PXRMTAXD ; SLC/PKR - Routines used by taxonomy data dictionary. ;08/18/2003 ;;2.0;CLINICAL REMINDERS;;Feb 04, 2005 ; ;================================================ TAXCOUNT(TAXIEN) ;Count the expanded taxonomy entries and set the 0 node. N IEN,NUM S (IEN,NUM)=0 F S IEN=+$O(^PXD(811.3,IEN)) Q:IEN=0 S NUM=NUM+1 S $P(^PXD(811.3,0),U,3,4)=TAXIEN_U_NUM Q ; ;================================================ TAXEDIT(TAXIEN,KI) ;Whenever a taxonony item is edited rebuild the expanded ;taxonomy. Called from new-style cross-reference on 811.2. ;Do not execute as part of a verify fields. I $G(DIUTIL)="VERIFY FIELDS" Q ;Do not execute as part of exchange. I $G(PXRMEXCH) Q D DELEXTL^PXRMBXTL(TAXIEN) D EXPAND^PXRMBXTL(TAXIEN,KI) D TAXCOUNT(TAXIEN) Q ; ;================================================ TAXKILL(TAXIEN) ;Called whenever a taxonony item is killed. Called from new- ;style cross-reference on 811.2. ;Do not execute as part of a verify fields. I $G(DIUTIL)="VERIFY FIELDS" Q ;Do not execute as part of exchange. I $G(PXRMEXCH) Q D DELEXTL^PXRMBXTL(TAXIEN) D TAXCOUNT(TAXIEN) Q ;