PXRMG2M1 ;SLC/JVS -GEC #2 MAIL MESSAGES ;7/14/05 08:12 ;;2.0;CLINICAL REMINDERS;**2,4**;Feb 04, 2005;Build 21 Q ;================================================= TASK ;Start queued option PXRM GEC QUARTERLY ROLLUP Q:'$D(DT) D CALCMON D EN^PXRMG2E2 D MAIL Q START ;Start queued option PXRM GEC QUARTERLY ROLLUP Q:'$D(DT) D CALC D EN^PXRMG2E2 D MAIL Q MAIL ;MAIL OUT the STAT array N SITE,XMZ,XMY,XMSUB,XMDUZ,SITE2 S XMSUB="GEC FISCAL QUARTER "_FQUARTER_" "_YEAR_" Rollup Data" I DT<3050401 S XMSUB="TEST DATA-- "_XMSUB S SITE=$P($$SITE^VASITE,"^",2)_" #"_$P($$SITE^VASITE,"^",3) S SITE2=$P($$SITE^VASITE,"^",3)_" "_$P($$SITE^VASITE,"^",2) S XMDUZ=SITE2_" GEC Rollup Data" RETRY D XMZ^XMA2 I XMZ<1 G RETRY ; N PROG,MON,L,LINE,MGIEN,MGROUP S L=0 S PROG="AD" F S PROG=$O(STAT(PROG)) Q:PROG="" D .S MON=0 F S MON=$O(STAT(PROG,MON)) Q:MON="" D ..S L=L+1 ..S ^XMB(3.9,XMZ,2,L,0)=$G(STAT(PROG,MON)) ; I L>10 D .F I=(L+1):1:14 S ^XMB(3.9,XMZ,2,I,0)=$P($T(TEXT+(I-12)),";",3) .S ^XMB(3.9,XMZ,2,15,0)="data from "_SITE_" for Fiscal Quarter # "_FQUARTER_" of "_YEAR_". (Calendar Quarter "_QUARTER_")" .S L=15 F I=(L+1):1:55 S ^XMB(3.9,XMZ,2,I,0)=$P($T(TEXT+(I-12)),";",3) .; .S ^XMB(3.9,XMZ,2,0)="^3.92^"_I_"^"_I_"^"_DT .S XMDUZ="GEC Project" .I $$PROD^XUPROD(1) S XMY("G.GEC2 NATIONAL ROLLUP")="" .S MGIEN=$G(^PXRM(800,1,"MGFE")) .I MGIEN'="" D ..S MGROUP="G."_$$GET1^DIQ(3.8,MGIEN,.01) ..S XMY(MGROUP)="" .D ENT1^XMD .D EXIT Q TEXT ;Text added to the bottom of the mail message ;13; ;14; The above information is Geriatric Extended Care "Home" Referral ;15; ;16;------------------------------------------------- ;17; Each section of data is separated by a comma. The table below ;18;defines the sections. Numbers represent Patients. Patient only counted once. ;19; ;20; 1 Number for the site. ;21; 2 Number that stands for the Month (1=January)... ;22; 3 Acronym for the Program (ADHC,HHHA,VAIHR,CC) ;23; 4 Total number of patients referred to the program that month ;24; 5 Number that DID NOT MEET ANY of the criteria ;25; 6 Number that only met criteria 1 ;26; 7 Number that only met criteria 2 ;27; 8 Number that only met criteria 3 ;28; 9 Number that only met criteria 4 ;29; 10 Number that only met both criteria's 1 and 2 ;30; 11 Number that only met both criteria's 1 and 3 ;31; 12 Number that only met both criteria's 1 and 4 ;32; 13 Number that only met both criteria's 2 and 3 ;34; 14 Number that only met both criteria's 2 and 4 ;35; 15 Number that only met both criteria's 3 and 4 ;36; 16 Number that only met the criteria's 1 and 2 and 3 ;37; 17 Number that only met the criteria's 1 and 2 and 4 ;38; 18 Number that only met the criteria's 1 and 3 and 