PXRMMST ; SLC/PKR - Routines for dealing with MST. ;03/29/2007 ;;2.0;CLINICAL REMINDERS;**4,6**;Feb 04, 2005;Build 123 ;Use of DGMSTAPI supported by DBIA #2716. ;==================================================== GSYINFO(TYPE) ;Return the Clinical Reminders MST synchronization date ;and the number of updates made. The format is an up-arrow delimited ;string. The first piece is the date and the second is the number ;of updates. If TYPE is "I" then the data for the initial ;synchronization is returned. For any other value the data for the ;last daily synchronization is returned. I $G(TYPE)="I" Q $P($G(^PXRM(800,1,"MST")),U,1,2) Q Q $P($G(^PXRM(800,1,"MST")),U,3,4) ; ;==================================================== QUE ;Queue the MST synchronization job. N DIR,DIROUT,DIRUT,DTOUT,DUOUT,MINDT,SDTIME,STIME,X,Y S MINDT=$$NOW^XLFDT W !,"Queue the Clinical Reminders MST synchronization." S DIR("A",1)="Enter the date and time you want the job to start." S DIR("A",2)="It must be after "_$$FMTE^XLFDT(MINDT,"5Z") S DIR("A")="Start the task at: " S DIR(0)="DAU"_U_MINDT_"::RSX" D ^DIR I $D(DIROUT)!$D(DIRUT) Q I $D(DTOUT)!$D(DUOUT) Q S SDTIME=Y K DIR S DIR(0)="YA" S DIR("A")="Do you want to run the MST synchronization at the same time every day? " S DIR("B")="Y" D ^DIR I $D(DIROUT)!$D(DIRUT) Q I $D(DTOUT)!$D(DUOUT) Q S STIME=$S(Y:"1."_$P(SDTIME,".",2),1:-1) ; ;Put the task into the queue. K ZTSAVE S ZTSAVE("STIME")=STIME S ZTRTN="SYNCH^PXRMMST" S ZTDESC="Clinical Reminders MST synchronization job" S ZTDTH=SDTIME S ZTIO="" D ^%ZTLOAD W !,"Task number ",ZTSK," queued." Q ; ;==================================================== STATUS(DFN,TEST,DATE,VALUE,TEXT) ;Computed finding for checking a ;patient's MST status. N IEN,TEMP S TEMP=$$GETSTAT^DGMSTAPI(DFN) S IEN=$P(TEMP,U,1) I IEN=-1 D Q . S TEST=0,VALUE="",DATE=$$NOW^PXRMDATE I IEN=0 D Q . S TEST=0 . S VALUE=$P(TEMP,U,2) . S DATE=$P(TEMP,U,3) . S TEXT="No MST status found" ;If we get to here then a valid entry was found. S TEST=1 S VALUE=$P(TEMP,U,2) S DATE=$P(TEMP,U,3) Q ; ;==================================================== STCODE(TERM) ;Return the MST status code based on the term name. N STCODE S STCODE=$S(TERM="VA-MST DECLINES REPORT":"D",TERM="VA-MST NEGATIVE REPORT":"N",TERM="VA-MST POSITIVE REPORT":"Y",1:"U") Q STCODE ; ;==================================================== SYNCH ;Synchronize the MST history file. N INID,LTIME,NUMUPD,START,TEMP ;STIME is passed from QUE via ZTSAVE. D UPDSTAT(.NUMUPD,.START) ;If the initial sync data has been stored then update the daily ;data. S INID=+$P($G(^PXRM(800,1,"MST")),U,1) I INID>0 D . S $P(^PXRM(800,1,"MST"),U,3)=$$NOW^XLFDT . S $P(^PXRM(800,1,"MST"),U,4)=NUMUPD . S $P(^PXRM(800,1,"MST"),U,6)=START E D . S $P(^PXRM(800,1,"MST"),U,1)=$$NOW^XLFDT . S $P(^PXRM(800,1,"MST"),U,2)=NUMUPD . S $P(^PXRM(800,1,"MST"),U,5)=START ; ;Cleanup the task stuff. I STIME=-1 S ZTREQ="@" Q E D . S TEMP=$G(^PXRM(800,1,"MST")) . S LTIME=+$P(TEMP,U,3) . I LTIME=0 S LTIME=+$P(TEMP,U,1) .;Adding