PXRMUTIL ; SLC/PKR/PJH - Utility routines for use by PXRM. ;10/02/2007 ;;2.0;CLINICAL REMINDERS;**4,6**;Feb 04, 2005;Build 123 ; ;================================= ATTVALUE(STRING,ATTR,SEP,AVSEP) ;STRING contains a list of attribute value ;pairs. Each pair is separated by SEP and the attribute value pair ;is separated by AVSEP. Return the value for the attribute ATTR. N AVPAIR,IND,NUMAVP,VALUE S NUMAVP=$L(STRING,SEP) S VALUE="" F IND=1:1:NUMAVP Q:VALUE'="" D . S AVPAIR=$P(STRING,SEP,IND) . I AVPAIR[ATTR S VALUE=$P(AVPAIR,AVSEP,2) Q VALUE ; ;================================= ACOPY(REF,OUTPUT) ;Copy all the descendants of the array reference into a linear ;array. REF is the starting array reference, for example A or ;^TMP("PXRM",$J). OUTPUT is the linear array for the output. It ;should be in the form of a closed root, i.e., A() or ^TMP($J,). ;Note OUTPUT cannot be used as the name of the output array. N DONE,IND,LEN,NL,OROOT,OUT,PROOT,ROOT,START,TEMP I REF="" Q S NL=0 S OROOT=$P(OUTPUT,")",1) S PROOT=$P(REF,")",1) ;Build the root so we can tell when we are done. S TEMP=$NA(@REF) S ROOT=$P(TEMP,")",1) S REF=$Q(@REF) I REF'[ROOT Q S DONE=0 F Q:(REF="")!(DONE) D . S START=$F(REF,ROOT) . S LEN=$L(REF) . S IND=$E(REF,START,LEN) . S NL=NL+1 . S OUT=OROOT_NL_")" . S @OUT=PROOT_IND_"="_@REF . S REF=$Q(@REF) . I REF'[ROOT S DONE=1 Q ; ;================================= AWRITE(REF) ;Write all the descendants of the array reference. ;REF is the starting array reference, for example A or ^TMP("PXRM",$J). N DONE,IND,LEN,PROOT,ROOT,START,TEMP I REF="" Q S PROOT=$P(REF,")",1) ;Build the root so we can tell when we are done. S TEMP=$NA(@REF) S ROOT=$P(TEMP,")",1) S REF=$Q(@REF) I REF'[ROOT Q S DONE=0 F Q:(REF="")!(DONE) D . S START=$F(REF,ROOT) . S LEN=$L(REF) . S IND=$E(REF,START,LEN) . W !,PROOT_IND,"=",@REF . S REF=$Q(@REF) . I REF'[ROOT S DONE=1 Q ; ;================================= DIP(VAR,IEN,PXRMROOT,FLDS) ;Do general inquiry for IEN return formatted ;output in VAR. VAR can be either a local variable or a global. ;If it is a local it is indexed for the broker. If it is a global ;it should be passed in closed form i.e., ^TMP("PXRMTEST",$J). ;It will be returned formatted for ListMan i.e., ;^TMP("PXRMTEST",$J,N,0). N %ZIS,ARRAY,BY,DC,DHD,DIC,DONE,FF,FILENAME,FILESPEC,FR,GBL,HFNAME N IND,IOP,L,NOW,PATH,SUCCESS,TO,UNIQN S BY="NUMBER",(FR,TO)=+$P(IEN,U,1),DHD="@@" ;Make sure the PXRM WORKSTATION device exists. D MKWSDEV^PXRMHOST ;Set up the output file before DIP is called. S PATH=$$PWD^%ZISH S