PXRMEXDH ; SLC/PJH - Reminder Exchange Dialog help. ;01/25/2001 ;;2.0;CLINICAL REMINDERS;;Feb 04, 2005 ; ; Entry action for list PXRM EX DIALOG HELP ; LOAD N DONE,IND,TEXT S DONE=0 K ^TMP("PXRMEXDH",$J) S VALMCNT=0 F IND=1:1 Q:DONE D . S TEXT=$P($T(@PXRMTAG+IND),";",3) . I TEXT="**End Text**" S DONE=1 Q . S VALMCNT=VALMCNT+1 . S ^TMP("PXRMEXDH",$J,VALMCNT,0)=TEXT S ^TMP("PXRMEXDH",$J,"VALMCNT")=VALMCNT Q ; DLG ;Dialog Help text ;;The following actions are available: ;; ;;DD Dialog Details ;; Display all dialog component names for this reminder dialog. ;; (Include PXRM type additional prompts and forced values.) ;; ;;DF Dialog Findings ;; Display the finding items associated with the dialog and ;; show if the finding already exists. ;; ;;DS Dialog Summary (default) ;; Display dialog component names for this reminder dialog. ;; (Exclude PXRM type additional prompts and forced values.) ;; ;;DT Dialog Text ;; Display the dialog text as it should appear in CPRS. ;; ;;DU Dialog Usage ;; If components of the reminder dialog already exists display ;; any other reminder dialogs and groups also use these components. ;; ;;IA Install All ;; Install the reminder dialog and all its components. The reminder ;; dialog may also be selected by entering the item number '1'. ;; ;;IS Install Selected ;; Install selected components from this reminder dialog. The ;; individual components may also be selected by entering an ;; item number. ;; ;;QU Quit ;;**End Text**