PXRMEXLR ; SLC/PKR/PJH - List Manager routines for existing repository entries. ;07/30/2007 ;;2.0;CLINICAL REMINDERS;**6**;Feb 04, 2005;Build 123 ;================================================== CHF ;Create a host file containing repository entries. N IND,FILE,LENH2,PATH,SUCCESS,TEMP,VALMY ;Get the list to store. D EN^VALM2(XQORNOD(0)) ;If there is no list quit. I '$D(VALMY) Q ;Get the host file to use. D CLEAR^VALM1 S TEMP=$$GETHFS^PXRMEXHF I TEMP=0 S VALMBCK="R" Q S PATH=$P(TEMP,U,1) S FILE=$P(TEMP,U,2) D CHF^PXRMEXHF(.SUCCESS,.VALMY,PATH,FILE) S VALMHDR(1)="Successfully stored entries" S VALMHDR(2)="Failed to store entries" S LENH2=$L(VALMHDR(2)) S IND="" F S IND=$O(SUCCESS(IND)) Q:+IND=0 D . I SUCCESS(IND) S VALMHDR(1)=VALMHDR(1)_" "_IND . E S VALMHDR(2)=VALMHDR(2)_" "_IND I $L(VALMHDR(2))=LENH2 K VALMHDR(2) S VALMBCK="R" Q ; ;================================================== CMM ;Create a MailMan message containing packed reminders. N SUCCESS,TEMP,VALMY ;Get the list to store. D EN^VALM2(XQORNOD(0)) ;If there is no list quit. I '$D(VALMY) Q ;Get a new message number to store the entries in. D CMM^PXRMEXMM(.SUCCESS,.VALMY) I $D(SUCCESS("XMZ")) S VALMHDR(1)="Successfully stored entries in message "_SUCCESS("XMZ")_"." E S VALMHDR(1)="Failed to store entries" S VALMBCK="R" Q ; ;================================================== DELETE ;Get a list of repository entries and delete them. N COUNT,DELLIST,IEN,IND,RELIST,VALMY ;Get the list to delete. D MIENLIST(.DELLIST) S COUNT=+$G(DELLIST("COUNT")) I COUNT=0 Q D DELETE^PXRMEXU1(.DELLIST) ;Rebuild the list for List Manager to display. K ^TMP("PXRMEXLR",$J) D REXL^PXRMLIST("PXRMEXLR") ; S VALMHDR(1)="Deleted "_DELLIST("COUNT")_" Exchange File" I COUNT>1 S VALMHDR(1)=VALMHDR(1)_" entries." I COUNT=1 S VALMHDR(1)=VALMHDR(1)_" entry." I COUNT=0 S VALMHDR(1)="No entries selected." S VALMHDR(2)=" " S VALMBCK="R" Q ; ;================================================== EXIT ; Exit code D CLEAN^VALM10 D FULL^VALM1 S VALMBCK="R" K ^TMP("PXRMEXLR",$J) Q ; ;================================================== INSTALL ;Get a list of repository entries and install them. N IND,PXRMRIEN,VALMY D EN^VALM2(XQORNOD(0)) ;If there is no list quit. I '$D(VALMY) Q ;PXRMDONE is newed in PXRMEXLM S PXRMDONE=0 S IND="" F S IND=$O(VALMY(IND)) Q:(+IND=0)!(PXRMDONE) D .;Get the repository ien. . S PXRMRIEN=^TMP("PXRMEXLR",$J,"SEL",IND) .;The list template calls INSTALL^PXRMEXLI . D EN^VALM("PXRM EX LIST COMPONENTS") . K ^TMP("PXRMEXLC",$J) Q ; ;================================================== HDR ; Header code S VALMHDR(1)="" D CHGCAP^VALM("RNAME","Reminder Name") D CHGCAP^VALM("PNAME","Date Loaded") Q ; ;================================================== HELP ; Help code S X="?" D DISP^XQORM1 W !! Q ; ;================================================== MIENLIST(LIST) ;Get a list of List Manager repository entries and turn it ;into iens. N COUNT,IEN,VALMY D EN^VALM2(XQORNOD(0)) ;If there is no list quit. I '$D(VALMY) Q S COUNT=0 S IND="" F S IND=$O(VALMY(IND)) Q:+IND=0 D . S COUNT=COUNT+1 . ;S IEN=^TMP("PXRMEXLR",$J,"IDX",IND,IND) . S IEN=^TMP("PXRMEXLR",$J,"SEL",IND) . S LIST(IEN)="" S LIST("COUNT")=COUNT Q ; ;================================================== PEXIT ;PXRM EXCH INSTALLATION MENU protocol exit code S VALMSG="+ Next Screen - Prev Screen ?? More Actions" Q ;