PXRMXD ; SLC/PJH - Reminder Due reports DRIVER ;06/20/2006 ;;2.0;CLINICAL REMINDERS;**4**;Feb 04, 2005;Build 21 ; START ; Arrays and strings N PXRMIOD,PXRMXST,PXRMOPT,PXRMQUE,PXRMXTMP,PXRMSEL N PXRMFAC,PXRMFACN,PXRMSCAT,PXRMSRT,PXRMTYP N REMINDER,PXRMINP,PXRMFCMB,PXRMLCMB,PXRMTCMB,PXRMTOT ; Addenda N PXRMOTM,PXRMPAT,PXRMPCM,PXRMPRV,PXRMTMP,PXRMRCAT,PXRMREM N PXRMCS,PXRMCSN,PXRMLOCN,PXRMLCHL,PXRMLCSC,PXRMCGRP,PXRMCGRN N PXRMLIS ; Counters N NCAT,NFAC,NLOC,NPAT,NPCM,NOTM,NPRV,NREM,NCS,NHL,NCGRP ; Flags and Dates N PXRMFD,PXRMSDT,PXRMBDT,PXRMEDT,PXRMREP,PXRMPRIM,PXRMFUT,PXRMDLOC N PXRMRT,PXRMSSN,PXRMTABC,PXRMTABS,PXRMTMP,TITLE,VALUE N DBDOWN,DBDUZ,DBERR,PXRMLIST,PXRMLIS1,Y N PLISTPUG N PXRMTPAT,PXRMDPAT ; S PXRMRT="PXRMX",PXRMTYP="X",PXRMFCMB="N",PXRMLCMB="N",PXRMTCMB="N" ; I '$D(PXRMUSER) N PXRMUSER S PXRMUSER=0 ; ;Guarantee the timestamp is unique. H 1 S PXRMXST=$$NOW^XLFDT S PXRMXTMP=PXRMRT_PXRMXST S ^XTMP(PXRMXTMP,0)=$$FMADD^XLFDT(DT,7)_U_DT_U_"PXRM Reminder Due Report" ; ;Check for existing report templates REP ; S PXRMINP=0 D:PXRMUSER ^PXRMXTB D:'PXRMUSER ^PXRMXT I $D(DTOUT)!$D(DUOUT) G EXIT ;Run report from template details I PXRMTMP'="" D G:$D(DUOUT)&'$D(DTOUT) REP Q .D START^PXRMXTA("JOB^PXRMXQUE") K DUOUT,DIRUT,DTOUT ; ;Select sample criteria SEL ; D SELECT^PXRMXSD(.PXRMSEL) I $D(DTOUT) G EXIT I $D(DUOUT) G:PXRMTMP="" EXIT G REP ; FAC ;Get the facility list. I "IRPO"'[PXRMSEL D G:$D(DTOUT) EXIT G:$D(DUOUT) SEL .D FACILITY^PXRMXSU(.PXRMFAC) Q:$D(DTOUT)!$D(DUOUT) ; ;Check if combined facility report is required COMB I "IRPO"'[PXRMSEL,NFAC>1 D G:$D(DTOUT) EXIT G:$D(DUOUT) FAC .D COMB^PXRMXSD(.PXRMFCMB,"Facilities","N") ; OPT ;Variable prompts ; ;Get Individual Patient list I PXRMSEL="I" K PXRMPAT D PAT^PXRMXSU(.PXRMPAT) ;Get Patient list #810.5 I PXRMSEL="R" K PXRMLIST D LIST^PXRMXSU(.PXRMLIST) ;Get OE/RRteam list I PXRMSEL="O" K PXRMOTM D OERR^PXRMXSU(.PXRMOTM) ;Get PCMM team I PXRMSEL="T" K PXRMPCM D PCMM^PXRMXSU(.PXRMPCM) ;Get provider list I PXRMSEL="P" K PXRMPRV D PROV^PXRMXSU(.PXRMPRV) ;Get the location list. I PXRMSEL="L" K PXRMCS,PXRMCSN,PXRMLOCN,PXRMLCHL,PXRMCGRP,PXRMCGRN D .D LOC^PXRMXSU("Determine encounter counts for","HS") I $D(DTOUT) G EXIT I $D(DUOUT) G:"IRPO"[PXRMSEL SEL G:NFAC>1 COMB G FAC ; ;Check if inpatient location report S PXRMINP=$$INP ; ; Primary Provider or All (PCMM Provider only) PRIME I PXRMSEL="P" D G:$D(DTOUT) EXIT G:$D(DUOUT) OPT .D PRIME^PXRMXSD(.PXRMPRIM) ; DR ; Get the date range. S PXRMFD="P" ; No prompt if individual patients selected ; Single dates only if PCMM teams/providers and OE/RR teams selected ; Choice of previous/future date range if location selected ; ; Prior encounters/future appointments (location only) PREV I PXRMSEL="L" D PREV^PXRMXSD(.PXRMFD) G:$D(DTOUT) EXIT G:$D(DUOUT) OPT ; Date range input (location only) I PXRMSEL="L" D G:$D(DTOUT) EXIT G:$D(DUOUT) PREV .I PXRMFD="P" D PDR^PXRMXDUT(.PXRMBDT,.PXRMEDT,"ENCOUNTER") .I PXRMFD="F" D FDR^PXRMXDUT(.PXRMBDT,.PXRMEDT,"APPOINTMENT") .I PXRMFD="A" D PDR^PXRMXDUT(.PXRMBDT,.PXRMEDT,"ADMISSION") .I PXRMFD="C" S PXRMBDT=DT,PXRMEDT=DT ; Due Effective Date DUE D SDR^PXRMXDUT(.PXRMSDT) G:$D(DTOUT) EXIT I $D(DUOUT) G:PXRMSEL="L" PREV G OPT ; SCAT ;Get the service categories. I PXRMSEL="L",PXRMFD="P" D .D SCAT^PXRMXSC .I $D(DTOUT)!