NOW=$$NOW^XLFDT S NOW=$TR(NOW,".","") S UNIQN=$J_NOW S FILENAME="PXRMWSD"_UNIQN_".DAT" S HFNAME=PATH_FILENAME S IOP="PXRM WORKSTATION;80" S %ZIS("HFSMODE")="W" S %ZIS("HFSNAME")=HFNAME S L=0,DIC=PXRMROOT D EN1^DIP ;Move the host file into a global. S GBL="^TMP(""PXRMUTIL"",$J,1,0)" S GBL=$NA(@GBL) K ^TMP("PXRMUTIL",$J) S SUCCESS=$$FTG^%ZISH(PATH,FILENAME,GBL,3) ;Look for a form feed, remove it and all subsequent lines. S FF=$C(12) I $G(VAR)["^" D . S VAR=$NA(@VAR) . S VAR=$P(VAR,")",1) . S VAR=VAR_",IND,0)" . S (DONE,IND)=0 . F Q:DONE S IND=$O(^TMP("PXRMUTIL",$J,IND)) Q:+IND=0 D .. I ^TMP("PXRMUTIL",$J,IND,0)=FF S DONE=1 Q .. S @VAR=^TMP("PXRMUTIL",$J,IND,0) E D . S (DONE,IND)=0 . F Q:DONE S IND=$O(^TMP("PXRMUTIL",$J,IND)) Q:+IND=0 D .. S VAR(IND)=^TMP("PXRMUTIL",$J,IND,0) .. I VAR(IND)=FF K ARRAY(IND) S DONE=1 K ^TMP("PXRMUTIL",$J) ;Delete the host file. S FILESPEC(FILENAME)="" S SUCCESS=$$DEL^%ZISH(PATH,$NA(FILESPEC)) Q ; ;================================= FNFR(ROOT) ;Given the root of a file return the file number. Q +$P(@(ROOT_"0)"),U,2) ; ;================================= NTOAN(NUMBER) ;Given an integer N return an alphabetic string that can be ;used for sorting. This will be modulus 26. For example N=0 returns ;A, N=26 returns BA etc. N ALPH S ALPH(0)="A",ALPH(1)="B",ALPH(2)="C",ALPH(3)="D",ALPH(4)="E" S ALPH(5)="F",ALPH(6)="G",ALPH(7)="H",ALPH(8)="I",ALPH(9)="J" S ALPH(10)="K",ALPH(11)="L",ALPH(12)="M",ALPH(13)="N",ALPH(14)="O" S ALPH(15)="P",ALPH(16)="Q",ALPH(17)="R",ALPH(18)="S",ALPH(19)="T" S ALPH(20)="U",ALPH(21)="V",ALPH(22)="W",ALPH(23)="X",ALPH(24)="Y" S ALPH(25)="Z" ; N ANUM,DIGIT,NUM,P26,PC,PWR S ANUM="",NUM=NUMBER,PWR=0 S P26(PWR)=1 F PWR=1:1 S P26(PWR)=26*P26(PWR-1) I P26(PWR)>NUMBER Q S PWR=PWR-1 F PC=PWR:-1:0 D . S DIGIT=NUM\P26(PC) . S ANUM=ANUM_ALPH(DIGIT) . S NUM=NUM-(DIGIT*P26(PC)) Q ANUM ; ;================================= RMEHIST(FILENUM,IEN) ;Remove the edit history for a reminder file. I (FILENUM<800)!(FILENUM>811.9)!(FILENUM=811.8) Q N DA,DIK,GLOBAL,ROOT S GLOBAL=$$GET1^DID(FILENUM,"","","GLOBAL NAME") ;Edit History is stored in node 110 for all files. S DA(1)=IEN S DIK=GLOBAL_IEN_",110," S ROOT=GLOBAL_IEN_",110,DA)" S DA=0 F S DA=+$O(@ROOT) Q:DA=0 D ^DIK Q ; ;================================= SEHIST(FILENUM,ROOT,IEN) ;Set the edit date and edit by and prompt the ;user for the edit comment. N DIC,DIR,DWLW,DWPK,ENTRY,FDA,FDAIEN,IENS,IND,MSG,SFN,TARGET,X,Y K ^TMP("PXRMWP",$J) D FIELD^DID(FILENUM,"EDIT HISTORY","","SPECIFIER","TARGET") S SFN=+$G(TARGET("SPECIFIER")) I