STIME sets the new starting time at exactly one day following .;the previous starting time. . S $P(ZTREQ,U,1)=$P(LTIME,".",1)+STIME Q ; ;==================================================== SYNREP ;Provide a report of the synchronization data. N EDTIME,EITIME,IDATE,LDATE,NIUPD,NLUPD,TEMP S TEMP=$G(^PXRM(800,1,"MST")) S IDATE=$$FMTE^XLFDT($P(TEMP,U,1)) I IDATE=0 S IDATE="none" S NIUPD=$P(TEMP,U,2) S EITIME=$$FMDIFF^XLFDT($P(TEMP,U,1),$P(TEMP,U,5),2) S LDATE=$$FMTE^XLFDT($P(TEMP,U,3)) I LDATE=0 S LDATE="none" S NLUPD=$P(TEMP,U,4) S EDTIME=$$FMDIFF^XLFDT($P(TEMP,U,3),$P(TEMP,U,6),2) W !!,"Clinical Reminders MST Synchronization Report" W !,"---------------------------------------------" W !,"Initial synchronization date: ",IDATE W !,"Number of updates made: ",NIUPD I EITIME>60 D . S EITIME=$$FMDIFF^XLFDT($P(TEMP,U,1),$P(TEMP,U,5),3) . W !,"Elapsed time: ",EITIME E W !,"Elapsed time: ",EITIME," secs" W !!,"Last daily synchronization date: ",LDATE W !,"Number of updates made: ",NLUPD I EDTIME>60 D . S EDTIME=$$FMDIFF^XLFDT($P(TEMP,U,3),$P(TEMP,U,6),3) . W !,"Elapsed time: ",EDTIME E W !,"Elapsed time: ",EDTIME," secs" Q ; ;==================================================== UPDATE(DFN,VISIT,SOURCE,STCODE,TYPE) ;Make an update to the MST History file. N DATE,MSTDATE,PROV,STAT,TEMP,UPDSTAT,VPRVIEN S UPDSTAT=-1 ;If the update is because of a protocol event use NOW for the ;date/time. If it is being done as part of a synchronization use ;the date the visit was created. S DATE=$S(TYPE="PROTOCOL":$$NOW^XLFDT,1:$P($G(^AUPNVSIT(VISIT,0)),U,2)) ;If the date does not contain the time use noon. I DATE'["." S DATE=DATE_".12" S STAT=$$GETSTAT^DGMSTAPI(DFN) S MSTDATE=$S($P(STAT,U,1)>0:$P(STAT,U,3),1:0) I DATE>MSTDATE D .;Determine the provider. . S TEMP=$P(SOURCE,";",2)_$P(SOURCE,";",1)_",12)" . S PROV=$P($G(@TEMP),U,4) . I PROV="" D ..;DBIA #2316 .. S VPRVIEN=+$O(^AUPNVPRV("AD",VISIT,"")) .. I VPRVIEN>0 S PROV=$P(^AUPNVPRV(VPRVIEN,0),U,1) . S UPDSTAT=$$NEWSTAT^DGMSTAPI(DFN,STCODE,DATE,PROV) . I +UPDSTAT=-1 D .. N FN,GBL,IEN,NAME,TARGET,XMSUB,VADM .. K ^TMP("PXRMXMZ",$J) .. S XMSUB="CLINICAL REMINDER MST UPDATE PROBLEM" .. S ^TMP("PXRMXMZ",$J,1,0)="NEWSTAT^DGMSTAPI returned the following error:" .. S ^TMP("PXRMXMZ",$J,2,0)=$P(UPDSTAT,U,2) .. S ^TMP("PXRMXMZ",$J,3,0)="The following data was passed to NEWSTAT^DGMSTAPI" .. S ^TMP("PXRMXMZ",$J,4,0)="DFN = "_DFN .. S ^TMP("PXRMXMZ",$J,5,0)="Status code = "_STCODE .. S ^TMP("PXRMXMZ",$J,6,0)="Date = "_DATE .. S ^TMP("PXRMXMZ",$J,7,0)="Provider = "_PROV .. S ^TMP("PXRMXMZ",$J,8,0)="Data source = "_SOURCE .. S ^TMP("PXRMXMZ",$J,9,0)="This corresponds to the following:" .. D DEM^VADPT .. S ^TMP("PXRMXMZ",$J,10,0)="Patient = "_VADM(1) .. S ^TMP("PXRMXMZ",$J,11,0)="SSN = "_$P(VADM(2),U,2) .. S ^TMP("PXRMXMZ",$J,12,0)="MST Status = "_$$EXTERNAL^DILFD(29.11,3,"",STCODE) .. S ^TMP("PXRMXMZ",$J,13,0)="Date = "_$$FMTE^XLFDT(DATE,"5Z") .. S TEMP=$S(PROV="":"Unknown",1:TEMP=$$GET1^DIQ(200,PROV,.01,"","","")) .. I TEMP="" S