PXRMRXTY ; SLC/PKR - Routines for RXTYPE. ;01/04/2005 ;;2.0;CLINICAL REMINDERS;;Feb 04, 2005 ; ;=============================================== RXTYXHLP ;Rxtype executable help. N DONE,IND,TEXT S DONE=0 F IND=1:1 Q:DONE D . S TEXT=$P($T(TEXT+IND),";",3) . I TEXT="**End Text**" S DONE=1 Q . W !,TEXT Q ; ;=============================================== SRXTYL(FIND0,RXTYL) ;Set the Rxtype list. N IND,NTYPE,RXTY,RXTYPE K RXTYL S RXTYPE=$P(FIND0,U,13) I RXTYPE="" S (RXTYL("I"),RXTYL("N"),RXTYL("O"))="" Q S NTYPE=$L(RXTYPE,",") F IND=1:1:NTYPE D . S RXTY=$P(RXTYPE,",",IND),RXTYL(RXTY)="" I $D(RXTYL("A")) S (RXTYL("I"),RXTYL("N"),RXTYL("O"))="" K RXTYL("A") Q ; ;=============================================== TEXT ;RxType executable help text. ;;RXTYPE controls the search for medications. The possible RXTYPEs are: ;; A - all ;; I - inpatient ;; N - non-VA meds ;; O - outpatient ;; ;;You may use any combination of the above in a comma separated list. ;;For example I,N would search for inpatient medications and non-VA meds. ;; ;;The default is to search for all possible types of medications. So a blank ;;RXTYPE is equivalent to A. ;; ;;**End Text** Q ; ;=============================================== VRXTYPE(X) ;Rxtype input transform. Check for valid Rxtypes. N IND,NTYPE,RXTY,RXTYL,TEXT,VALID ;Do not execute as part of a verify fields. I $G(DIUTIL)="VERIFY FIELDS" Q 1 ;Do not execute as part of exchange. I $G(PXRMEXCH) Q 1 S VALID=1 S NTYPE=$L(X,",") F IND=1:1:NTYPE D . S RXTY=$P(X,",",IND),RXTYL(RXTY)="" .;Check for valid source abbreviations. . I RXTY="A" Q . I RXTY="I" Q . I RXTY="N" Q . I RXTY="O" Q . S VALID=0 . S TEXT=RXTY_" is not a valid RXTYPE" . D EN^DDIOL(TEXT) Q VALID ;