PXRMFFDB ;SLC/PKR - Function finding data structure builder. ;10/31/2007 ;;2.0;CLINICAL REMINDERS;**4,6**;Feb 04, 2005;Build 123 ; ;=========================================== BASE2(NUM) ;Convert a base 10 integer to base 2. N BD,BIN S BIN="" F Q:NUM=0 D . S BD=$S((NUM\2)=(NUM/2):0,1:1) . S BIN=BD_BIN,NUM=NUM\2 Q BIN ; ;=========================================== CRESLOG(NUM,FLIST,RESLOG) ;Check the resolution logic to see if ;it can be made true solely by function findings. If that is the case ;warn the user. Called by BLDRESLS^PXRMLOGX N AGEFI,BP,FI,FF,FFL,IND,JND,KND,LE,LEN,LND,NFF,NTC,SEXFI,TEMP,VALUE S (AGEFI,SEXFI)=0 S NFF=0 F IND=1:1:NUM D . S JND=$P(FLIST,";",IND) . I +JND=JND S FI(JND)=0 Q . I JND["FF" S NFF=NFF+1,FF=$P(JND,"FF",2),FFL(NFF)=FF I NFF=0 Q ;Generate and test all combinations of true and false FFs. S VALUE=0 S NTC=$$PWR^XLFMTH(2,NFF)-1 F IND=1:1:NTC Q:VALUE D . S BIN=$$BASE2(IND) . S LEN=$L(BIN) . S LE=NFF-LEN .;Fill in the values for the implied preceeding 0s. . F JND=1:1:LE S KND=FFL(JND),FF(KND)=0 . S LND=0 . F JND=LE+1:1:NFF D .. S KND=FFL(JND),LND=LND+1 .. S FF(KND)=$E(BIN,LND) . I @RESLOG . S VALUE=$T I VALUE D . N RESLSTR . S RESLSTR=RESLOG . F IND=1:1:NUM D .. S JND=$P(FLIST,";",IND) .. S TEMP=$S(JND["FF":"FF("_$P(JND,"FF",2)_")",1:"FI("_JND_")") .. S RESLOG=$$STRREP^PXRMUTIL(RESLOG,TEMP,@TEMP) . S RESLOG=$$STRREP^PXRMUTIL(RESLOG,"AGE",AGEFI) . S RESLOG=$$STRREP^PXRMUTIL(RESLOG,"SEX",SEXFI) . W !!,"Warning - your resolution logic can be satisfied by function findings only." . W !,"If this happens it will not be possible to calculate a resolution date and" . W !,"the reminder will not be resolved. Here is a case where the logic evaluates" . W !,"to true:" . W !,RESLSTR . W !,RESLOG . W ! Q ; ;============================================================= FFBUILD(X,DA) ;Given a function finding logical string build the data ;structure. This is called by a new-style cross-reference after ;the function string has passed the input transform so we don't need ;to validate the elements. ;Do not execute as part of a verify fields. I $G(DIUTIL)="VERIFY FIELDS" Q ;Do not execute as part of exchange. I $G(PXRMEXCH) Q N FDA,FUNNUM,FUNP,IENB,IENS,IND,JND,L2,L3,LEN,LIST,LOGIC,OPER,MSG N PFSTACK,REPL,RS,TEMP,TS,XS S IENB=DA_","_DA(1)_"," S OPER="!&-+<>='" S XS=$$PSPACE(X) D POSTFIX^PXRMSTAC(XS,OPER,.PFSTACK) S (FUNNUM,L2)=0 F IND=1:1:PFSTACK(0) D . S TEMP=PFSTACK(IND) . I $D(^PXRMD(802.4,"B",TEMP)) D .. S FUNP=$O(^PXRMD(802.4,"B",TEMP,"")) .. S FUNNUM=FUNNUM+1,L2=L2+1 .. S IENS="+"_L2_","_IENB .. S FDA(811.9255,IENS,.01)=FUNNUM .. S FDA(811.9255,IENS,.02)=FUNP .. S IND=IND+1 .. S LIST=$TR(PFSTACK(IND),"~"," ") .. S REPL(FUNNUM)=TEMP_"("_LIST_")"_U_"FN("_FUNNUM_")" .. S L3=L2 .. S LEN=$L(LIST,",") .. F JND=1:1:LEN D ... S L3=L3+1 ... S IENS="+"_L3_",+"_L2_","_IENB ... S TS=$P(LIST,",",JND) ... S TS=$TR(TS,"""","") ... S FDA(811.9256,IENS,.01)=TS .. S L2=L3 ;Build the logic string S LOGIC=X F IND=1:1:FUNNUM D . S TS=$P(REPL(IND),U,1) . S RS=$P(REPL(IND),U,2) . S LOGIC=$$STRREP^PXRMUTIL(LOGIC,TS,RS) S FDA(811.925,IENB,10)=LOGIC D UPDATE^DIE("","FDA","IENB","MSG") I $D(MSG) D . W !,"The update failed, UPDATE^DIE returned the following error message:" . D AWRITE^PXRMUTIL("MSG") Q ; ;============================================================= FFKILL(X,DA) ;This is the kill logic for the function string. ;Do not execute as part of a verify fields. I $G(DIUTIL)="VERIFY FIELDS" Q ;Do not execute as part of exchange. I $G(PXRMEXCH) Q K ^PXD(811.9,DA(1),25,DA,5),^PXD(811.9,DA(1),25,DA,10) Q ; ;============================================================= ISGRV(VAR) ;Return true if VAR is a global reminder variable. I VAR="PXRMAGE" Q 1 I VAR="PXRMDOB" Q 1 I VAR="PXRMLAD" Q 1 I VAR="PXRMSEX" Q 1 Q 0 ; ;============================================================= ISSTR(STRING) ;Return