PXRMVLST ; SLC/PKR - Validate a reminder definition for building a patient list. ;06/16/2005 ;;2.0;CLINICAL REMINDERS;**4**;Feb 04, 2005;Build 21 ;================================================== CCF(FINDING) ;Check a computed finding to see if it can be used for building ;a list. N IEN,TEMP,TEXT,TYPE,VALID S VALID=1 S IEN=$P(FINDING,";",1) S TEMP=$G(^PXRMD(811.4,IEN,0)) I TEMP="" D Q 0 . S TEXT="Trying to use computed finding number "_IEN_" it does not exist!" . D EN^DDIOL(TEXT) S TYPE=$P(TEMP,U,5) I TYPE="" S TYPE="S" I TYPE'="L" D . S VALID=0 . S TEXT(1)="Computed finding "_$P(TEMP,U,1)_" is type "_TYPE_"." . S TEXT(2)="It cannot be used for building patient lists!" . D EN^DDIOL(.TEXT) Q VALID ; ;================================================== CTERM(DEFARR,FINUM,FINDING) ;Check terms for computed findings and ;health factors to see if they are valid for building a list. N IEN,IND,TEXT,VALID,WCR S IEN=$P(FINDING,";",1) I '$D(^PXRMD(811.5,IEN,0)) D Q 0 . S TEXT="Trying to use term number "_IEN_" it does not exist!" . D EN^DDIOL(TEXT) S VALID=1 I $D(^PXRMD(811.5,IEN,20,"E","PXRMD(811.4,")) D . S IND=0 . F S IND=$O(^PXRMD(811.5,IEN,20,"E","PXRMD(811.4,",IND)) Q:IND="" D .. S VALID=$$CCF(IND) .. I 'VALID D ... S TEXT="The computed finding is used in term "_$P(^PXRMD(811.5,IEN,0),U,1)_"." ... D EN^DDIOL(TEXT) Q VALID ; ;================================================== HF(DEFARR,FINUM) ; ;If a health factor is used its Within Category Rank must be 0. N WCR,TEXT S WCR=$P(DEFARR(20,FINUM,0),U,10) I WCR=0 Q 1 S TEXT="Finding "_FINUM_" is a health factor and its Within Category Rank is not 0!" D EN^DDIOL(TEXT) Q 0 ; ;================================================== VDEF(RIEN) ;Check a reminder definition and see if it is valid for ;use in creating a patient list. N AGEFI,AGR,DEFARR,FFL,FI,FIL,FILIST,FINDING,FINUM,FREQ,FUNN,IND,OPER N MAXAGE,MINAGE,NUMAFI,PCLOG,PFSTACK N SAAFI,SEXFI,SSTACK,TEMP,TEXT,TYPE,VALID,VF I RIEN="" Q 0 I '$D(^PXD(811.9,RIEN)) D Q 0 . S TEXT="The reminder does not exist!" . D EN^DDIOL(TEXT) ; ;See if the reminder is inactive. I $P($G(^PXD(811.9,RIEN,0)),U,6) D Q 0 . S TEXT="This reminder is inactive!" . D EN^DDIOL(TEXT) ; D DEF^PXRMLDR(RIEN,.DEFARR) S PCLOG=DEFARR(31) I PCLOG="" D Q 0 . S TEXT="This reminder does not contain any patient cohort logic!" . D EN^DDIOL(TEXT) ; ;The cohort logic cannot contain the old-style MRD. I $G(^PXD(811.9,RIEN,30))["MRD" D Q 0 . S TEXT="The patient cohort logic cannot contain the old-style MRD!" . D EN^DDIOL(TEXT) ; ;The cohort logic cannot start with a not. I $E(PCLOG,1)="'" D Q 0 . S TEXT="The patient cohort logic cannot start with a not!" . D EN^DDIOL(TEXT) ; ;The cohort logic cannot contain or not. ;Change any !(' to !' before checking. S TEMP=$TR(PCLOG,"(","") S TEMP=$TR(TEMP,")","") I TEMP["!'" D Q 0 . S TEXT="The patient cohort logic cannot contain or not!" . D EN^DDIOL(TEXT) ; S OPER="!&~" S PCLOG=$$STRREP^PXRMUTIL(PCLOG,"&'","~") D POSTFIX^PXRMSTAC(PCLOG,OPER,.PFSTACK) D CFSAA^PXRMPLST(.PFSTACK) M SSTACK=PFSTACK S (AGEFI,SAAFI,SEXFI)=0 F IND=1:1:PFSTACK(0) D . S TEMP=$$POP^PXRMSTAC(.PFSTACK) . I TEMP="AGE" S AGEFI=IND . I TEMP="SAA" S SAAFI=IND . I TEMP="SEX" S SEXFI=IND . I TEMP="'SEX" S SEXFI=IND ; ;If AGE is defined then make sure a baseline age range is defined. I (AGEFI)!