PXRMDATE ; SLC/PKR - Clinical Reminders date utilities. ;01/24/2007 ;;2.0;CLINICAL REMINDERS;**4,6**;Feb 04, 2005;Build 123 ; ;================================================== CEFD(FDA) ;Called by the Exchange Utility only if the input packed ;reminder was packed under v1.5 Move Effective Date to Beginning Date. N IND S IND="" F S IND=$O(FDA(811.902,IND)) Q:IND="" D . I '$D(FDA(811.902,IND,12)) Q .;If the EFFECTIVE PERIOD exists don't do anything. . I $D(FDA(811.902,IND,9)) Q . S FDA(811.902,IND,9)=FDA(811.902,IND,12) . K FDA(811.902,IND,12) Q ; ;================================================== COMPARE(X) ;Compare beginning and ending dates, give a warning if ;Ending Date comes before Beginning Date. Called by ADATE xref in ;definitions and terms. ;Do not execute as part of exchange. I $G(PXRMEXCH) Q N BDT,EDT S BDT=$S(X(1)'="":$$CTFMD^PXRMDATE(X(1)),1:0) S EDT=X(2) I EDT="" S EDT="T" S EDT=$$CTFMD^PXRMDATE(EDT) ;If EDT does not contain a time set it to the end of the day. I EDT'["." S EDT=EDT_".235959" I EDT9991231) Q DATE ;Check for a date FileMan understands. S X=DATE,%DT="ST" D ^%DT ;If it is not a FileMan date check for a symbolic date. I Y=-1 S Y=$$SYMDATE(DATE) ;If it is not a date that is understood by SYMDATE return -1 I Y=-1 Q -1 I $G(PXRMDATE)'="",$$ISVSYMD(DATE) D . N DIFFS . S DIFFS=-$$FMDIFF^XLFDT(DT,PXRMDATE,2) . S Y=$$FMADD^XLFDT(Y,0,0,0,DIFFS) I DATE["LAD" D . I $G(PXRMLAD)="" S Y=0 . E D .. N DIFFS .. S DIFFS=-$$FMDIFF^XLFDT(DT,$G(PXRMLAD),2) .. S Y=$$FMADD^XLFDT(Y,0,0,0,DIFFS) Q Y ; ;================================================= DCHECK(DATE) ;Trap for special characters before calling CTFMD^PXRMDATE. ;Used in DIR("PRE") for date inputs. I $D(DTOUT) Q DATE I DATE="" Q DATE I DATE["^" Q DATE I DATE["?" Q DATE Q $$CTFMD^PXRMDATE(DATE) ; ;================================================== DUE(DEFARR,RESDATE,FREQ,DUE,DUEDATE,FIEVAL) ;Compute the due date. ;This is the date of the resolution finding + the reminder frequency. ;Subtract the due in advance time to see if the reminder should be ;marked as due soon. ; N DATE,DIAT,DIATOK,LDATE,PXRMITEM,TDDUE,TODAY S PXRMITEM=DEFARR("IEN") ;If the final frequency is 0Y then the reminder is not due. I FREQ="0Y" S DUE=0,DUEDATE="" Q ; S DUEDATE="" ;Check for custom date due. I DEFARR(45)'="" S DUEDATE=$$CDUEDATE^PXRMCDUE(.DEFARR,.FIEVAL) I DUEDATE'="",DUEDATE'=-1 G SETDUE ; ;No custom date due, do regular date calculation. I (FREQ="")!(FREQ=-1) D Q . S ^TMP(PXRMPID,$J,PXRMITEM,"WARNING","NOFREQ")="No reminder frequency - cannot compute due date!" . S (DUE,DUEDATE)="CNBD" ; S LDATE=$S(RESDATE["X":0,1:+RESDATE) I LDATE=0 S (DUE,DUEDATE)="DUE NOW" Q S DATE=$$FULLDATE(LDATE),DUEDATE=$$NEWDATE(DATE,FREQ) ; SETDUE ;If the due date is less than or equal to today's date the reminder ;is due. S TODAY=$$NOW^PXRMDATE I +DUEDATE'>TODAY S DUE="DUE NOW" Q ; S DIAT="-"_$P(DEFARR(0),U,4) I DIAT="-" D . S DIATOK=0 . S ^TMP(PXRMPID,$J,PXRMITEM,"WARNING","DIAT")="Warning no do in advance time" E S DIATOK=1 ; S TDDUE=$S(DIATOK=1:$$NEWDATE(DUEDATE,DIAT),1:DUEDATE) S DUE=$S(TDDUE'>TODAY:"DUE SOON",1:"RESOLVED") Q ; ;================================================== DURATION(START,STOP) ;Return the number days between the Start Date and ;Stop Date. I +START=0 Q 0 N PXRMNOW S PXRMNOW=$$NOW^PXRMDATE I START>PXRMNOW Q 0 I (STOP="")!