PXRMXHLP ; SLC/PJH - Reminder Reports Help Routine;12/30/2002 ;;2.0;CLINICAL REMINDERS;;Feb 04, 2005 ; HELP(CALL) ;General help text routine N HTEXT N DIWF,DIWL,DIWR,IC S DIWF="C70",DIWL=0,DIWR=70 ; I CALL=0 D .S HTEXT(1)="Individual Patient: Run a report against an individual patients." .S HTEXT(2)="Reminder Patient List: Run a report against a store patient list." .S HTEXT(3)="Location: Run a report for a single location or multiple locations." .S HTEXT(4)="OE/RR Team: Run a report against a OE/RR team" .S HTEXT(5)="PCMM Provider: Run a report for patient assigned to a PCMMprovider." .S HTEXT(6)="PCMM Team: Run a report against a PCMM Team." I CALL=1 D .S HTEXT(1)="Summary reports total the number of reminders applicable " .S HTEXT(2)="and due for the above patient samples." .S HTEXT(3)="Detailed reports list patients with reminders due in " .S HTEXT(4)="name order or by appointment date." I CALL=2 D .S HTEXT(1)="DETAILED reports list in alpha order patients in the" .S HTEXT(2)="selected patient sample with reminders due." .S HTEXT(3)="SUMMARY reports give totals of reminders due for the" .S HTEXT(4)="selected patient sample." I CALL=3 D .S HTEXT(1)="PREVIOUS will report on patients who visited the selected" .S HTEXT(2)="locations in the date range specified" .S HTEXT(3)="FUTURE will report on patients who have appointments at" .S HTEXT(4)="selected locations in the date range specified." I CALL=4 D .S HTEXT(1)="PRIMARY CARE ONLY excludes patients who are not assigned" .S HTEXT(2)="to the PCMM team as primary care. ALL displays all patients" .S HTEXT(3)="assigned to the provider in PCMM." I CALL=5 D .S HTEXT(1)="Selecting Y will display all future appointments for" .S HTEXT(2)="patients with reminders due. Selecting N will display" .S HTEXT(3)="for patients with due reminders only the next appointment" .I PXRMSEL="L" D ..S HTEXT(4)="AT THE SELECTED LOCATION" I CALL=6 D .S HTEXT(1)="Selecting Y will display patients with reminders in" .S HTEXT(2)="appointment date order. Selecting N will display patients" .S HTEXT(3)="with reminders in patient name order." I CALL=7 D .S HTEXT(1)="ADMISSIONS will report on inpatients admitted in the" .S HTEXT(2)="selected locations in the date range specified. " .S HTEXT(3)="CURRENT INPATIENTS will report on inpatients currently at" .S HTEXT(4)="selected locations." I CALL=8 D .S HTEXT(1)="Reports for ALL OUTPATIENT LOCATIONS, ALL INPATIENT LOCATIONS and ALL " .S HTEXT(2)="CLINIC STOPS produce a combined list of reminders due for" .S HTEXT(3)="for all locations in each facility selected." .S HTEXT(4)="" .S HTEXT(5)="Reports for SELECTED HOSPITAL LOCATIONS, SELECTED CLINIC STOPS and" .S HTEXT(6)="SELECTED CLINIC GROUPS list reminders due by location for " .S HTEXT(7)="each location selected." I CALL=9 D .I LIT="Facilities" D ..S HTEXT(1)="Selecting Y will display one report for all facilities combining" ..S HTEXT(2)="locations/teams with the same name. Selecting N will create a" ..S HTEXT(3)="separate report for each facility." .I LIT'="Facilities" D ..S HTEXT(1)="Selecting Y will display one report for all "_LIT_" selected." ..S HTEXT(2)="Selecting N will create a separate report for each "_LIT_"." I CALL=10 D .S HTEXT(1)="This option is only available if more than one location, team or provider is selected." .S HTEXT(2)="Selecting I prints only the individual reports. Selecting R prints" .S HTEXT(3)="the individual report plus overall totals for all locations, teams or providers." .S HTEXT(4)="Selecting T prints only the overall totals for all locations, teams or providers." I CALL=11 D .S HTEXT(1)="Selecting Y will display patients with reminders in ward/bed" .S HTEXT(2)="order. Selecting N will display patients with reminders in" .S HTEXT(3)="patient name order." I CALL=12 D .S HTEXT(1)="Selecting Y will display the full patient SSN. Selecting N" .S HTEXT(2)=" will display only the last 4 digits of the patient SSN." I CALL=13 D .S HTEXT(1)="Selecting Y will display the report as fields separated by" .S HTEXT(2)="a selected delimiter character. Headings are suppressed. This" .S HTEXT(3)="format of report is intended for import into PC spreadsheet (e.g. MS Excl)." .S HTEXT(4)="Selecting N will display the normal report with headings" I CALL=14 D .S HTEXT(1)="Select the character to be output as a delimiter in the report." I CALL=15 D .S HTEXT(1)="Selecting Y will display the clinic name for the appointment date/time" K ^UTILITY($J,"W") S IC="" F S IC=$O(HTEXT(IC)) Q:IC="" D . S X=HTEXT(IC) . D ^DIWP W ! S IC=0 F S IC=$O(^UTILITY($J,"W",0,IC)) Q:IC="" D . W !,^UTILITY($J,"W",0,IC,0) K ^UTILITY($J,"W") W ! Q