PXRMXBSY ; SLC/PJH - Let the user know the computer is busy. ;10/14/2005 ;;2.0;CLINICAL REMINDERS;**4**;Feb 04, 2005;Build 21 ; ;======================================================================= INIT(SPINCNT) ;Initialize the busy display components. S SPINCNT=0 Q ; ;======================================================================= DONE(DTEXT) ;Write out the done message. W @IOBS,DTEXT,! Q ; ;====================================================================== ERROR ; ;Print Error message I $D(^XTMP(PXRMXTMP,"ERROR"))>0 D .W !!,"WARNING - REMINDER EVALUATION ERRORS; RESULTS MAY BE INCORRECT!" .N ERRNAME S ERRNAME="" .F S ERRNAME=$O(^XTMP(PXRMXTMP,"ERROR",ERRNAME)) Q:ERRNAME="" D ..W !,"Reminder: "_ERRNAME_" had a total of "_$G(^XTMP(PXRMXTMP,"ERROR",ERRNAME))_" evaluation errors." ; ;Print Could not be determine message I $D(^XTMP(PXRMXTMP,"CNBD"))>0 D .W !!,"WARNING - REMINDER STATUS COULD NOT BE DETERMINED; RESULTS MAY BE INCORRECT!" .N ERRNAME S ERRNAME="" .F S ERRNAME=$O(^XTMP(PXRMXTMP,"CNBD",ERRNAME)) Q:ERRNAME="" D ..W !,"Reminder: "_ERRNAME_" had a total of "_$G(^XTMP(PXRMXTMP,"CNBD",ERRNAME))_" CNBD errors." Q ;======================================================================= SPIN(SPINTEXT,SPINCNT) ;Move the spinner. N QUAD I SPINCNT=0 W !!,SPINTEXT," " S SPINCNT=SPINCNT+1 S QUAD=SPINCNT#8 I QUAD=1 W @IOBS,"|" I QUAD=3 W @IOBS,"/" I QUAD=5 W @IOBS,"-" I QUAD=7 W @IOBS,"\" Q