PXRMLCR ; SLC/PJH - Create Patient List from individual finding rule; 10/18/2007 ;;2.0;CLINICAL REMINDERS;**4,6**;Feb 04, 2005;Build 123 ; ; Called from PXRM PATIENT LIST CREATE protocol ; START N BEG,DUOUT,DTOUT,END,LIT,PXRMDPAT,PXRMLIST,PXRMNODE,PXRMRULE,PXRMTPAT N TEXT ;Initialise K ^TMP("PXRMLCR",$J) ;Node for ^TMP lists created in PXRMRULE S PXRMNODE="PXRMRULE",LIT="Patient List" ;Reset screen mode W IORESET ;Set prompt text S TEXT="Select PATIENT LIST name: " ;Select Patient List LIST D PLIST(.PXRMLIST,TEXT,"") I $D(DUOUT)!$D(DTOUT) D Q . I $G(PXRMLIST)="" Q . I $P($G(^PXRMXP(810.5,PXRMLIST,0)),U,4)'="" Q . S DA=PXRMLIST,DIK="^PXRMXP(810.5," D ^DIK ; SECURE ;option to secure the list K PATCREAT I $D(PATCREAT)=0 S PATCREAT="N" D ASK^PXRMXD(.PATCREAT,"Secure list?: ",2) Q:$D(DTOUT) G:$D(DUOUT) START ; PURGE ;Option to purge the list K PLISTPUG S PLISTPUG="N" D ASK^PXRMXD(.PLISTPUG,"Purge Patient List after 5 years?: ",5) Q:$D(DTOUT) G:$D(DUOUT) SECURE ;Select rule set. RULE D LRULE(.PXRMRULE) Q:$D(DTOUT) G:$D(DUOUT) LIST ;Select Date Range DATE D DATES^PXRMEUT(.BEG,.END,LIT) Q:$D(DTOUT) G:$D(DUOUT) RULE ; ;Ask whether to include deceased and test patients. DPAT S PXRMDPAT=$$ASKYN^PXRMEUT("N","Include deceased patients on the list") Q:$D(DTOUT) G:$D(DUOUT) DATE TPAT S PXRMTPAT=$$ASKYN^PXRMEUT("N","Include test patients on the list") Q:$D(DTOUT) G:$D(DUOUT) DPAT I $G(PXRMDEBG) D RUN^PXRMLCR(PXRMRULE,PXRMLIST,PXRMNODE,BEG,END,PXRMDPAT,PXRMTPAT) Q ;Build patient list in background N ZTDESC,ZTDTH,ZTIO,ZTRTN,ZTSAVE S ZTDESC="CREATE PATIENT LIST" S ZTRTN="RUN^PXRMLCR(PXRMRULE,PXRMLIST,PXRMNODE,BEG,END,PXRMDPAT,PXRMTPAT)" S ZTSAVE("BEG")="" S ZTSAVE("END")="" S ZTSAVE("PATCREAT")="" S ZTSAVE("PXRMDPAT")="" S ZTSAVE("PXRMLIST")="" S ZTSAVE("PXRMNODE")="" S ZTSAVE("PXRMRULE")="" S ZTSAVE("PXRMTPAT")="" S ZTSAVE("PLISTPUG")="" S ZTIO="" ; ;Select and verify start date/time for task N DIR,DTOUT,DUOUT,MINDT,SDTIME,STIME,X,Y S MINDT=$$NOW^XLFDT W !,"Queue the "_ZTDESC_" for "_$P($G(^PXRMXP(810.5,PXRMLIST,0)),U)_": " S DIR("A",1)="Enter the date and time you want the job to start." S DIR("A",2)="It must be after "_$$FMTE^XLFDT(MINDT,"5Z") S DIR("A")="Start the task at: " S DIR(0)="DAU"_U_MINDT_"::RSX" D ^DIR I $D(DTOUT)!$D(DUOUT) Q S SDTIME=Y ; ;Put the task into the queue. S ZTDTH=SDTIME D ^%ZTLOAD W !,"Task number ",ZTSK," queued." H 2 EXIT Q ; HELP(CALL) ;General help text routine N HTEXT I CALL=1 D .S HTEXT(1)="Enter 'Y' to overwrite this existing list. Enter 'N' to" .S HTEXT(2)="use a different patient list name." ; I CALL=2 D .S HTEXT(1)="Enter 'Y' to make the list private or 'N' to make it public." .S HTEXT(2)="You can give other users access to your private lists in the Patient List Menu screens." ; I CALL=3 D .S