PXRMDLR ;SLC/PJH - DIALOG RESULTS LOADER ;06/09/2000 ;;2.0;CLINICAL REMINDERS;;Feb 04, 2005 ; ;Build score related P/N text from score and result group ; ;If not found I '$G(RESULT) S ORY(1)="-1^no results for this test" Q ; N ARRAY,ERROR,INSERT,OK,SCORE,SUB,YT ; S ERROR=0 ; ;Get score using API S DFN=$G(ORES("DFN")) I ORES("CODE")'="DOM80" D Q:ERROR .M YT=ORES .D PREVIEW^YTAPI4(.ARRAY,.YT) .I ARRAY(1)'="[DATA]" S ORY(1)="-1^"_ARRAY(1)_ARRAY(2),ERROR=1 Q .S SUB=0,OK=0 .F S SUB=$O(ARRAY(SUB)) Q:'SUB D Q:OK ..I $P(ARRAY(SUB),U)="S1" S SCORE=$P(ARRAY(SUB),U,3),OK=1 .I 'OK S ORY(1)="-1^[ERROR] no score returned",ERROR=1 Q ; ;Except for DOM80 I ORES("CODE")="DOM80" D .I $E(ORES("R1"))="Y" S SCORE=1 Q .I $E(ORES("R1"),2,3)="YY",($E(ORES("R1"),4)>1) S SCORE=1 Q .S SCORE=0 ; S INSERT("SCORE")=SCORE ; ;For AIMS special formatting is required I ORES("CODE")="AIMS" D .N CNT,LITS,RESP,SUM .S LITS(0)="none",LITS(1)="minimal",LITS(2)="mild",LITS(3)="moderate" .S LITS(4)="severe",SUM(2)=0,SUM(3)=0,SUM(4)=0 .F CNT=1:1 S RESP=$E(ORES("R1"),CNT) Q:RESP="" D ..S INSERT("R"_CNT)=$G(LITS(RESP)) ..I (CNT<8),(234[RESP) S SUM(RESP)=SUM(RESP)+1 .F CNT=2,3,4 S INSERT("SUM"_CNT)=SUM(CNT) ; ;Load dialog results into ORY array N DATA,DCON,DITEM,DSEQ,DSUB,DTYP,INS,SEP,TEXT ;Get the result elements S DSEQ=0,OCNT=0 F S DSEQ=$O(^PXRMD(801.41,RESULT,10,"B",DSEQ)) Q:'DSEQ D .S DSUB=$O(^PXRMD(801.41,RESULT,10,"B",DSEQ,"")) Q:'DSUB .S DITEM=$P($G(^PXRMD(801.41,RESULT,10,DSUB,0)),U,2) Q:'DITEM .;Get the result element .S DTYP=$P($G(^PXRMD(801.41,DITEM,0)),U,4) Q:DTYP'="T" .;Get the result element condition .S DCON=$P($G(^PXRMD(801.41,DITEM,0)),U,13) .;Skip if condition not satisfied .I DCON'="" S DCON=$TR(DCON,"~"," ") Q:'$$TRUE(SCORE,DCON,DFN) .;Get progress note text if defined .N LAST,NULL,SUB,TEXT S SUB=0,LAST=0 .F S SUB=$O(^PXRMD(801.41,DITEM,35,SUB)) Q:'SUB D ..;Insert score into text (if neccessary) ..S TEXT=$G(^PXRMD(801.41,DITEM,35,SUB,0)) ..S NULL=0 I ($E(TEXT)=" ")!(TEXT="") S NULL=1 ..;Add line breaks if is or preceded by blank line or starts with space ..I ('NULL),LAST S TEXT="
"_TEXT,LAST=1 ..;Check for inserts - note there may be embedded TIU markers too ..N INS ..S INS="" ..F S INS=$O(INSERT(INS)) Q:INS="" D ...S SEP="|"_INS_"|" I '$F(TEXT,SEP) Q ...S TEXT=$P(TEXT,SEP)_$G(INSERT(INS))_$P(TEXT,SEP,2,99) ..S OCNT=OCNT+1,ORY(OCNT)=7_U_TEXT Q ; OUT(DATA) ;Display element details N DITEM S DITEM=$P(DATA,U,2) Q:'DITEM W $P($G(^PXRMD(801.41,DITEM,0)),U) W !,$J("Element Condition: ",19) W $TR($P($G(^PXRMD(801.41,DITEM,0)),U,13),"~"," ") W !,$J("Element text:",17) ;Get progress note text if defined N SUB,TEXT S SUB=0 F S SUB=$O(^PXRMD(801.41,DITEM,35,SUB)) Q:'SUB D .S TEXT=$G(^PXRMD(801.41,DITEM,35,SUB,0)) W !,?5,TEXT Q ; TRUE(V,COND,DFN) ; Check if value meets element condition N RESULT,SEX I COND["SEX" D Q RESULT . S RESULT=0 . S SEX=$P($G(^DPT(DFN,0)),U,2) . X COND I S RESULT=1 X COND I Q 1 Q 0