PXRMEXMH ; SLC/PKR - Clinical Reminder Exchange main help. ;05/14/2001 ;;2.0;CLINICAL REMINDERS;;Feb 04, 2005 ;====================================================================== LOAD ;If necessary load the help text into the ^TMP array. ;Check if the help text has already been loaded. I $D(^TMP("PXRMEXMH",$J,"VALMCNT")) D Q . S VALMCNT=^TMP("PXRMEXMH",$J,"VALMCNT") ; N DONE,IND,TEXT S DONE=0 S VALMCNT=0 F IND=1:1 Q:DONE D . S TEXT=$P($T(TEXT+IND),";",3) . I TEXT="**End Text**" S DONE=1 Q . S VALMCNT=VALMCNT+1 . S ^TMP("PXRMEXMH",$J,VALMCNT,0)=TEXT S ^TMP("PXRMEXMH",$J,"VALMCNT")=VALMCNT Q ; ;====================================================================== TEXT ;Help text ;;The following actions are available: ;; ;;CFE Create Exchange File Entry ;; Create an entry in the Exchange File; this is also called ;; a packed reminder definition. When you select this action ;; you will be prompted for a reminder definition. All the ;; components used in the definition will be "packed" up and ;; included in the packed definition. ;; ;;CHF Create Host File ;; Create a host file containing selected entries from the ;; Exchange File. ;; ;;CMM Create MailMan Message ;; Create a MailMan message containing selected entries from ;; the Exchange File. ;; ;;DFE Delete Exchange File Entry ;; Delete selected entries from the Exchange File. ;; ;;IFE Install Exchange File Entry ;; Install selected Exchange File entries. Once an entry has ;; been selected you will have the option of installing all ;; the components in the packed reminder or selected ;; components. ;; ;;IH Installation History ;; Show the installation history of selected Exchange File ;; entries. ;; ;;LHF Load Host File ;; Load a host file containing packed reminder definitions ;; into the Exchange File. ;; ;;LMM Load MailMan Message ;; Load a MailMan message containing packed reminders ;; into the Exchange File. ;; ;;LR List Reminder Definitions ;; Display a list of all the reminders that are defined in the ;; current UCI. ;; ;;RI Reminder Definition Inquiry ;; Display the reminder definition for the selected reminder. ;; ;;QU Quit ;; ;;**End Text** Q ;