HTEXT(1)="Enter Y to save the patient to a Reminder Patient List. Enter N to not save the output." ; I CALL=4 D .S HTEXT(1)="Enter Y to turn on debug output." .S HTEXT(2)="The debug output will send a series of MailMan messages to the requestor of the report" .S HTEXT(3)="-**WARNING**- the reminder report will take longer to run if you turn on this option!" D HELP^PXRMEUT(.HTEXT) Q ; PLIST(LIST,TEXT,IENO) ;Select Patient List N X,Y,DIC,DLAYGO PL1 S DIC=810.5,DLAYGO=DIC,DIC(0)="QAEMZL" S DIC("A")=TEXT S DIC("S")="I $P($G(^(100)),U)'=""N""" ;If this is a new entry save the creator, make the TYPE public and ;CLASS local. S DIC("DR")=".07///`"_DUZ_";.08///PUB;100///L" W ! D ^DIC I X="" W !,"A patient list name must be entered" G PL1 I X=(U_U) S DTOUT=1 I Y=-1 S DUOUT=1 I $D(DTOUT)!$D(DUOUT) Q ; ;I copy mode dissallow copy to same list I IENO=$P(Y,U) W !,"A patient list cannot be copied to itself." G PL1 ; I ($P(Y,U,3)=1) S LIST=$P(Y,U) Q ;Check if OK to overwrite N OWRITE S OWRITE=$$ASKYN^PXRMEUT("N","Okay to overwite "_$P(Y,U,2),"PXRMLCR",1) Q:$D(DTOUT) G:$D(DUOUT)!('OWRITE) PL1 S OWRITE=$$LDELOK^PXRMEUT($P(Y,U,1)) I 'OWRITE D G PL1 . W !,"In order to overwrite a list you must be the creator or a Reminder Manager!" ;Return list ien S LIST=$P(Y,U) Q ; LRULE(RULE) ;Select List Rule N X,Y,DIC LR1 S DIC=810.4,DIC(0)="QAEMZ" S DIC("A")="Select LIST RULE SET: " ;Only allow rule sets with components S DIC("S")="I $P(^(0),U,3)=3" W ! D ^DIC I X="" W !,"A list rule set name must be entered" G LR1 I X=(U_U) S DTOUT=1 I Y=-1 S DUOUT=1 I $D(DTOUT)!$D(DUOUT) Q ;Return rule ien S RULE=$P(Y,U) ;Check that rule set is valid N ERROR,LR,LRTYPE,NL,OP,SEQ,SUB,TEMP,TEXT S SUB=$O(^PXRM(810.4,RULE,30,0)) I SUB="" W !,"Rule set has no component rules" G LR1 S (ERROR,SUB)=0,NL=1 F S SUB=$O(^PXRM(810.4,RULE,30,SUB)) Q:'SUB D Q:ERROR .S TEMP=$G(^PXRM(810.4,RULE,30,SUB,0)) .S SEQ=$P(TEMP,U,1),LR=$P(TEMP,U,2),OP=$P(TEMP,U,3) .I SEQ="" S NL=NL+1,TEXT(NL)=" Sequence is missing.",ERROR=1 .I LR="" S NL=NL+1,TEXT(NL)=" List rule is missing.",ERROR=1 .I OP="" S NL=NL+1,TEXT(NL)=" Operation is missing.",ERROR=1 .;The Insert operation can only be used with finding rules. .I OP="F",LR'="" D ..S LRTYPE=$P(^PXRM(810.4,LR,0),U,3) ..I LRTYPE'=1 S NL=NL+1,TEXT(NL)=" Insert operation can only be used with finding rules.",ERROR=1 I ERROR D G LR1 .S TEXT(1)="The rule set is incomplete or incorrect:" .D EN^DDIOL(.TEXT) Q ; ;Build list and clear ^TMP files RUN(PXRMRULE,PXRMLIST,PXRMNODE,BEG,END,PXRMDPAT,PXRMTPAT) ; ;Process rule set and update final patient list D START^PXRMRULE(PXRMRULE,PXRMLIST,PXRMNODE,BEG,END,"","","",PXRMDPAT,PXRMTPAT,"") ;Clear ^TMP lists created for rule D CLEAR^PXRMRULE(PXRMRULE,PXRMNODE) Q ; REMOVE(IEN) ; S $P(^PXRM(810.4,IEN,0),U,10)="" Q "@1" ;