(SAAFI) D . S (AGR,IND)=0 . F S IND=+$O(DEFARR(7,IND)) Q:IND=0 D .. S TEMP=DEFARR(7,IND,0) .. I $P(TEMP,U,2)'="" S AGR=1 .. I $P(TEMP,U,3)'="" S AGR=1 ; S TEMP=DEFARR(40) S NUMAFI=+$P(TEMP,U,1) S FILIST=$P(TEMP,U,2) I (AGEFI!SAAFI),('AGR&(NUMAFI=0)) D Q 0 . S TEXT(1)="Age is used in the cohort logic and neither a baseline age range or any age" . S TEXT(2)="findings have been defined!" . D EN^DDIOL(.TEXT) ; ;SEX cannot be the first element unless it is followed by & AGE. I (SEXFI=1),('SAAFI) D Q 0 . S TEXT="SEX must be followed by & AGE when it starts the patient cohort logic!" . D EN^DDIOL(TEXT) ;If SEX is defined and there is not a combined sex & age finding then ;a sex must be defined and the logical operator cannot be an or. S VALID=1 I (SEXFI),('SAAFI) D . I $P(^PXD(811.9,RIEN,0),U,9)="" D .. S VALID=0 .. S TEXT(1)="Sex is used in the patient cohort logic and no sex is defined in the reminder" .. S TEXT(2)="definition!" .. D EN^DDIOL(.TEXT) . I VALID D .. S TEMP=SSTACK(SEXFI+1) .. I TEMP="!" D ... S VALID=0 ... S TEXT="SEX cannot be used in conjunction with the or operator!" ... D EN^DDIOL(TEXT) I 'VALID Q VALID ; ;Check the age findings and see if any of them set the frequency to ;0Y. If they do they cannot have an associated age range. F IND=1:1:NUMAFI D . S FINUM=$P(FILIST,";",IND) . S TEMP=$S(FINUM["FF":DEFARR(25,FINUM,0),1:DEFARR(20,FINUM,0)) . S MINAGE=$P(TEMP,U,2) . S MAXAGE=$P(TEMP,U,3) . S FREQ=$P(TEMP,U,4) . I FREQ="0Y",((MINAGE'="")!(MAXAGE'="")) D .. S VALID=0 .. S TEXT(1)="Finding "_FINUM_" sets the frequency to 0Y and also sets an age range." .. S TEXT(2)="An age range is not allowed with a frequency of 0Y!" .. D EN^DDIOL(.TEXT) ; ;Build a list of all the findings that affect whether or not the ;patient is in the cohort and check to see if any of them use a ;computed finding. If they use a computed finding then it must be ;a list type. Health factors must have within category rank of 0. F IND=1:1:SSTACK(0) D . I (SSTACK(IND)["FI") D .. S FINUM=$G(SSTACK(IND+1)) .. S FIL(FINUM)="" . I (SSTACK(IND)["FF") D .. S FINUM=$G(SSTACK(IND+1)) .. S FFL(FINUM)="FF"_FINUM ;Add any age findings to the list. F IND=1:1:NUMAFI D . S TEMP=$P(FILIST,";",IND) . I TEMP=+TEMP S FIL(TEMP)="" . I TEMP["FF" S FFL($P(TEMP,"FF",2))=TEMP ;Add findings used by function findings to the list. S IND=0 F S IND=$O(FFL(IND)) Q:IND="" D . S FUNN=0 . S FUNN=$O(DEFARR(25,FFL(IND),5,FUNN)) Q:FUNN="" D .. S FI=0 .. F S FI=$O(DEFARR(25,FFL(IND),5,FUNN,20,FI)) Q:FI="" D ... S FINUM=DEFARR(25,FFL(IND),5,FUNN,20,FI,0) ... I '$D(DEFARR(20,FINUM)) D Q .... S VALID=0 .... S TEXT="Finding "_FINUM_" is used in FF("_IND_") and it does not exist!" .... D EN^DDIOL(TEXT) ... S FIL(FINUM)="" I 'VALID Q VALID S IND=0 F S IND=$O(FIL(IND)) Q:IND="" D . S FINDING=$P($G(DEFARR(20,IND,0)),U,1) . I FINDING="" D Q .. S VALID=0 .. S TEXT="Finding number "_IND_" does not exist!" .. D EN^DDIOL(TEXT) . S TEMP=$P(FINDING,";",2) . S TYPE=$S(TEMP="AUTTHF(":"HF",TEMP="PXRMD(811.4,":"CF",TEMP="PXRMD(811.5,":"TERM",1:"REG") . I TYPE="REG" Q . I TYPE="CF" S VF=$$CCF(FINDING) . I TYPE="HF" S VF=$$HF(.DEFARR,IND) . I TYPE="TERM" S VF=$$CTERM(.DEFARR,IND,FINDING) . I VF=0 D .. S VALID=0 .. S TEXT="Finding number "_IND_" is the problem finding." .. D EN^DDIOL(TEXT) Q VALID ;