PXRMDLG5 ; SLC/PJH - Reminder Dialog Edit/Inquiry ;05/17/2006 ;;2.0;CLINICAL REMINDERS;**4**;Feb 04, 2005;Build 21 ; ; ASK(YESNO,PIEN) ;Confirm K DIR,DIROUT,DIRUT,DNAME,DTOUT,DTYP,DUOUT,TEXT,X,Y N DDATA,DNAME,DTYP S DDATA=$G(^PXRMD(801.41,PIEN,0)) ;Parent name and type S DNAME=$P(DDATA,U),DTYP=$P(DDATA,U,4) ; S DIR(0)="YA0" S DIR("A")="Add sequence "_SEQ_" to " I DTYP="G" S DIR("A")=DIR("A")_"group "_DNAME_": " E S DIR("A")=DIR("A")_"reminder dialog ?: " S DIR("B")="N",DIR("?")="Enter Y or N. For detailed help type ??" S DIR("??")=U_"D XHLP^PXRMDLG(1)" D ^DIR K DIR I $D(DIROUT) S DTOUT=1 I $D(DTOUT)!($D(DUOUT)) Q S YESNO=$E(Y(0)) I YESNO'="Y" S DUOUT=1 S VALMBCK="R" Q ; MSEL(NUM) ; I NUM=4,'$$PATCH^XPDUTL("OR*3.0*243") D EN^DDIOL("THIS SELECTION IS NOT VALID, UNTIL CPRS 27 IS INSTALLED") Q 0 Q 1 ; ALT(DIEN,LEV,DSEQ,NODE,VIEW,NLINE,CNT,ALTLEN) ; ;Display branching logic text in dialog summary view N DATA,DNAM,DTYP,IEN,TERM,TNAME,TSTAT,TEMP S DATA=$G(^PXRMD(801.41,DIEN,49)) I '+$P(DATA,U)!($P($G(DATA),U,2)="") Q S TNAME=$P($G(^PXRMD(811.5,$P(DATA,U),0)),U) S TSTAT=$S($P(DATA,U,2)="1":"TRUE",1:"FALSE") I +$P(DATA,U,3)>0 D .S IEN=$P(DATA,U,3),DNAM=$P($G(^PXRMD(801.41,IEN,0)),U) .S DTYP=$S($P($G(^PXRMD(801.41,IEN,0)),U,4)="E":"Element",$P($G(^PXRMD(801.41,IEN,0)),U,4)="G":"Group") I $G(DNAM)="" S TEMP="Suppressed if Reminder Term "_TNAME_" evaluates as "_TSTAT I $G(DNAM)'="" S TEMP="Replaced by "_DNAM_" if Reminder Term "_TNAME_" evaluates as "_TSTAT D TEXT(.NLINES,CNT,ALTLEN,TEMP,NODE) Q ; OTERM(DA) ; K OTERM S OTERM=$P($G(^PXRMD(801.41,DA,49)),U) Q ; NTERM(DA,OTERM,NTERM) ; I +OTERM=0 S OTERM=$P($G(DA),U) I +NTERM=0 K OTERM Q 2 I +OTERM=0,+NTERM>0 K OTERM Q 1 I +OTERM'=+NTERM K OTERM Q 0 K OTERM Q 1 ; TERMS(DA,X) ; N TERM S TERM=$P($G(^PXRMD(801.41,DA,49)),U) I +TERM=0 D Q 0 .W !,"Cannot set Reminder Term Status if the Reminder Term field is blank" .H 2 I +TERM>0,$G(X)="" Q 2 Q 1 ; BHELP(VALUE) ; N HTEXT D FULL^VALM1 ;Help text for Reminder Dialog Branching logic I VALUE=1 D .;Reminder Term field .S HTEXT(1)="Enter a reminder term that will be used to determine if the reminder" .S HTEXT(2)="element/group should be replaced or suppressed if the reminder term evaluation" .S HTEXT(3)="matches the value in the Reminder Term Status field." I VALUE=2 D .;Reminder Term Status field .S HTEXT(1)="Enter either 1 for true or 0 for false. This value will be used with the" .S HTEXT(2)="reminder term field to determine if this item should be replaced with a" .S HTEXT(3)="different element/group defined in the Replacement Element/Group field, or if" .S HTEXT(4)="this item should be suppressed." I VALUE=3 D .;Replacement Element/Group field .S HTEXT(1)="Enter an element/group that will be used as a replacement to thisitem, or" .S HTEXT(2)="leave this field blank to suppress this item if the term evaluation" .S HTEXT(3)="matches the value defined in the term status field. " I VALUE=4 D .;Patient Specific field .S HTEXT(1)="Enter either 1 for true or 0 for false. This value must be set totrue" .S HTEXT(2)="if item in this dialog will be using reminder term to either replace an item" .S HTEXT(3)="or to suppress an item." D HELP^PXRMEUT(.HTEXT) Q ; TEXT(NLINES,CNT,ATLEN,TEMP,NODE) ; N CNT1,NOUT,OUTPUT,WIDHT S WIDTH=IOM-(2+(CNT+ATLEN)) S CNT1=1 D FORMATS^PXRMTEXT(1,WIDTH,TEMP,.NOUT,.OUTPUT) I NOUT>0 F CNT1=1:1:NOUT D .S NLINE=NLINE+1,^TMP(NODE,$J,NLINE,0)=$J("",2+(CNT+ATLEN))_OUTPUT(CNT1) Q ; INQ(DIEN) ;INQ Inquiry/Print option ; ; Used by 801.41 print templates ; [PXRM REMINDER DIALOG] ; [PXRM DIALOG GROUP] ; N DEF,DEF1,DEF2 D DEF^PXRMRUTL("811.902",.DEF,.DEF1,.DEF2) N NLINE,NODE,NSEL,SUB S NLINE=0,NODE="PXRMDLG4",NSEL=0 K ^TMP(NODE,$J) ; ;Components W !!," Seq. Dialog",! D DETAIL^PXRMDLG4(DIEN,"",4,NODE) ; ;Print lines from workfile S SUB="" F S SUB=$O(^TMP(NODE,$J,SUB)) Q:'SUB W !,^TMP(NODE,$J,SUB,0) K ^TMP(NODE,$J) Q