT="taxonomy" S ROOT="^PXD(811.2," S PROMPT="Select the reminder taxonomy to copy: " D COPY(PROMPT,ROOT,WHAT) Q ; ;===================================================== COPYTERM ;Copy a reminder term. N PROMPT,ROOT,WHAT S WHAT="reminder term" S ROOT="^PXRMD(811.5," S PROMPT="Select the reminder term to copy: " D COPY(PROMPT,ROOT,WHAT) Q ; ;===================================================== DELETE(DIK,DA) ;Delete the entry just added. D ^DIK W !!,"New entry not created due to invalid name!",! Q ; ;===================================================== GETFOIEN(ROOT) ;Return the first open IEN in ROOT. This should be called ;after a call to SETSTART. N ENTRY,NIEN,OIEN S ENTRY=ROOT_0_")" S OIEN=$P(@ENTRY,U,3) S ENTRY=ROOT_OIEN_")" F S NIEN=$O(@ENTRY) Q:+(NIEN-OIEN)>1 Q:+NIEN'>0 S OIEN=NIEN,ENTRY=ROOT_NIEN_")" Q OIEN+1 ; ;===================================================== INIEH(FILENUM,ROOT,IENN,IENO) ;Initialize the edit history after a copy. ;First delete any existing history entries. N ENTRY,IND,IENS,FDA,FDAIEN,MSG,SFN,TARGET,WP D FIELD^DID(FILENUM,"EDIT HISTORY","","SPECIFIER","TARGET") S SFN=+$G(TARGET("SPECIFIER")) I SFN=0 Q S ENTRY=ROOT_IENN_",110)" S IND=0 F S IND=$O(@ENTRY@(IND)) Q:+IND=0 D . S IENS=IND_","_IENN_"," . S FDA(SFN,IENS,.01)="@" I $D(FDA(SFN)) D FILE^DIE("K","FDA","MSG") I $D(MSG) D AWRITE^PXRMUTIL("MSG") ;Establish an initial entry in the edit history. K FDA,MSG S IENS="+1,"_IENN_"," S FDAIEN(IENN)=IENN S FDA(SFN,IENS,.01)=$$FMTE^XLFDT($$NOW^XLFDT,"5Z") S FDA(SFN,IENS,1)=$$GET1^DIQ(200,DUZ,.01) S FDA(SFN,IENS,2)="WP(1,1)" S WP(1,1,1)="Copied from "_$$GET1^DIQ(FILENUM,IENO,.01) D UPDATE^DIE("E","FDA","FDAIEN","MSG") I $D(MSG) D AWRITE^PXRMUTIL("MSG") Q ; ;===================================================== MERGE(IENN,IENO,ROOT) ;Use MERGE to copy ROOT(IENO into ROOT(IENN. N DEST,SOURCE S DEST=ROOT_IENN_")" ;Lock the file before merging. L +@DEST:10 S SOURCE=ROOT_IENO_")" M @DEST=@SOURCE ;Unlock the file L -@DEST Q ; ;===================================================== SCAS(FILENUM,IEN,CLASS,SPONSOR) ;Set the class field to CLASS and the sponsor ;field to SPONSOR. N IENS,FDA,MSG S IENS=IEN_"," S FDA(FILENUM,IENS,100)=CLASS S FDA(FILENUM,IENS,101)=SPONSOR D FILE^DIE("K","FDA","MSG") I $D(MSG) D AWRITE^PXRMUTIL("MSG") Q ; ;===================================================== SETSTART(ROOT) ;Set the starting value to add new entries. Start ;at the begining so empty spaces are filled in. N CUR,ENTRY S ENTRY=ROOT_"0)" S $P(@ENTRY,U,3)=1 Q ;