TEMP="Unknown" .. S ^TMP("PXRMXMZ",$J,14,0)="Provider = "_TEMP .. S GBL=$P($P(SOURCE,";",2),"(",1) .. S TEMP=GBL_"(0)" .. S FN=+$P(@TEMP,U,2) .. S TEMP=GBL_"("_$P(SOURCE,";",1)_",0)" .. S TEMP=$G(@TEMP) .. S IEN=$P(TEMP,U,1) .. D FIELD^DID(FN,.01,"N","POINTER","TARGET") .. S GBL="^"_$P(TARGET("POINTER"),"(",1) .. S TEMP=GBL_"(0)" .. S FN=$P(@TEMP,U,1) .. S TEMP=GBL_"("_IEN_",0)" .. S NAME=$P(@TEMP,U,1) .. S ^TMP("PXRMXMZ",$J,14,0)="Data type = "_FN .. S ^TMP("PXRMXMZ",$J,15,0)="Name = "_NAME .. D SEND^PXRMMSG(XMSUB) Q UPDSTAT ; ;==================================================== UPDPAT(DFN,VISIT,VFL) ;Update the MST history file for a single patient ;using term mappings. Called from DATACHG^PXRMPINF which is invoked ;by the protocol PXK VISIT DATA EVENT. N AFTER,BEFORE,DGBL,SP,STCODE,SIEN,SOURCE N TEMP,TERM,TERMIEN,VF ;Search all the MST terms to build patient lists. F TERM="VA-MST DECLINES REPORT","VA-MST NEGATIVE REPORT","VA-MST POSITIVE REPORT" D . S TERMIEN=$O(^PXRMD(811.5,"B",TERM,"")) . S VF="" . F S VF=$O(VFL(VF)) Q:VF="" D .. I VFL(VF)=U Q .. S DGBL=$P(VFL(VF),U,1) .. I '$D(^PXRMD(811.5,TERMIEN,20,"E",DGBL)) Q .. S SIEN="" .. F S SIEN=$O(^TMP("PXKCO",$J,VISIT,VF,SIEN)) Q:SIEN="" D ... S AFTER=$G(^TMP("PXKCO",$J,VISIT,VF,SIEN,0,"AFTER")) ... S BEFORE=$G(^TMP("PXKCO",$J,VISIT,VF,SIEN,0,"BEFORE")) ... I AFTER=BEFORE Q ... S SP=$P(AFTER,U,1) ... I SP="" Q ... I '$D(^PXRMD(811.5,TERMIEN,20,"E",DGBL,SP)) Q ... S SOURCE=SIEN_";^"_$P(VFL(VF),U,2) ...;The status code depends on the term name. ... S STCODE=$$STCODE(TERM) ... S TEMP=$$UPDATE(DFN,VISIT,SOURCE,STCODE,"PROTOCOL") Q ; ;==================================================== UPDSTAT(NUMUPD,START) ;Update the MST history file using term mappings. N DAS,DATA,DFN,FILENUM,FINDPA,INDEX,ITEM,NOCC,STCODE,SOURCE N TEMP,TERM,TERMARR,TERMIEN,UPDSTAT,VDATE,VISIT S FINDPA="" ;Set the start time for the synchronization. S START=$$NOW^XLFDT S INDEX="PXRM_MST_LIST" S NUMUPD=0 ;Search all the MST terms to build patient lists. Only V file data ;is used for the update. F TERM="VA-MST DECLINES REPORT","VA-MST NEGATIVE REPORT","VA-MST POSITIVE REPORT" D . K TERMARR,^TMP($J,INDEX) .;The status code depends on the term name. . S STCODE=$$STCODE(TERM) . S TERMIEN=$O(^PXRMD(811.5,"B",TERM,"")) . I TERMIEN="" Q . D TERM^PXRMLDR(TERMIEN,.TERMARR) . D EVALPL^PXRMTERL(.FINDPA,.TERMARR,INDEX) . S DFN=0 . F S DFN=+$O(^TMP($J,INDEX,1,DFN)) Q:DFN=0 D .. S ITEM="" .. F S ITEM=$O(^TMP($J,INDEX,1,DFN,ITEM)) Q:ITEM="" D ... S NOCC=0 ... F S NOCC=$O(^TMP($J,INDEX,1,DFN,ITEM,NOCC)) Q:NOCC="" D .... S FILENUM="" .... F S FILENUM=$O(^TMP($J,INDEX,1,DFN,ITEM,NOCC,FILENUM)) Q:FILENUM="" D ..... S TEMP=^TMP($J,INDEX,1,DFN,ITEM,NOCC,FILENUM) ..... S DAS=$P(TEMP,U,1) ..... K DATA ..... D GETDATA^PXRMDATA(FILENUM,DAS,.DATA) ..... S VISIT=$G(DATA("VISIT")) ..... I VISIT="" Q ..... S SOURCE=DAS_";"_^PXRMINDX(FILENUM,"GLOBAL NAME") ..... S UPDSTAT=$$UPDATE(DFN,VISIT,SOURCE,STCODE,"SYNCH") ..... I UPDSTAT'=-1 S NUMUPD=NUMUPD+1 K ^TMP($J,INDEX) Q ;