PXRMSEDT ; SLC/PJH - Edit a reminder resolution status ;05/11/2000 ;;2.0;CLINICAL REMINDERS;;Feb 04, 2005 ; ;Called from PXRMGEDT ; ;Edit/Delete resolution status ;----------------------------- EDIT(ROOT,DA) ; N DIC,DIE,DR,LIEN,TAX,NATIONAL,DIDEL S DIE=ROOT,LIEN=DA ; ;Check if this is a restricted edit status (i.e. national status) S NATIONAL=+$P($G(^PXRMD(801.9,DA,0)),U,6) ; ;If national status only allow entry of sub-status or inactive I NATIONAL S DR="10;.04" ; ;Otherwise do not allow entry of restricted edit or sub-status I 'NATIONAL S DR=".01;1;.02;.03;.04;.05///"_DUZ S DIDEL=801.9 ; D ^DIE Q:$D(Y) I '$D(DA) S VALMBCK="Q" Q ; ;If a local status - warning if not allocated to a national status Q:NATIONAL Q:$D(^PXRMD(801.9,"AC",DA)) ;Select National code W !!,"This resolution status must be linked to a national status",! N DA,DIC S DIC="^PXRMD(801.9," S DIC(0)="AEMQ" S DIC("S")="I $P(^(0),U,6)=1" S DIC("A")="SELECT NATIONAL RESOLUTION STATUS: " ;Get the next name. D ^DIC S:Y=-1 DUOUT=1 Q:$D(DUOUT)!$D(DTOUT) ;Update sub-status field in national status N FDA,FDAIEN,MSG S FDA(801.9001,"+2,"_+Y_",",.01)=LIEN D UPDATE^DIE("S","FDA","FDAIEN","MSG") I $D(MSG) D ERR Q ; ;Error Messages from UPDATE^DIE ;------------------------------ ERR N IC,ERROR,REF ;Move MSG into ERROR S REF="MSG",ERROR(1)="Error in UPDATE^DIE, needs further investigation" F IC=2:1 S REF=$Q(@REF) Q:REF="" S ERROR(IC)=REF_"="_@REF ;Screen message D BMES^XPDUTL(.ERROR) Q ; KILLAC ;This only applies if deleting a sub-status I '$D(^PXRMD(801.9,DA)) Q ; N SUB,NAT ;Get the national status for this sub status, quit if none S NAT="" F S NAT=$O(^PXRMD(801.9,"AC",DA,NAT)) Q:NAT="" D .;Get sub status position in the national code, quit if none .S SUB=$O(^PXRMD(801.9,"AC",DA,NAT,"")) Q:SUB="" .;Kill the sub-status on the national code .N DIC,DIK,DA S DIK="^PXRMD(801.9,NAT,10,",DA(1)=NAT,DA=SUB D ^DIK Q