SFN=0 Q S ENTRY=ROOT_IEN_",110)" S IND=$O(@ENTRY@("B"),-1) S IND=IND+1 S IENS="+"_IND_","_IEN_"," S FDAIEN(IEN)=IEN S FDA(SFN,IENS,.01)=$$FMTE^XLFDT($$NOW^XLFDT,"5Z") S FDA(SFN,IENS,1)=$$GET1^DIQ(200,DUZ,.01) ;Prompt the user for edit comments. S DIC="^TMP(""PXRMWP"",$J," S DWLW=72 S DWPK=1 W !,"Input your edit comments." S DIR(0)="Y"_U_"AO" S DIR("A")="Edit" S DIR("B")="NO" D ^DIR I Y D . D EN^DIWE . K ^TMP("PXRMWP",$J,0) . I $D(^TMP("PXRMWP",$J)) S FDA(SFN,IENS,2)="^TMP(""PXRMWP"",$J)" D UPDATE^DIE("E","FDA","FDAIEN","MSG") I $D(MSG) D AWRITE^PXRMUTIL("MSG") K ^TMP("PXRMWP",$J) Q ; ;================================= SFRES(SDIR,NRES,FIEVAL) ;Save the finding result. I NRES=0 S FIEVAL=0 Q N DATE,IND,OA,SUB,TF F IND=1:1:NRES S OA(FIEVAL(IND,"DATE"),FIEVAL(IND),IND)="" ;If SDIR is positive get the oldest date otherwise get the most ;recent date. S DATE=$S(SDIR>0:$O(OA("")),1:$O(OA(""),-1)) ;If there is a true finding on DATE get it. S TF=$O(OA(DATE,""),-1) S IND=$O(OA(DATE,TF,"")) S FIEVAL=TF S SUB="" F S SUB=$O(FIEVAL(IND,SUB)) Q:SUB="" M FIEVAL(SUB)=FIEVAL(IND,SUB) Q ; ;================================= SSPAR(FIND0,NOCC,BDT,EDT) ;Set the finding search parameters. S BDT=$P(FIND0,U,8),EDT=$P(FIND0,U,11),NOCC=$P(FIND0,U,14) I +NOCC=0 S NOCC=1 ;Convert the dates to FileMan dates. S BDT=$S(BDT="":0,BDT=0:0,1:$$CTFMD^PXRMDATE(BDT)) I EDT="" S EDT="T" S EDT=$$CTFMD^PXRMDATE(EDT) ;If EDT does not contain a time set it to the end of the day. I EDT'["." S EDT=EDT_".235959" I $G(PXRMDDOC)'=1 Q S ^TMP("PXRMDDOC",$J,$P(FIND0,U,1,11))=BDT_U_EDT Q ; ;================================= STRREP(STRING,TS,RS) ;Replace every occurrence of the target string (TS) ;in STRING with the replacement string (RS). ;Example 9.19 (page 220) in "The Complete Mumps" by John Lewkowicz: ; F Q:STRING'[TS S STRING=$P(STRING,TS)_RS_$P(STRING,TS,2,999) ;fails if any portion of the target string is contained in the with ;string. Therefore a more elaborate version is required. ; N IND,NPCS,STR I STRING'[TS Q STRING ;Count the number of pieces using the target string as the delimiter. S NPCS=$L(STRING,TS) ;Extract the pieces and concatenate RS S STR="" F IND=1:1:NPCS-1 S STR=STR_$P(STRING,TS,IND)_RS S STR=STR_$P(STRING,TS,NPCS) Q STR ; ;================================= VEDIT(ROOT,IEN) ;This is used as a DIC("S") screen to select which entries ;a user can edit. N CLASS,ENTRY,VALID S ENTRY=ROOT_IEN_")" S CLASS=$P($G(@ENTRY@(100)),U,1) I CLASS="N" D . I ($G(PXRMINST)=1),(DUZ(0)="@") S VALID=1 . E S VALID=0 E S VALID=1 Q VALID ;