PXRMRPCC ;SLC/PJH - PXRM REMINDER DIALOG ;11/26/2007 ;;2.0;CLINICAL REMINDERS;**6**;Feb 04, 2005;Build 123 ; ACTIVE(ORY,ORREM) ;Check if active dialog exist for reminders ; ; input parameter ORREM is array of reminder ien [.01#811.9] N DDIS,DIEN,OCNT,RIEN,RSTA S OCNT=0,RIEN=0 ;Get reminder ien from array F S RIEN=$O(ORREM(RIEN)) Q:'RIEN D .;Dialog ien for reminder .S DIEN=$P($G(^PXD(811.9,RIEN,51)),U),RSTA=0 .;Dialog status .I DIEN S DDIS=$P($G(^PXRMD(801.41,DIEN,0)),U,3) .;If dialog and dialog not disabled .I DIEN,DDIS="" S RSTA=1 .;Return reminder and if active dialog exists .S OCNT=OCNT+1,ORY(OCNT)=RIEN_U_RSTA Q ; ; DIALOG(ORY,ORREM,DFN) ;Load reminder dialog associated with the reminder ; ; input parameter ORREM - reminder ien [.01,#811.9] ; S RIEN=ORREM N DATA,DIEN S DIEN=$G(^PXD(811.9,ORREM,51)) ; ;Quit if no dialog for this reminder I 'DIEN S ORY(1)="-1^no dialog for this reminder" Q ; ;Check if a reminder dialog and enabled S DATA=$G(^PXRMD(801.41,DIEN,0)) ; I $P(DATA,U,4)'="R" S ORY(1)="-1^reminder dialog invalid" Q ; I $P(DATA,U,3) S ORY(1)="-1^reminder dialog disabled" Q ; ;Load dialog lines into local array S ORY(0)=0_U_+$P($G(^PXRMD(801.41,DIEN,0)),U,17) D LOAD^PXRMDLL(DIEN,$G(DFN)) Q ; HDR(ORY,ORLOC) ;Progress Note Header by location/service/user N ORSRV,PASS ;S ORSRV=$G(^VA(200,DUZ,5)) I +ORSRV>0 S ORSRV=$P(ORSRV,U) S ORSRV=$$GET1^DIQ(200,DUZ,29,"I") S PASS=DUZ_";VA(200," I +$G(ORLOC) S PASS=PASS_"^LOC.`"_ORLOC I ORSRV>0 S PASS=PASS_"^SRV.`"_+$G(ORSRV) S ORY=$$GET^XPAR(PASS_"^DIV^SYS^PKG","PXRM PROGRESS NOTE HEADERS",1,"Q") Q ; PROMPT(ORY,ORDLG,ORDCUR,ORFTYP) ;Load additional prompts for a dialog element ; ; input parameters ; ; ORDLG - dialog element ien [.01,#801.41] ; ORDCUR - 0 = current, 1 = Historical for taxonomies only ; ORFTYP - finding type (CPT/POV) for taxonomies only ; ; These fields can be found in the output array of DIALOG^PXRMRPCC ; D LOAD^PXRMDLLA(ORDLG,ORDCUR,$G(ORFTYP)) Q ; RES(ORY,ORREM) ; Reminder Resources/Inquiry ; ; input parameter ORREM - reminder ien [.01,#811.9] ; D REMVAR^PXRMINQ(.ORY,ORREM) Q ; MH(ORY,OTEST) ; Mental Health dialog ; ; Input mental health instrument NAME ; K ^TMP($J,"YSQU") N ARRAY,CNT,CNT1,FNODE,FSUB,IC,NODE,OCNT,SUB,YS ;DBIA #5056 S YS("CODE")=OTEST D SHOWALL^YTQPXRM5(.ARRAY,.YS) S OCNT=0,CNT=0 S SUB="ARRAY",OCNT=0 F S SUB=$Q(@SUB) Q:SUB="" D .S FSUB=$P($P(SUB,"(",2),")"),FNODE="" .F IC=1:1 S NODE=$P(FSUB,",",IC) Q:NODE="" D ..I $E(NODE)="""" S NODE=$P(NODE,"""",2) ..S $P(FNODE,";",IC)=NODE .Q:FNODE="" .S OCNT=OCNT+1,ORY(OCNT)=FNODE_U_@SUB Q ; MHR(ORY,RESULT,ORES) ; Mental Health score and P/N text ; ; Input MH result IEN and mental health instrument response ; D START^PXRMDLR(.ORY,RESULT,.ORES) ; Q ; MHS(ORY,YS) ; Mental Health save response ; ; Input mental health instrument response N ANS,ARRAY,X S ANS=$G(YS("R1")) K YS("R1") S YS("ADATE")=YS("ADATE")_"."_$P($$NOW^XLFDT,".",2) F X=1:1:$L(ANS) I $E(ANS,X)'="X" S YS(X)=X_U_$E(ANS,X) ;DBIA #4463 D SAVECR^YTQPXRM4(.ARRAY,.YS) Q ; MST(ORY,DFN,DGMSTDT,DGMSTSC,DGMSTPR,FTYP,FIEN,RESULT) ; File MST status ;This is obsolete and can be removed when the GUI is changed not ;to use it. Q ; WH(ORY,RESULT) ; N CNT,CNT1,CNT2,NODE,PIECNT,PUR,TYPE,TYP1,WVIEN,WVRESULT,WVNOT,WVPURIEN N PRINT K ^TMP("WV RPT",$J) I '$D(RESULT) Q S (CNT2,WVPURIEN,PUR)=0 S CNT=0 F S CNT=$O(RESULT(CNT)) Q:CNT="" D . I $P($G(RESULT(CNT)),U)["WHIEN" D . . S CNT2=CNT2+1 . . S WVIEN=$P($P($G(RESULT(CNT)),U),":",2),WVRESULT(CNT2)=$G(WVIEN) . . S WVRESULT(CNT2)=WVRESULT(CNT2)_U_$P($P($G(RESULT(CNT)),U,3),":",2) . I $P($G(RESULT(CNT)),U)["WHPur" D . . S NODE=$G(RESULT(CNT)),PUR=$P($P($G(NODE),U),":",2) . . S CNT1=1,TYPE=$P($G(NODE),U,2) . . I TYPE'[":" D ...S WVNOT(PUR,CNT1)=$P($G(NODE),U,5)_U_$P($G(NODE),U,2)_U_$P($G(NODE),U,3)_U_$P($P($G(NODE),U,4),":",2) ..I TYPE[":" D ...S PIECNT=0 ...F X=1:1:$L(TYPE) I $E(TYPE,X)=":" S PIECNT=PIECNT+1 I PIECNT>0 D ....S PRINT="" ....S TYP1=$P($G(TYPE),":",PIECNT) ....I TYP1="L" S PRINT=$P($G(NODE),U,3) ....S WVNOT(PUR,CNT1)=$P($G(NODE),U,5)_U_$G(TYP1)_U_$G(PRINT)_U_$P($P($G(NODE),U,4),":",2),CNT1=CNT1+1 ...S PIECNT=PIECNT+1 ...S PRINT="" ...S TYP1=$P($G(TYPE),":",PIECNT) ...I TYP1="L" S PRINT=$P($G(NODE),U,3) ...S WVNOT(PUR,CNT1)=$P($G(NODE),U,5)_U_$G(TYP1)_U_$G(PRINT)_U_$P($P($G(NODE),U,4),":",2) K WHMUFIND,WHFIND,WHNAME ;DBIA #4104 D NEW^WVRPCNO(.WVRESULT,.WVNOT) Q ;