$D(DUOUT) Q I $D(DTOUT) G EXIT I $D(DUOUT) G DUE ; TYP ;Determine type of report (detail/summary) S PXRMREP="S" D REP^PXRMXSD(.PXRMREP) I $D(DTOUT) G EXIT I $D(DUOUT) G SCAT ; ;Check if combined location report is required LCOMB S NLOC=0 I PXRMREP="D",PXRMSEL="L" D G:$D(DTOUT) EXIT G:$D(DUOUT) TYP .N DEFAULT,TEXT .D NLOC .I NLOC>1 D COMB^PXRMXSD(.PXRMLCMB,TEXT,DEFAULT) ; ;Check if combined OE/RR team report is required TCOMB I PXRMREP="D",PXRMSEL="O",$G(NOTM)>1 D G:$D(DTOUT) EXIT G:$D(DUOUT) TYP .N DEFAULT,TEXT .S DEFAULT="N",TEXT="OE/RR teams" .D COMB^PXRMXSD(.PXRMTCMB,TEXT,DEFAULT) ; FUT ;For detailed report give option to display future appointments S PXRMFUT="N" I PXRMREP="D",'PXRMINP D G:$D(DTOUT) EXIT I $D(DUOUT) G:(PXRMSEL="L")&(NLOC>1) LCOMB G:(PXRMSEL="O")&($G(NOTM)>1) TCOMB G TYP .D FUTURE^PXRMXSD(.PXRMFUT,"Display All Future Appointments: ",5) .I PXRMFUT="Y" D Q:$D(DTOUT)!$D(DUOUT) ..D FUTURE^PXRMXSD(.PXRMDLOC,"Display Appointment Location: ",15) ; SRT ;For detailed report give option to sort by appointment date S PXRMSRT="N" I PXRMREP="D",("RI"'[PXRMSEL) D G:$D(DTOUT) EXIT I $D(DUOUT) G:(PXRMSEL="L")&(PXRMINP)&(NLOC>1) LCOMB G:PXRMINP TYP G:(PXRMSEL="O")&($G(NOTM)>1) TCOMB G FUT .;Option to sort by Bed for inpatients .I PXRMSEL="L",PXRMINP D BED^PXRMXSD(.PXRMSRT) Q .;Otherwise option to sort by appt. date .D SRT^PXRMXSD(.PXRMSRT) ; ;Option to print full SSN SSN I PXRMREP="D" D G:$D(DTOUT) EXIT I $D(DUOUT) G:"IR"[PXRMSEL FUT G SRT .D SSN^PXRMXSD(.PXRMSSN) ; ;Option to print without totals, with totals or totals only TOT I PXRMREP="S" D G:$D(DTOUT) EXIT I $D(DUOUT) G TYP .;Default is normal report .S PXRMTOT="I" .;Ignore patient and patient list reports .I "RI"[PXRMSEL Q .;Only prompt if more than one location, team or provider is selected .I PXRMSEL="P",NPRV<2 Q .I "OT"[PXRMSEL,NOTM<2 Q .;Ignore reports for all locations .I PXRMSEL="L",PXRMLCMB="Y" Q .I PXRMSEL="L" N DEFAULT,TEXT D NLOC Q:NLOC<2 .;Prompt for options .N LIT1,LIT2,LIT3 .D LIT,TOTALS^PXRMXSD(.PXRMTOT,LIT1,LIT2,LIT3) ; ;Reminder Category/Individual Reminder Selection RCAT ; D RCAT^PXRMXSU(.PXRMRCAT,.PXRMREM) I $D(DTOUT) G EXIT I $D(DUOUT) G:PXRMREP="D" SSN G TOT ; ;Create combined reminder list D MERGE^PXRMXS1 ; SAV ;Option to create a new report template I PXRMTMP="" D ^PXRMXTU G:$D(DTOUT) EXIT I $D(DUOUT) G RCAT ; ;Option to print delimiter separated output TABS D G:$D(DTOUT) EXIT I $D(DUOUT) G SAV .D TABS^PXRMXSD(.PXRMTABS) ;Select chracter TCHAR I PXRMTABS="Y" D G:$D(DTOUT) EXIT G:$D(DUOUT) TABS .S PXRMTABC=$$DELIMSEL^PXRMXSD ; DPAT ;Ask whether to include deceased and test