PXRMEHLP ; SLC/PJH - Reminder Extract help. ;05/31/2006 ;;2.0;CLINICAL REMINDERS;**4**;Feb 04, 2005;Build 21 ;==================================================== LOAD(SUB) ; ;If necessary load the help text into the ^TMP array. ;Check if the help text has already been loaded. I $D(^TMP(SUB,$J,"VALMCNT")) D Q . S VALMCNT=^TMP(SUB,$J,"VALMCNT") ; N DONE,IND,LABEL,TEXT S LABEL="NOHLP" I SUB["ETM" S LABEL="TX1" I SUB["ETH" S LABEL="TX2" I SUB["ETT" S LABEL="TX3" I SUB["EPM" S LABEL="TX4" I SUB["EPED" S LABEL="TX5" I SUB["EFM" S LABEL="TX6" I SUB["EFED" S LABEL="TX7" I SUB["EGM" S LABEL="TX8" I SUB["EGED" S LABEL="TX9" S DONE=0,VALMCNT=0 F IND=1:1 Q:DONE D . S TEXT=$P($T(@(LABEL_"+"_IND)),";;",2) . I TEXT="**End Text**" S DONE=1 Q . S VALMCNT=VALMCNT+1,^TMP(SUB,$J,VALMCNT,0)=TEXT S ^TMP(SUB,$J,"VALMCNT")=VALMCNT Q ; ;==================================================== TX1 ;Help text ;;The following actions are available: ;; ;;EDM Extract Definition Management ;; Display/edit extract definitions. ;; ;;VSE View/Schedule Extract ;; Display list of prior extract summaries or schedule manual ;; extracts and transmission runs. ;; ;;QU Quit ;;**End Text** Q ; ;==================================================== TX2 ;Help text ;;The following actions are available: ;; ;;CV Change View ;; Toggle view of extract summaries between creation date order and ;; extract period order. ;; ;;ES Extract Summary ;; Display reminder compliance and finding totals for extract summary. ;; Also displays patient list with option to print Health Summary. ;; ;;ME Manual Extract ;; Initiate a new extract for a selected period with option to ;; transmit. ;; ;;MT Manual Transmission ;; Initiate a transmission or retransmission of an existing extract ;; summary. ;; ;;TH Transmission History ;; Display transmission history and HL7 message ID's for an ;; existing extract. ;; ;;QU Quit ;;**End Text** Q ; ;==================================================== TX3 ;Help text ;;The following actions are available: ;; ;;DPL Display Patient List ;; Display a patient list used to create extract summary with ;; option to print Health Summary. ;; ;;DSF Display/Suppress Finding Totals ;; Toggle between display with reminder compliance totals only and ;; display with both reminder compliance and finding totals. ;; ;;PL Print List ;; Print extract totals currently displayed. ;; ;;QU Quit ;;**End Text** Q ; ;==================================================== TX4 ;Help text ;;The following actions are available: ;; ;;CR Create Extract Definition ;; ;;DE Display/Edit Extract Definition ;; ;;QU Quit ;;**End Text** Q ; ;==================================================== TX5 ;Help text ;;The following actions are available: ;; ;;ED Edit Extract Definition ;; ;;QU Quit ;;**End Text** Q ; ;==================================================== TX6 ;Help text ;;The following actions are available: ;; ;;CR Create Extract Counting Rule ;; ;;DE Display/Edit Extract Counting Rule ;; ;;QU Quit ;;**End Text** Q ; ;==================================================== TX7 ;Help text ;;The following actions are available: ;; ;;ED Edit Extract Counting Rule ;; ;;CG Counting Groups ;; ;;QU Quit ;;**End Text** Q ; ;==================================================== TX8 ;Help text ;;The following actions are available: ;; ;;CR Create Extract Counting Group ;; ;;DE Display/Edit Extract Counting Group ;; ;;QU Quit ;;**End Text** Q ; ;==================================================== TX9 ;Help text ;;The following actions are available: ;; ;;ED Edit Extract Counting Group ;; ;;QU Quit ;;**End Text** Q ; ;==================================================== NOHLP ;Help text ;; ;;No Help Text Available ;; ;;**End Text** Q ;