(STOP>PXRMNOW) S STOP=PXRMNOW Q $$FMDIFF^XLFDT(STOP,START) ; ;================================================== EDATE(DATE) ;Check for an historical (event) date, format as appropriate. Q $$FMTE^XLFDT(DATE,"5DZ") ; ;================================================== FULLDATE(DATE) ;See if DATE is a full date, i.e., it has a month and ;a day along with a year. If the month is missing assume Jan. If the ;day is missing assume the first. Issue a warning so the user knows ;what happened. DATE should be in Fileman format. N DAY,MISSING,MONTH,TDATE,YEAR S TDATE=DATE S MISSING=0 S DAY=$E(DATE,6,7) S MONTH=$E(DATE,4,5) S YEAR=$E(DATE,1,3) I +DAY=0 D . S DAY=1 . S MISSING=1 . S ^TMP(PXRMPID,$J,PXRMITEM,"INFO","NO DAY")="Encounter date missing the day, using the first for the date due calculation." I +MONTH=0 D . S MONTH=1 . S MISSING=1 . S ^TMP(PXRMPID,$J,PXRMITEM,"INFO","NO MONTH")="Encounter date missing the month, using January for the date due calculation." I MISSING D . S TDATE=(YEAR*1E4)+(MONTH*1E2)+DAY . I DATE["E" S TDATE=TDATE_"E" Q TDATE ; ;================================================== FRQINDAY(FREQ) ;Given a frequency in the form ND, NM, or NY where N is a ;number and D stands for days, M for months, and Y for years return ;the value in days. I FREQ="" Q "" N CODE,LEN,MULT,NUM S LEN=$L(FREQ) S NUM=$E(FREQ,1,LEN-1) S CODE=$E(FREQ,LEN,LEN) S MULT=1.0 I CODE="M" S MULT=30.42 I CODE="Y" S MULT=365.25 Q +(MULT*NUM) ; ;================================================== ISVSYMD(DATE) ;Return true if DATE is a valid symbolic date. N P1,P1OK,P2,P2OK,OP,PAT S DATE=$P(DATE,"@",1) S OP=$S(DATE["+":"+",1:"-") S P1=$P(DATE,OP,1),P1OK=0 F PAT="T","TODAY","N","NOW" I P1=PAT S P1OK=1 Q:P1OK I PAT=DATE Q 1 S P2=$P(DATE,OP,2),P2OK=0 F PAT="1N.N","1N.N1""D""","1N.N1""M""","1N.N1""Y""" I P2?@PAT S P2OK=1 Q:P2OK Q P1OK&P2OK ; ;================================================== NEWDATE(FMDATE,OFFSET) ;Given a date in VA Fileman format (FMDATE) and an ;offset of the form NY, NM, ND where N is a number and Y stands for ;years, M for months, and D for days return the new date in VA Fileman ;format. I FMDATE=0 Q 0 N LEN,NEWDATE,NUM,UNIT S LEN=$L(OFFSET) S NUM=+$E(OFFSET,1,LEN-1) S UNIT=$E(OFFSET,LEN) I UNIT="D" G DAY I UNIT="M" G MONTH I UNIT="Y" G YEAR ;Unknown unit just return the original date Q FMDATE DAY ; S NEWDATE=+$$FMADD^XLFDT(FMDATE,NUM) Q NEWDATE MONTH ; ;Convert the months to days and then add the days using the DAY code. ;Multiply the number of months by the average number of days in a month. N INT,FRAC S NUM=30.42*NUM ;Round the number of days, FMADD^XLFDT has problems with non-integer ;days. S INT=+$P(NUM,".",1) S FRAC=NUM-INT I FRAC<0.5 S NUM=INT E S NUM=INT+1 G DAY Q YEAR ; Q FMDATE+(10000*NUM) ; ;================================================== NOW() ;If the reminder global PXRMDATE is defined return it, otherwise ;return the current date and time. Q $S(+$G(PXRMDATE)>0:PXRMDATE,1:$$NOW^XLFDT) ; ;================================================== SYMDATE(DATE) ;Convert a symbolic date into a FileMan date. N %DT,OPER,PFSTACK,SYM,TIME,X,Y S TIME=$P(DATE,"@",2),DATE=$P(DATE,"@",1) S X=$S(DATE="LAD":$G(PXRMLAD),1:"") I X="" D . S OPER="+-" . D POSTFIX^PXRMSTAC(DATE,OPER,.PFSTACK) I PFSTACK(0)=3 D . S SYM=PFSTACK(1) . S SYM=$S(SYM="LAD":"T",SYM="N":"N",SYM="NOW":"N",SYM="T":"T",SYM="TODAY":"T",1:"") . I SYM="" S Y=-1 Q .;FileMan only handles D, W, or M so convert Y to months. . I PFSTACK(2)["Y" S PFSTACK(2)=+PFSTACK(2)*12_"M" . S X=SYM_PFSTACK(3)_PFSTACK(2) I PFSTACK(0)=1 S X=PFSTACK(1) I TIME'="" S X=X_"@"_TIME S %DT="ST" D ^%DT Q Y ; ;================================================== VDATE(VIEN) ;Given a visit ien return the visit date. N DATE I +VIEN>0 S DATE=$P($G(^AUPNVSIT(VIEN,0)),U,1) E S DATE=0 I $L(DATE)=0 S DATE=0 ;Check for historical encounter. I $$ISHIST^PXRMVSIT(VIEN) S DATE=DATE_"E" Q DATE ;