4 ;39; 19 Number that only met the criteria's 2 and 3 and 4 ;40; 20 Number that met all criteria's 1 and 2 and 3 and 4 ;41; ;42;-------------------------------------------------- ;43;The Basic Criteria for Eligibility is shown below. ;44; ;45; 1: Problems with 3 or more ADL's. ;46; 2: 1 or more patient behavior or cognitive problem. ;47; 3: Expected life limit of less than 6 months. ;48; 4: Combination of the following: ;49; 2 or more ADL dependencies. ;50; 2 or more of the following: ;51; problems with 3 or more IADL's. ;52; age of patients is 75 or more. ;53; living alone in the community. ;54; utilizes the clinics 12 or more times in the ;55; preceding 12 months. ;============================================ EXIT ;Exit and Clean up Variables K ^TMP("PXRMGEC",$J) Q CALC ;Calculate the quarter number N MON,YER,CQTR,BCQTR,BQTR,BYER,FQTR S MON=+$E(DT,4,5),YER=1700+$E(DT,1,3) ; I MON=1!(MON=2)!(MON=3) S CQTR=1 I MON=4!(MON=5)!(MON=6) S CQTR=2 I MON=7!(MON=8)!(MON=9) S CQTR=3 I MON=10!(MON=11)!(MON=12) S CQTR=4 ; I CQTR=1 S BYER=YER-1 E S BYER=YER I CQTR=1 S BQTR=4 E S BQTR=CQTR-1 ; I BQTR=1 S FQTR=2 I BQTR=2 S FQTR=3 I BQTR=3 S FQTR=4 I BQTR=4 S FQTR=1 S QUARTER=BQTR,FQUARTER=FQTR,YEAR=BYER,DFNONLY=0 ;After april 1 2005 no test patients S TPAT=0 Q ; CALCMON ;Calculate the quarter number for current quarter N MON,YER,CQTR,BQTR,BCQTR,BYER,FQTR S MON=+$E(DT,4,5),YER=1700+$E(DT,1,3) ; I MON=1!(MON=2)!(MON=3) S CQTR=1 I MON=4!(MON=5)!(MON=6) S CQTR=2 I MON=7!(MON=8)!(MON=9) S CQTR=3 I MON=10!(MON=11)!(MON=12) S CQTR=4 ; S BYER=YER S BQTR=CQTR ; I BQTR=1 S FQTR=2 I BQTR=2 S FQTR=3 I BQTR=3 S FQTR=4 I BQTR=4 S FQTR=1 ; S QUARTER=BQTR,FQUARTER=FQTR,YEAR=BYER,DFNONLY=0 ;After april 1 2005 no test patients S TPAT=0 S ZTREQ="@" ; Q ; POST ;Post installation routine ;add remote members to mail group D ADDMBRS^XMXAPIG(DUZ,"GEC2 NATIONAL ROLLUP","VAUGHN.SMITH@MED.VA.GOV") D ADDMBRS^XMXAPIG(DUZ,"GEC2 NATIONAL ROLLUP","patrick.brady@e2k.hq.med.va.gov") D ADDMBRS^XMXAPIG(DUZ,"GEC2 NATIONAL ROLLUP","daniel.schoeps@e2k.hq.med.va.gov") ; TASKRPT ;This will task a monthy report for 4 month. ;May 8th 2005,June 8th 2005,AUG 8th 2005,Sept 8th 2005 N ZTRTN,ZTDESC,ZTDTH,ZTIO,MON,ZTREQ,ZTSK S MON=0 Q:$D(^TMP("PXRMG2TSK")) F ZTDTH="3050508.0200","3050608.0200","3050808.0200","3050908.0200" D .S MON=MON+1 .I MON=1 S MONTH="MAY" .I MON=2 S MONTH="JUNE" .I MON=3 S MONTH="AUGUST" .I MON=4 S MONTH="SEPT" .S ZTRTN="TASK^PXRMG2M1" .S ZTDESC=MONTH_" 2005 GEC National Report" .S ZTIO="" .D ^%ZTLOAD .D BMES^XPDUTL(MONTH_" 8th's GEC Tasked Job number "_ZTSK) S ^TMP("PXRMG2TSK",$J)="DT" CLEAN ;Clean up after previous builds K ^PXRMD(801.5,"ATASK") Q