patients. S PXRMDPAT=$$ASKYN^PXRMEUT("N","Include deceased patients on the list") N PXRMIDOD I PXRMDPAT>0 S PXRMIDOD=1 Q:$D(DTOUT) G:$D(DUOUT) TABS TPAT ; S PXRMTPAT=$$ASKYN^PXRMEUT("N","Include test patients on the list") Q:$D(DTOUT) G:$D(DUOUT) DPAT PATLIST ; K PATCREAT N PATLST I PXRMSEL'="I"&(PXRMUSER'="Y") D . D ASK(.PATLST,"Save due patients to a patient list: ",3) . I $G(PATLST)="" Q . I $G(PATLST)="N" S PXRMLIS1="" Q . I $G(PATLST)="Y" D ..S PATCREAT="N" ..D ASK(.PATCREAT,"Secure list?: ",3) I $D(DTOUT)!($D(DUOUT)) Q ..K PLISTPUG ..S PLISTPUG="N" D ASK^PXRMXD(.PLISTPUG,"Purge Patient List after 5 years?: ",5) I $G(PATLST)="" G:$D(DTOUT) EXIT I $D(DUOUT) G TPAT G:$D(DTOUT) EXIT I $D(DUOUT) G PATLIST I $G(PATLST)="Y" S TEXT="Select PATIENT LIST name: " D PLIST^PXRMLCR(.PXRMLIS1,TEXT,"") Q:$D(DUOUT)!$D(DTOUT) ;Determine whether the report should be queued. JOB ; D JOB^PXRMXQUE Q ; ;Option PXRM REMINDERS DUE (USER) USER N PXRMUSER S PXRMUSER=+$G(DUZ) G START ; ; EXIT ;Clean things up. D EXIT^PXRMXGUT Q ; ;Check if inpatient report INP() ;Applies to location reports only I PXRMSEL'="L" Q 0 ;For all inpatient locations default is automatic I $P(PXRMLCSC,U)="HAI" Q 1 ;For selected locations check if all locations are wards I $P(PXRMLCSC,U)="HS" Q $$INP^PXRMXAP(PXRMLCSC,.PXRMLOCN) ;Otherwise Q 0 ; ;Prompt text LIT N LIT S LIT=$S(PXRMSEL="P":"Provider","OT"[PXRMSEL:"Team",1:"Location") I PXRMFCMB="N" D .S LIT1="Individual "_LIT_"s only" .S LIT2="Individual "_LIT_"s plus Totals by Facility" .S LIT3="Totals by Facility only" I PXRMFCMB="Y" D .S LIT1="Individual "_LIT_"s only" .S LIT2="Individual "_LIT_"s plus Overall Total" .S LIT3="Overall Total only" Q ; ;Check if multiple locations NLOC S DEFAULT="N",NLOC=1,TEXT="Locations" I $P(PXRMLCSC,U)["HA" S DEFAULT="Y",NLOC=999 I $P(PXRMLCSC,U)="CA" S DEFAULT="Y",NCS=999 I $E(PXRMLCSC)="C" S TEXT="Clinic Stops",NLOC=NCS I $E(PXRMLCSC)="G" S TEXT="Clinic Groups",NLOC=NCGRP I $P(PXRMLCSC,U)="HS" S NLOC=NHL S:$$INP TEXT="Inpatient Locations" ;Special coding if more than one facility and location I $P(PXRMLCSC,U)="HS",NFAC>1,NLOC>1 D .N FAC,HLOCIEN,HLNAME,IC,MULT .S IC=0 S:PXRMFCMB="Y" FAC="COMBINED" .;Build list of locations by facility .F S IC=$O(PXRMLCHL(IC)) Q:'IC D ..S HLOCIEN=$P(PXRMLCHL(IC),U,2),FAC=$$FACL^PXRMXAP(HLOCIEN) Q:'FAC ..S HLNAME=$P(PXRMLCHL(IC),U) Q:HLNAME="" ..S MULT(FAC,HLNAME)="" .S MULT=0,FAC=0 .;Count locations in each facility .F S FAC=$O(MULT(FAC)) Q:'FAC D Q:MULT ..S IC=0,HLNAME="" ..F S HLNAME=$O(MULT(FAC,HLNAME)) Q:HLNAME="" S IC=IC+1 ..I IC>1 S MULT=1 .;If only one location per facility suppress combined location option .I 'MULT S NLOC=1 Q ; ASK(YESNO,PROMPT,NUM) ; N X,Y,TEXT K DIROUT,DIRUT,DTOUT,DUOUT S DIR(0)="YA0" S DIR("A")=PROMPT S DIR("B")="N" S DIR("?")="Enter Y or N. For detailed help type ??" S DIR("??")=U_"D HELP^PXRMLCR("_NUM_")" W ! D ^DIR K DIR I $D(DIROUT) S DTOUT=1 I $D(DTOUT)!($D(DUOUT)) Q S YESNO=$E(Y(0)) Q ;