true if STRING really is a string and it is not ;executable Mumps code. N VALID,X S VALID=0 ;Valid strings are "text" or because of $P ,"text" or ",U". I $E(STRING,1)="""",$E(STRING,$L(STRING))="""" S VALID=1 I 'VALID,$E(STRING,1)=",",$E(STRING,2)="""",$E(STRING,$L(STRING))="""" S VALID=1 I 'VALID,STRING=",U" S VALID=1 I 'VALID Q VALID S X=STRING D ^DIM S VALID=$S($D(X)=0:1,1:0) Q VALID ; ;============================================================= PSPACE(OPR) ;OPR is an operand in a function finding, if some portion ;of OPR is a string translate a space into "~" so it is preserved. ;Note this will work for the entire function string. N DONE,END,START,TNS,TS S DONE=0,END=1 F Q:DONE D . S START=$F(OPR,"""",END) . I START=0 S DONE=1 Q . S END=$F(OPR,"""",START) . S TS=$E(OPR,START,END-2) . S TNS=$TR(TS," ","~") . S OPR=$$STRREP^PXRMUTIL(OPR,TS,TNS) Q OPR ; ;============================================================= VFFORM(TEMP,X) ;Make sure the function has a valid form, i.e., function ;followed by an argument list. N DONE,LP,RP,START,VALID S DONE=0,VALID=1,START=0 F Q:DONE D . S START=$F(X,TEMP,START) . I START=0 S DONE=1 Q . S LP=$E(X,START) . I LP'="(" S VALID=0,DONE=1 Q . S START=$F(X,")",START) . S RP=$E(X,START-1) . I RP'=")" S VALID=0 I 'VALID D . N TEXT . S TEXT="Function "_TEMP_" must be followed by an argument list!" . D EN^DDIOL(.TEXT) Q VALID ; ;============================================================= VFINDING(X,DAI) ;Make sure a finding number is a valid member of the ;definition finding multiple. Input transform for function ;finding finding number. ;Do not execute as part of a verify fields. I $G(DIUTIL)="VERIFY FIELDS" Q 1 ;Do not execute as part of exchange. I $G(PXRMEXCH) Q 1 I '$D(DAI) Q 1 ;If X is not numeric it is not a finding number. I +X'=X Q 1 I $D(^PXD(811.9,DAI,20,X,0)) Q 1 E D Q 0 . N TEXT . S TEXT="Finding number "_X_" does not exist!" . D EN^DDIOL(TEXT) ; ;============================================================= VFSTRING(FFSTRING,DA) ;Make sure a function finding string is valid. ;The elements can be functions, operators, and numbers. ;Do not execute as part of a verify fields. I $G(DIUTIL)="VERIFY FIELDS" Q 1 ;Do not execute as part of exchange. I $G(PXRMEXCH) Q 1 I '$D(DA) Q 1 N DAI,DATE,FUNIEN,IND,LIST,MFUN,OPER,PFSTACK,TEMP,TEXT,VALID S DAI=DA(1) S OPER="!&-+<>='" ;Define the allowed M functions. S MFUN("$P")="" D POSTFIX^PXRMSTAC(FFSTRING,OPER,.PFSTACK) S VALID=1 F IND=1:1:PFSTACK(0) Q:'VALID D . S TEMP=PFSTACK(IND) . I $D(^PXRMD(802.4,"B",TEMP)) D Q .. S VALID=$$VFFORM(TEMP,X) .. I 'VALID Q .. S FUNIEN=$O(^PXRMD(802.4,"B",TEMP,"")) .. S IND=IND+1 .. S LIST=$G(PFSTACK(IND)) .. S VALID=$$VLIST(LIST,DAI,TEMP,FUNIEN) .;Check for operator . I OPER[TEMP Q .;Check for number . I TEMP=+TEMP Q .;Check for allowed M function. . I $D(MFUN(TEMP)) Q .;Check for a global reminder variable . I $$ISGRV(TEMP) Q .;Check for a non-executable string. . I $$ISSTR(TEMP) Q . S VALID=0 . S TEXT=TEMP_" is not a valid Function Finding element!" . D EN^DDIOL(TEXT) I VALID D . N X . S X="I "_FFSTRING . D ^DIM . I $D(X)=0 S VALID=0 I 'VALID D . S TEMP=FFSTRING_" is not a valid function string" . D EN^DDIOL(TEMP) Q VALID ; ;============================================================= VLIST(LIST,DAI,FUNCTION,FUNIEN) ;Make sure the function argument list ;is valid. N AT,IND,LEN,PATTERN,VALID,X S LEN=$L(LIST,",") I LEN=0 D Q 0 . N TEXT . S TEXT="The argument list is not defined!" . D EN^DDIOL(TEXT) S PATTERN=$P(^PXRMD(802.4,FUNIEN,0),U,5) S VALID=$S(LIST?@PATTERN:1,1:0) I 'VALID D Q 0 . N TEXT . S TEXT="Argument list "_LIST_" is not correct for function "_$P(^PXRMD(802.4,FUNIEN,0),U,1) . D EN^DDIOL(TEXT) F IND=1:1:LEN D . S X=$P(LIST,",",IND) . S AT=$$ARGTYPE^PXRMFFAT(FUNCTION,IND) . I AT="U" S VALID=0 Q . I AT="F",'$$VFINDING(X,DAI) S VALID=0 Q VALID ;